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Chapter 37 [Western City Strange Things] Breakfast and Conversation

The mechanical alarm clock on the desk in the bedroom had long stopped working, but the view outside the window undoubtedly indicated that this was a sunny morning after the rain.

This was also the reason why Gao Yi was not too worried, after all, the external environment looked pretty good.

At least it was much better than the previous [Heart-strange Fog].

The combination of white fog, hidden monsters, and a rural supermarket with chaotic merchandise display, the final scene presented was indeed not very attractive.

Hearing the knocks and shouts, Gao Yi began to think quickly, considering the appropriate response.

[Young man, breakfast is ready, do you want to eat something first? ]

The address to me was "young man", which sounded quite friendly, and was an invitation and questioning tone.

The caller was an elderly lady, and judging from her voice and footsteps, she was around 60 or 70 years old.

With a rough idea in mind, Gao Yi took a deep breath and responded in a cheerful tone as much as possible:

"Okay, I'll get dressed and go down right away."


Ten minutes later, Gao Yi was already sitting at the dining table, dipping toast in jam while chatting with Mrs. Smith.

Relying on the bonus of [Friends of Elderly Women] and his own strong communication skills, he quickly obtained the basic information of the copy from the lady.

Gao Yi's identity is a substitute teacher who has just arrived in the local high school in "West City" and teaches drama.

Because the previous teacher suddenly fell ill, Gao Yi, as the successor, came in a hurry, so he stayed at Mrs. Smith's house.

The three-story detached house is indeed luxurious, but the story of this family is full of tragedy.

Mrs. Smith's husband died early, and she has been raising children alone.

But fortunately, her son is very hardworking and filial, has a successful career, successfully married and had children, and brought his mother to this "West City" to let her enjoy her old age.

The two grandsons are also well-behaved, sensible, optimistic and cheerful.

All this made their family the object of envy.


Yes, just like every story, "but" happened.

Mrs. Smith's eldest grandson, the older brother of the two boys, suddenly disappeared.

The last witness said that he saw his back beside the river that runs through the west city. The boy ignored the call and walked away along the stream under the night...

Then, he completely disappeared in this small town.

In this era when surveillance did not appear and criminal investigation technology was extremely underdeveloped, this disappearance almost meant a farewell.

Of course, the child's parents could not give up easily.

They posted missing person notices, hired search and rescue personnel, and offered a large reward for clues...

But the endless search brought more collapse and quarrels.

Mrs. Smith did not continue to tell the story, but judging from the fact that her son and daughter-in-law disappeared, the ending of the story was not good.

However, this also explained some questions. The room where Gao Yi was originally located was the brother's former bedroom.

And the other boy at the table, who was silent and cutting fried eggs and bacon with a knife and fork, should be the younger brother in the story.

Since Gao Yi sat at the table, he never raised his head again.

However, considering everything he has experienced, we can't ask him to be too "sunny and cheerful".

It doesn't matter, time will dilute everything, and one day he will realize that silence and sadness can't change anything.

This is Gao Yi's experience.

After taking another sip of warm milk, Gao Yi led the topic and began to ask more details in the copy:

"Mrs. Smith, do you know what "disaster" is?"

"'Disaster'?" The old woman in her early seventies frowned slightly and tilted her head to think for a moment:

"I haven't heard of it, what is it?"

"Nothing, it's something I might talk about in class later..." Gao Yi laughed.

It's not a well-known event or thing in the city... At least it excludes the possibility of participating in the human elimination plan.

The main task II says [Solve this "disaster\

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