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Chapter 38 [Western City Strange Things] Class

After greeting the sixth teacher who passed by after being introduced by his colleague, Gao Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief and could enjoy a brief moment of peace.

He was now sitting in the teacher's office of "Delhi High School".

Those corners that were convenient for slacking off had long been occupied by the old teachers, leaving Gao Yi, the newcomer, with only the desk near the door.

Therefore, every time a teacher came in, he had to greet them with a smile, which made him restless for a long time.

Delhi High School was the only high school in Xicheng. It was not very large. According to colleagues, it covered an area of ​​20 to 30 acres and had more than 1,000 students in total.

When the math teacher heard Gao Yi ask this, he waved his hand and began to say disdainfully:

"Oh, I heard that the land of the school used to be a mine. It was abandoned because many people died in a big mine accident. It's very gloomy. Don't stay for a long time at night..."

Of course, the problem of Delhi High School is far more than just "gloomy".

Just like the North American colleges and universities that appear in most film and television works, its school spirit and academic discipline can be called a nightmare.

School bullying, forming gangs, skipping classes, insulting teachers...

Add to that the bloody love story between the captain of the football team and the cheerleader school beauty, and the bald principal who receives various complaints and receives investigations from all parties every day.

With this as the basis, and supplemented with conservative religious traditions and the serious shortage of police force in West City as seasoning, Delhi High School has achieved a truly high birth rate and death rate.

Working in such a school, it is no wonder that my predecessor suddenly suffered a cerebral congestion and could not insist on attending classes.

It is worth mentioning that the dean who received me - a position like this, I don’t know what they call it.

When she saw Gao Yi, she opened her mouth and said, "You must be the new teacher Gao."

It seems that my name and appearance are not secrets in this copy.

This also strengthened Gao Yi's determination to make a few more vests for himself.

Today seems to be the first day of school after the end of spring break, and the students' faces are all unwilling and irritable.

No one likes to take a holiday, but then again, this "spring break" is also a strange thing for Gao Yi.

However, considering that he had given himself a holiday from time to time when he was in school, he didn't need this week...

My thoughts drifted back to the past and then slowly pulled to the present.

Ten minutes ago, the bell for class rang, and the corridor finally became quiet, and most of the teachers in the office had left.

Gao Yi finally had time to sort out his own situation and the copy.

First of all, the body. After the pain-relieving effect of [E-level physical treatment agent] dissipated, Gao Yi gradually felt physical discomfort.

The drowsiness in his brain has not been eliminated. Half of it is the sequelae of [Armchair Detective], and half of it is the serious lack of sleep in the past two days.

This [West City Strange Stories] copy made Gao Yi wake up in bed at the beginning, but it didn't really give him time to sleep.

Now, in the past forty hours, he only slept for more than two hours before the transaction.

No matter how good he is at staying up late, he is inevitably a little sleepy.

But then again, it is probably the "evolution" effect of Gao Yi after becoming a player. Although the lack of sleep in this aspect exists, it is not so serious.

Thinking about it, he drank another bottle of [E-level Evolution Potion]

And his evolution rate also changed from "18%" to "22%".

It is worth mentioning that when Gao Yi just finished drinking the first bottle of [E-level Evolution Potion], his evolution rate was only "15%".

It seems that the battle in the mall has also increased his evolution rate. The potion is not the only way to improve it.

Let's talk about the physical injuries.

The knee is still a little stiff. It seems that the sequelae of the [Stunt Belt] have not completely disappeared. Although it does not affect the action too much, it is definitely impossible to run at high speed in a short time.

And several bloodstains on the body are now scabbed and recovered quickly with the help of the potion, leaving only a faint pink mark.

Gao Yi can't tell whether these wounds were caused by sharp knives, arrows or glass fragments. Anyway, it's almost healed now, and he doesn't bother about it anymore.

The damage to the clothes is also inevitable. After changing back to his original body, the damage to the clothes is still there, corresponding to the same position.

