Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 39 [Western City Strange Things] Encounter

There are other players in the classroom!

This thought exploded in Gao Yi's mind instantly, and even the action of opening the door stiffened.

The students in the classroom obviously noticed the teacher's entry, but most of them didn't say anything and were still chatting in small groups.

After all, the school bell hasn't rung yet, and even if it starts, Gao Yi, a young-looking substitute teacher, has little prestige.

What they didn't know was that the substitute teacher was in a huge dilemma.

Due to concerns about the side effects of long-term wearing, Gao Yi didn't wear the [Stunt Belt] and [Reckless Arm Guards], two props that enhance combat effectiveness.

The bigger problem is that the trump card is missing. The active effect of [Easy Chair Detective] is still cooling down, and it will not be used again for at least ten hours.

The current high-level combat effectiveness is extremely low, and fighting players head-on will definitely lead to self-destruction.

At this moment, the class bell rang, announcing the start of the drama class.

No, what is needed most now is calmness. Once timidity is revealed, failure will follow.

Gao Yi deliberately stood at the door for more than ten seconds, scanning all the students in the classroom while the bell rang, waiting for them to quiet down.

Speaking of which, I learned this trick from my teacher when I was in school.

From now on, it seems to be quite useful.

After the bell ended and the students all sat down safely, Gao Yicai coughed twice and closed the classroom door behind him.

Under the gaze of more than twenty people, he slowly walked up to the podium and wrote his last name on the blackboard: "Gao".

When he turned around, a bright smile appeared on his face:

"Hello everyone, I am the substitute teacher of your drama class. You can call me Teacher Gao."

This world is the same as [Mysterious Heart]. Although everyone is speaking Chinese, this is obviously not the language they originally used.

This, even if we don’t talk about the large number of white people, black people and American-style buildings around us, we can see this just from the speaking habits of the people around us.

Mrs. Smith kept shouting "different", while most of her colleagues shouted "gao".

This separation of family name and first name is obviously an English habit.

There is even one who calls himself "exceptionally tall", which is even more obvious.

Gao Yi speculates that the "game" will automatically translate the language and text in the copy into what the players use.

For this reason, he commonly used the word "gao" as a title that students could use.

And it can be seen from the not uniform response in the classroom that Gao Yi's guess is completely correct.

On the other hand, what kind of existence is this copy world, and how is this "real-time" translation achieved?

Then there are even more problems.

Of course, another reason why Gao Yi can relax now is that he finally identified another player in the classroom.

The female player sitting by the corner window looked to be about twenty years old. She was wearing a rather casual gray woolen coat and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face.

The Asian face was already somewhat conspicuous among the other students, not to mention the fact that he lowered his head and pretended to be serious at the moment.

It was obvious that she wanted to appear threatening, but the shock and concern under the disguise could not be hidden.

After confirming that the other party was also in a panic, Gao Yi breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down.

As long as the other party doesn't have the guts and ideas to take action, everything is fine.

In such a strange dungeon, no one would want to stand out.

Now that I am a teacher, I have the initiative.

Gao Yi was thinking about words again and glanced at the classroom:

"You should already know about Teacher Rody's situation. If nothing unexpected happens, we will all get along together in the next semester..."

The students' response was mediocre. Although they were still listening, their interest was obviously waning.

"Okay, is there any classmate who can tell me what Teacher Rody said in the last class?"

Gao Yi looked around, and as expected, no one showed interest in answering.

"Then let me order someone...that classmate in the corner of the classroom, what's your name?"

I have to say that the speaking skills I learned as a student are still useful.

The female player sitting at the back obviously didn't have this skill. Her expression was distorted for a moment, and she still sat in her seat after struggling for a long time. She lowered her head and didn't speak for a long time.

Fortunately, at this moment, her deskmate, a thin boy, helped her out:

"Teacher Gao, her name is Ye Jiagan, she is the transfer student here today!"

Gan Yejia... Gao Yi remembered the name in his mind and smiled again:

"That's right. I'm sorry, Mr.'s okay, let me take care of it."

After completing the probing work, Gao Di just let it go without any further entanglement.

It seems that the other party, like himself, obtained an "identity" and entered this copy city.

It's just that I am the teacher and the other person is the student.

When you come to this world full of weirdness and anomalies, you naturally cannot act as recklessly as you would in a stand-alone game.

Not to mention whether you will be affected by the so-called "disaster" in the dungeon, being too ostentatious will be discovered by other players and become a living target.

The correct choice is definitely to act according to your own identity first.

Because of this, Gao Yi had not yet thought about how to teach this class well.

"Everyone, let me guess, you don't really like Teacher Rody's class either, right?"

Gao Yi caught the attention of most students in the classroom with just one sentence. When all eyes came to him, he slowly continued:

"I actually think his classes are messy and his lesson plans are incomprehensible."

As Gao Yi spoke, he opened the lesson plan in his hand, took out a few pieces of paper, and waved them in his hand a few times.

After all, if he were to teach a bunch of good students, he would definitely be blind.

But if Gao Yi becomes the "King of Children" and convinces a lot of bad students, then he is very good at it.

"By the way, you also have copied drama scripts, right? Take them all out, and then... tear them up and throw them out like me!"

Gao Yi said, slowly tearing the lesson plan in his hand into pieces and scattering them into the classroom, causing a burst of cheers.

That teacher, Mr. Rody, taught history and drama as an elective course. His classroom style was rigid and boring. Most of the time, he talked alone and then asked the students to copy large sections.

Scolding your boss or teachers is always the most effective ice-breaking topic. Everyone has their own grievances.

Under Gao Yi's command, the students in the classroom were all excited, tearing up the paper with laughter and throwing it into the sky.

Of course, except for the female player named Gan Yejia.

"The content of the first class today is to imitate our former drama teacher. Does anyone want to be the first to come up and try it?"

Amid bursts of laughter, the students signed up enthusiastically.

After a while, the classroom at the end of the corridor became the noisiest place in the entire school...

It is worth mentioning that when Gao Yi shared some acting experience, the experience value of the [Actor] tag also increased slightly.

Of course, happy time always flies by.

The fifty-minute class passed by in a flash, and when the bell rang, the students were actually sighing in a rare way.

"It's okay everyone, there is no homework, and we have the same class tomorrow... By the way, Student Gan, can you stay for a while?"

Gao Yi smiled and said goodbye to the students who packed their schoolbags and left, and called out to the female player.

When the students left the classroom and only two people were left, Gao Yi slowly walked to the classroom door and closed the door tightly.

Then he turned around and looked at the player again.

The girl named Gan Yejia had a solemn face. She had stood up and leaned against the window, as if she was ready to escape through the window at any time.

And her right hand is hidden behind her back. I guess there should be her weapon, a dagger or something like that, at her waist?

She was obviously extremely nervous, but she spat out every word fiercely through her teeth, trying her best to make her voice scary:

"I'm warning you, all the game coins and potions I have are left outside the dungeon, and I don't have anything good on me. If you dare to do something, the entire dungeon will know that you are..."

"Eh..." Gao Yi waved his hand, interrupting the opponent's rapid-fire speech, and sat back on the podium, saying in a leisurely tone:

"Why can't I just come here to make friends and seek cooperation?"

As if he heard something incredible, the other party frowned and said:

"You want to tell me that you came to this copy of 'Sword' to seek cooperation and leave peacefully?"


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