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Chapter 36 [Western City Mystery] Begins

It hurts, it hurts so much.

The first thing Gao Yi felt was the stinging pain in his brain.

The aftereffects of using [Armchair Detective] were really unbearable. Even after the previous test, he couldn't help but hold his head and moan.

This kind of pain was completely beyond the limit of human endurance, and it was impossible to rely on "willpower" to resist it.

And thinking carefully, the aftereffects this time were obviously far beyond the previous test.

It seems that the consumption during the use of [Armchair Detective] was actually an overdraft of mental power.

When the duration was over, it naturally turned into pain beyond the limit.

In the fight just now, Gao Yi drastically shifted the scene, calculated and planned, and deduced the action.

In the end, the pain was unbearable this time.

In a short period of time, Gao Yi experienced a literal torture.

It was like the brain was thrown into a boiling oil pan, fried to golden brown on both sides, and then forced back from the back of the head.

Struggling to reach out to the [backpack], Gao Yi took out another tube of [E-level physical healing agent] and poured it into his mouth.

As the liquid passed through the throat, the pain was relieved.

Although mental pain does not belong to the physical realm, the pain-relieving effect of [E-level physical healing agent] still worked.

After a short period of endurance, Gao Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief and could lie down and calm his breathing.

The battle just now was still vivid, and the blades and arrows seemed to be passing by.

Gao Yi had fought with others before, but this was the first time he had fought such a fierce and life-threatening battle.

Fortunately, he won in the end.

The question now is, where is he?

The last memory was that he accepted the equipment of the fat robber, and the outside was full of fully armed "Investigation Bureau" members.

How did he escape in the end?

Ticket, yes, now he should have entered the script through that ticket!

Reaching into his trouser pocket, Gao Yi took out the familiar ticket.

[West Side Strange Things (Sword 7)]

[Mode: Multiplayer]

Rubbing his still swollen head, Gao Yi slowly sat up.

The first thing to recover was the sense of touch.

The palm of his hand felt the soft tickling of fur, warm and comfortable.

Looking down, Gao Yi was sitting on a brown blanket, with a small single bed below.

"Everything before was just a dream. I was just an ordinary student who just got up to go to school. All the superpowers and battles were just fantasies..."

Gao Yi played his boring sense of humor to the air, and stood up to observe the surroundings.

Different from the embarrassing state at the beginning of [Heart Strange Fog], the place where [West Side Strange Things] started this time can be described as "warm".

In short, Gao Yi was in a classic bedroom that often appeared in various American youth movies in the 1980s and 1990s.

Expensive walkmans and old-fashioned radios that need to unplug antennas, movie posters and sports stars covering the walls, and beautiful street views outside the bright windows that belong only to single-family houses.

All of this is telling Gao Yi that the family's wealth has reached the level of the middle class and that the owner of the bedroom is a young man in his teens.

"After all this time, I have to be someone else's son. It's really a long-lost experience..."

After sorting out the current situation, Gao Yi began to tell hellish jokes about his orphan status.

This is also his way of relieving stress, but it is not accepted by people around him.

Of course, putting aside these superficial room layouts, Gao Yi stood up and looked around, and still found some hidden details.

The floor, desk, bay window and other places are obviously taken care of daily, but there are no signs of use.

The desktop is clean and new, but it was a long time ago that someone last wrote or read on it.

This can be seen from the dust on the top of the books on the shelf and all the pens that can no longer produce ink.

The knob of the radio is rusty and cannot be turned.

The walkman was just placed there, and the dust on the inside of the earphones was obviously the result of at least one or two years of use.

"In other words, I was lying in a bedroom that had not been occupied for at least one or two years, but was cleaned every once in a while..."

Gao Yi stroked his chin and slowly concluded.

When he touched the fine stubble on his chin, he suddenly realized that he had restored his original body.

It seems that [Mist Mask] also has some negative effects. This kind of personality confusion may become more serious as it is used more.

It still needs to be used in moderation in the future.

With determination, Gao Yi raised his left wrist and summoned the light curtain.

[Player: Gao Yi]

[Instance name: West City Strange Things]

[Game type: Sword 7 (multiplayer)]

[Main quest has been triggered]

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for forty-eight hours (47:54:32) or the number of remaining players in the instance is less than or equal to five (10/5)]

[Ⅱ: Solve this "disaster\

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