It seems that the effect of this mask is indeed "disguise" rather than "transformation".

However, Mrs. Smith lent Gao Yi a formal suit, so there is no need to worry about this now.

"If I understand correctly, there are nine players in this dungeon besides me, and the wanted criminal Zhang Tu should be among them..."

Gao Yi supported his chin, whispered to himself, and analyzed the current situation.

As a multiplayer dungeon of Sword 7, the most dangerous thing about this [Western City Strange Things] is indeed "people".

Not to mention Zhang Tu, who has committed murders and arson and has a bounty of one million.

Since Zhao Qian gave the ticket to himself, he probably gave it to many other people.

It is hard to say whether there are people among them who want to rob the bounty.

Regardless of their status, if they have the confidence to fight against the vicious murderer, their combat effectiveness will definitely not be low.

Thinking of this, Gao Yi has basically given up the idea of ​​competing for the bounty.

He is just a novice player who has just started E-level. If it is so difficult to fight a few robbers from the middle E-level to the early D-level.

Zhang Tu, whose bounty is 1,000 game coins, is definitely an opponent that Gao Yi cannot handle.

Looking at the task list, the countdown is still ticking slowly.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for 48 hours (45:56:42) or the number of remaining players in the dungeon is less than or equal to five (10/5)]

Not only can you wait for the two-day period to end, you can also expect half of the players in the dungeon to die.

However, after more than two hours since I entered this dungeon, I haven't seen a single player.

Considering the area of ​​West City as a small city, maybe I won't see many players in the end.

"The best case scenario is to wait for other players to fight and explore information, and then I will find a safe place to hang out for two days to finish the script and go home to sleep..."

Gao Yi rubbed his face again and made up his mind to put his own safety first.

[Return Ticket] should put himself in a safe place, so he can avoid the pursuit of those "Investigation Bureaus".

Then, he will return to his dear little house and have a good sleep...

Gao Yi's thoughts diverged quickly, and he was already thinking about what to eat for breakfast the day after tomorrow.


The intense get out of class bell rang at an inopportune time. The bells of this era are literally "bells", with metal discs being automatically struck by hammers to make sounds.

As the corridor was once again filled with the annoying noises of various teenagers, Gao Yi realized that his class time was almost up.

Yes, as a substitute teacher for the elective course "Drama", he really needed to go to class and teach.

Fortunately, he taught drama, a subject that did not require much professional knowledge - at least teaching these high school students did not require any professional knowledge.

If you asked Gao Yi to teach mathematics and physics now, it would really kill him.

In order to ensure that there would be no problems in his class, Gao Yi just carefully read the lesson plan left by his previous teacher and read two Shakespeare pieces.

Although the professional level is not high, it should be no problem to deal with high school students... after all, it is an elective course.

Gao Yi thought so, picked up the lesson plan file, walked through the students who were practicing shooting in the corridor, dancing in groups, and holding boxing matches next to the cabinet, and walked to the classroom.

Gao Yi's campus life is a bit far away from him. He chose to work early because he hated this atmosphere and eventually became a reporter.

Of course, it would be a lie to say that he didn't miss campus later. We can only say that everyone has their own pain.

After thinking about it, Gao Yi changed the label of [Actor].

With the special effects of [The King of Comedy: Your Performance Will Be More Convincing], there should be no pressure to take a class.

Not to mention that he has been an actor for a while, so he still has experience.

With some drums in his heart, Gao Yi reorganized his mentality, took a deep breath, and pushed open the door of the classroom in front of him.

But at this moment, his heart beat rapidly, and the passive effect of [Armchair Detective] made him scan the entire space instantly.

And what Gao Yi first observed was not the twenty or so sights in the classroom, the unwiped blackboard or the scattered, strangely placed tables and chairs.

But a stronger throbbing.

In this classroom, there is another "player" sitting!


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