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Chapter 35 Calculation, Mirror Maze and New Script (1/2)

As the whistling train went away in the boy's arms, the two robbers seemed to have recovered.

The fat man stood up with a speed that was inconsistent with his body size, and looked at Gao Yi with anger on his face:

"You are the one who beat my brother?!"

What nonsense, otherwise he could have fallen like this.

Gao Yi did not respond to the stupid question, but quickly observed the two of them.

Based on the combat power of the two robbers before, their player levels are about between E and D.

Stronger than himself, but limited.

In terms of equipment, each of them holds one or two main items, but more trump cards should be gone.

The combat power is indeed not too strong, otherwise there would be no need to do such a thing of bullying the weak with the majority and robbing on the road.

But when he is in a bad state, he still needs more wisdom and thinking to fight two people alone.

The fat man's equipment... the metal arm guard on his right arm, it looks very intimidating, I don't know how to use it.

The dwarf took out a wooden crossbow from somewhere and was installing arrows at this moment.

Long-range? That's difficult.

Even if the arrowheads were not poisoned, the arrows hitting the flesh would be enough to make him lose his resistance.

If they cooperated closely and had one mind, Gao Yi would hardly be able to complete a head-on confrontation.

But... in fact, they did not have such a will.

The fat man's eyes were full of anger, as if he was angry for the "boss" who fell to the ground.

But this dwarf was obviously hesitating.

Hesitation means that there are doubts in the heart, and doubts mean that he is thinking and weighing.

Those who think have the opportunity to incite and guide.

"Hey, why don't you leave here? Don't you see that the people from the Investigation Bureau are here?"

Gao Yi pretended to be relaxed and slowly paced, moving closer to the side close to the wall to reduce the possibility of being attacked from a distance.

The fat man seemed to have just realized this and raised his head to look at the entrance.

Obviously, the crowd's departure and the appearance of the man in the black suit showed that Gao Yi was right.

The thin man had obviously expected this, and just stared at Gao Yi with a gloomy face and said in a serious tone:

"Don't talk nonsense, leave your glasses and belt, and I'll let you live!"

A good sign, this is a symbol of entering the negotiation phase.

Arguing and arguing in the battle are meaningless, and the only problem in the negotiation phase is how much chips are there.

This dwarf wants these [Enemy Detection Glasses] and [Special Belt], and it has to be said that he is very greedy.

If it is just [Enemy Detection Glasses], it can be exchanged for safe departure and completion of [Special Mission], which is not a price that Gao Yi cannot accept.

After all, it was originally snatched from the red-haired woman, so it is not a pity to throw it away.

But the [Special Belt] was bought with 300 game coins, a total of 300,000 cash, and Gao Yi could not throw it away.

It is worth noting that this dwarf did not ask his female accomplice at all about how he was doing and where he was now.

It seems that the relationship between them is far less intimate than he imagined.

As expected, the fat man turned around abruptly when he heard this, and the fat on his face trembled. He yelled at the dwarf:

"What do you mean? Big brother is lying here now, do you want to run?!"

Unlike the dwarf, this fat man seemed to have some feelings for his "big brother". Hearing that his accomplice had the intention to retreat, he immediately became anxious.

"He is a shitty boss. I only teamed up with you because of the order from above. I have completed the task after getting the belt. Who cares about you!"

The thin man didn't indulge the other party and started to spray him.

The order from above? Want this belt?

This seems to explain why they didn't rob money, but had to chase him.

So, they are not ordinary robbers. Is there a bigger force behind them?

But before Gao Yi's thoughts were scattered, the fat man yelled on the spot, lowered his head, and raised his right hand with an arm guard to protect his head.

In his roar, he obviously activated some equipment special effects, accelerated suddenly, and crashed into... Gao Yi.

Well, this fat man is not as stupid as he thought.

Although there was a quarrel, the dwarf was still his teammate after all.

The root of all conflicts, in the final analysis, was Gao Yi himself.

No matter what the situation was, as long as this "prey" was defeated, everything would be solved.

