Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 40 [Western City Strange Things] Synthesize new labels and draw prizes

What happened to "Sword"? Do different types of copies have different mechanisms?

Gao Yi had guessed at the differences between different categories before.

The symbol of the "Holy Grail" is sensibility, emotion and soul.

When it is externalized, there is a copy of [Heart of Heart Mist].

Does the "sword" that represents struggle, ambition and power mean that players will be more inclined to fight each other?

It was naturally impossible for Gao Yi to question Gan Yejia in front of him, as that would destroy his profound character.

Gao Yi picked up the water glass beside him, thought quickly while drinking water, and then began to use his best persuasion skills:

"Don't you think that in this dungeon, surviving forty-eight hours through cooperation is more realistic and simpler than half of the people dying?"

Gan Yejia still had the same pretentious expression, but there was obviously more hesitation in his eyes.

Gao Yi is very good at settling accounts for himself, and he is equally good at helping others settle accounts. Sometimes speaking clearly can solve problems.

"Of course, I just want to chat with you. If you feel that now is not the time, you can leave at any time."

Gao Yi opened his arms to both sides and used body movements to give the other party a hint that he was "not a threat".

As he spoke, he walked towards the door and reopened the classroom door, leaving a slight gap so that the noise in the corridor could be transmitted into the room.

With his well-honed words and the combination of the labels "Lovelorn" and "Enthusiastic Citizen", Gao Yi finally gained some trust from the other party.

The girl named Gan Yejia was finally willing to sit down and tell his story.

The other party, like Gao Yi, started out lying on the bed, and her "host family", although a little overly enthusiastic, was generally very friendly.

A hearty breakfast was cooked for her and delivered to this Delhi high school.

It is worth mentioning that after Gao Yi made a circumstantial inquiry, it seemed that the other party had not encountered similar radios and strange broadcasts.

In the first class, the teacher introduced Gan Yejia to others as a transfer student.

After taking the boring history class in the first period, who would have thought that in the second period, I would meet Gao Yi who came to teach drama class.

"You should be more cheerful and communicate more with your classmates. These are sources of information and intelligence..."

Gao Yi hesitated slightly, but still persuaded the other party.

"I hate school."

Gan Yejia's reply was simple and direct.

There was nothing he could do about it. Gao Yi also shared with the other party what he had seen after entering the dungeon, but he concealed the weirdness of the radio.

Without more information, telling others this information will create unpredictable risks.

Later, when Gao Yi wanted to find out more detailed information about Gan Yejia's real identity, player level, and specific characteristics and equipment, he was still rejected.

The other party is not stupid, and it is impossible to talk to a stranger whom he met for the first time in the dungeon.

In the final analysis, the other party only agreed to share intelligence and cooperate to a limited extent on the premise of not attacking each other.

I'm not here for a blind date, so there's no need to tell me your family background.

After chatting for a while, the bell rang for the next class.

After finally saying "take care", Gao Yi sent the player he met by chance out of the classroom.

This drama class is an elective class. The students adopt a teaching method similar to "walking class" and they have all left at this moment.

Gao Yi was left alone in the empty classroom and took a brief look inside the room.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he left the classroom.


Gao Yi, who returned to the office and sat down, breathed a sigh of relief again. Generally speaking, the exchange was a near miss.

The other party was not the wanted criminal Zhang Tu, nor was he some dangerous bounty hunter.

Although it is unclear whether the other party's ticket to enter this dungeon also came from the arrogant Zhao Qian.

But at least now, I can confirm that there are ordinary people like me among other players.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yi focused his thoughts and opened the tag system.

The previous rewards have not been used up yet, so you can take advantage of this free time.

The first is a rare item draw.

Although Gao Yi is very self-aware of his luck, it would be false to say that he has no expectations at all.

After all, so many lottery draws before had only ordinary items, but now a rare item appeared.

No matter what, it won't be as useless as the trash before, right?

Well, [inflatable hammer] and [super anti-wolf spray] still have merit.

It's a pity that these two capable men have exhausted their durability at this moment and are far away from Gao Yi.

"I don't have high requirements, as long as it can be used, preferably weapons, followed by armor..."

Gao Yi lowered his head and recited silently, turning the wheel.

Of course, Lady Luck probably smiled even more happily when she heard this prayer.

[Item: Detoxification Water Cup]

[Quality: Rare]

[Type: props]

[Special effect: The liquid poured into this glass will lose all toxicity and turn into a delicious drink]

[Note: Liquids with different toxicities will be converted into drinks with different flavors. My favorite is cyanide, which tastes like an energy drink]

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yi shook his head slightly, pretending that he didn't see the prop.

Quickly switch thoughts and start thinking about the next question.

Which tag should I combine with the [Terrorist Attack] feature I acquired previously?

Since it is a common feature, according to previous experience, it is better to combine it with a common label.

Then the options are only [Internet Surfer] and [Lovelor].

Needless to say, which of these two looks more suitable for [Terrorist Attack].

[Internet Surfer (common)] + [Terrorist Attack (common)] = [Internet Thug (rare)]

[Internet Thug lv1 (rare)]

[Experience value: 0/1000]

[Label ability: ① Social network: On public social platforms, your speech will receive more attention]

"Hiss... OK, but I can't use it now."

Gao Yi frowned. This new label is still useful in the real world. After all, he is a reporter.

But in the current copy, with the technological level of the 1980s and 1990s, Zuckerberg may not have been born yet, let alone various "public social platforms".

Gao Yi now has a total of seven labels, the most commonly used ones are [Enthusiastic Citizen] and [Investigator]

The rest, [Deadbeat] when deceiving people, [Actor] when acting, [Lovelor] when communicating with collapsed people, [Friend of Elderly Women] when talking to elderly women

Most of them are used for conversation and exploration.

Maybe I should try to synthesize in the direction of improving combat effectiveness later?

Thinking about it, Gao Yi yawned, and a wave of sleepiness came over him again.

Or, should I take a nap first?

Gao Yi looked at the sofa in the office for rest.

What he didn't know was that during the time he was sleeping, "disaster" had already appeared in this West City.


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