The fat man's thinking was simple and simple, but correct.

Although this sudden attack was not completely unexpected, it still made Gao Yi dodge to some extent.

The duration of the active effect of [Special Belt] was completely over, and the leg pain and fatigue caused by the sequelae gradually increased.

Although there was a combat power bonus provided by the [Enthusiastic Citizen] label, the action was still a bit reluctant.

What's more, "combat power" is a very abstract concept.

In reality, it is impossible to take out a detector to measure the combat power value of each person.

Not to mention that it is affected by many additional factors.

In the case of bare hands, a world boxing champion is naturally more powerful than an ordinary soldier.

But if you give the soldiers an automatic rifle, the situation may be reversed.

In any case, this enhancement of "combat power" is reflected in Gao Yi, at least the improvement of physical fitness is real.

Although the impact speed of the fat man is not as fast as the thin man's roller skates before, it is still very fast.

Gao Yi suddenly dodged the first impact by leaping to the side.

What was terrifying was that the fat man's impact did not stop, and he slammed into a pillar behind him, breaking the concrete support pillar with a radius of more than one meter.

Can this impact smash the building? Can he use it again in a short time?

Gao Yi kept thinking, and the dwarf on the left was already raising his crossbow and aiming, ready to fire.

The time was almost up, and he had to use it.

Gao Yi closed his eyes slightly, gathered his thoughts, and used this last trump card.

The active effect of [Armchair Detective] was activated.

When he opened his eyes again, Gao Yi only felt that everything in front of him had become so slow.

The dwarf in front of him pulled the trigger and let the arrow shoot.

The fat man behind him turned around fiercely and recovered his movements, obviously going to charge again.

At the entrance in the distance, a group of uniformed and armed troops were gathering, and it seemed that they were going to intervene in the battle.

On the other hand, his thoughts had never moved so fast.

All he saw was the trajectory of the arrow pointing to where it hit; the stones that fell from the supporting column were all circled to mark the landing points; even the path of the fat man's impact was clear.

It was like a game screen with a script, or a detective reasoning link that only exists in film and television works.

Not only that, Gao Yi could even see the results of his actions "deduce" in a very short time, weighing the pros and cons of different options.

Rush towards the dwarf, or attack the fat man.

Use fists, or hit with steel bars.

Various possibilities are listed in front of him, dazzling.

But for Gao Yi now, he completed all the deductions in less than half a second.

He raised the steel bar in his hand, turned his body slightly, and then threw it at the dwarf.

The carefully calculated trajectory deflected the crossbow arrow in mid-air, and this slight deviation made the steel bar return to the correct position and accurately hit the dwarf's right wrist.

Screaming mixed with cursing, Gao Yi did not pay any attention to the dwarf who temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

He turned half-way again, rushed out, and rushed into a blue curtain on the side.

The fat man was completely anxious, and he sprinted again, breaking through the wall on the side, chasing Gao Yi into it.

He didn't pay any attention to the name of the area written above it.

[Mirror Maze]

After entering, the fat man felt regretful.

This maze composed of a large number of mirrors completely wiped out the robber's sense of space. He turned in circles and roared in vain, but couldn't find the enemy's position.

Suddenly, Gao Yi's figure appeared beside him. He raised his arm guard and smashed it with all his strength, but only broke another mirror.

Panic and impatience filled his heart, and some unreasonable thoughts appeared in his mind.

"Now, I am the prey."

The fat man roared in the mirror maze, chasing Gao Yi's phantom in a panic, but only broke mirrors.

The exposed skin all over his body was cut, and the pain was suppressed by the burst of adrenaline, but the blood left behind accumulated the fear and collapse in his heart.

He couldn't understand where the other party had gone, and couldn't understand why he couldn't sense the other party's existence as a "player".

Until a piece of broken glass pierced his right shoulder and made him fall into a large piece of broken glass, the fat man's psychological defense line had completely collapsed.

"Brother, brother, I was wrong, please spare my life, I was also forced..."

The fat man was crying bitterly at this moment, falling in the angle formed by two pieces of glass, wailing and trying to retreat.

It can be seen that he was really scared after losing the ability to attack with his right arm.

The title of "big brother" was directly given to Gao Yi.

It is not difficult to understand that these so-called "robbers" are actually doing the business of bullying the minority with their numbers.

Those weapons are only used to scare people, and in fact they have not used them in actual combat many times.

If you are really confident, why don't you show off your skills in the dungeon?

Now that I think about it, the woman and the thin man who were captured by Gao Yi first are the ones who are really in charge and powerful among the four.

The remaining two actually have no brains or abilities, and they are the least courageous.

But then again, was I forced into this state by these third-rate robbers...

But the problem now is no longer with these robbers.

Gao Yi listened attentively. The active effect of [Armchair Detective] has passed. The result of mental overdraft has completely appeared, and the sequelae are becoming more and more obvious.

But he still gritted his teeth and listened to the movement outside the maze.

Although the fully armed team has not started to enter yet, it is estimated that they are ready.

But from the footsteps and the slight radio sound, Gao Yi can confirm that the number of people approaching from the "Investigation Bureau" is no less than 20.

The noise from the wireless walkie-talkie, the friction between the tight fabric and the flesh, the sound of the safety pin being pulled... There are guns!

Gao Yi looked down at his phone. It was 8:59 p.m.

The effect of the [Mist Mask] on his face was about to end.

He turned around and saw that the fat man didn't dare to look up at him at all. He was still curled up and wailing.

"Take off the game coins, potions, and your arm guard, and I will spare your life!"

Although the crisis was in front of him, it did not affect Gao Yi to pick up a piece of broken glass and squeeze the last bit of oil from the fat man.

The fat man, who had lost his will to resist, did not hesitate to take out all kinds of things with his remaining desire to survive, leaving nothing behind.

Gao Yi didn't have time to check them one by one, so he had to put them all into the backpack on his wrist and confirm them later.

On the glass wall in the maze, a figure in black uniform was seen. It seemed that the people in the "Investigation Bureau" also realized that the battle between the mantis and the cicada was over.

They knew that it was time for the yellow bird to appear.

Escape... Of course, there was no way to escape directly.

If I just went out and surrendered, they shouldn't have shot directly, right?

If I had to insist, my behavior should be considered legitimate defense....

However, Gao Yi still didn't intend to give up the opportunity to control his own destiny.

He dared to rush to such a place with no retreat, naturally because he had a last resort.

With a wave of his right hand, a ticket appeared in his hand.

It was the one that Zhao Qian provided to him at noon.

[Western City Strange Things (Sword 7)]

[Mode: Multiplayer]

[Start Time: 00:00:13]

Suddenly, memories came to Gao Yi, and the voice of that annoying charlatan suddenly appeared in his mind.

"That's what the hexagram says. You will definitely enter this dungeon."

Are you really forced to enter this dungeon... I don't know what that kid's purpose is.

He sighed deeply, feeling the changes in his body shape. The duration of the effect of [Mist Mask] ended, and his original body seemed to be back.

I can't rest well again...

This was the thought in Gao Yi's mind at the last moment before the white light flashed.


"Team leader, why did you come up in person?"

The huge "Children's Playground" area has been evacuated by all customers.

On the scene, only uniformed security personnel and investigation bureau personnel were left to clean up the mess, and there were several mall managers to assist.

Cleaning and tidying up, escorting for interrogation, controlling public opinion, writing reports...

Basically means the loss of the weekend for those present.

The female team member who was commanding outside heard someone approaching, turned around and saw that the person who came was actually the commander-in-chief of this operation.

He was not wearing a uniform, but a black jacket that was quite businesslike, and buried his face in the shadow of the brim of his hat.

After scanning the room, the man called the team leader slowly spoke:

"Have you caught everyone?"

"The four robbers have been controlled, only the female player is missing..."

Looking at the broken Lego blocks and stones on the ground, the empty mall and the broken pillars, the man couldn't help but sighed:

"Another troublesome guy appeared in Nankang City..."


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