Time, the key is time.

At this moment, Gao Yi no longer has the time to look down at his phone.

Glancing at the remaining two people rushing over, Gao Yi covered his mouth and nose and rushed out of this "building block paradise" from the back.

The effect of this [Super Anti-wolf Spray] is indeed significant. The large amount of irritating gas after diffusion has made it no longer suitable to stay in the store for a long time.

Gao Yi wiped his tears, held the iron rod in one hand, and rushed out of the room filled with spray.

Turning his head, he saw that the two pursuers behind him were approaching, and there were only a few dozen meters left.

Leaning against the wall beside him, Gao Yi was breathing heavily.

Although he killed another pursuer, the current situation is not optimistic, and there are still two people who have not been dealt with.

But compared with them, Gao Yi is more worried about his physical condition.

It seems that the time limit of the [stunt belt] is coming, and the fatigue of the overloaded legs is gradually beginning to show.

The limitation is not limited to this. Unlike the ordinary leg pain in the past, after using the active effect of [Stunt Belt], Gao Yi's knees become stiff and difficult to bend.

The insensitivity of the knees will directly make running, jumping and other actions difficult.

Although he didn't know the effect, Gao Yi knew that now was not the time to hesitate, so he took out a bottle of [E-level physical healing agent] from his backpack and poured it into his mouth.

As the liquid entered the stomach from the throat, the painful area began to heat up slightly, and the action seemed to be no longer so stiff.

On the contrary, he was not so worried about physical strength. Gao Yi had already prepared the [Chocolate Energy Bar] that he had won in the previous lottery.

This was drawn in the [Heart Strange Mist] copy, and the effect is that it can quickly restore physical strength.

Although there is only one, it is not worth saving now.

While chewing, two footsteps approached.

One light, one heavy.

Needless to say, it was the remaining two robbers, the fat man and the short man.

Judging from the speed and action logic, these two people should be the weaker part of their robbery team.

Time... The time limit of [Mist Mask] is almost up, and there are not many cards in hand.

In terms of combat, only the active effect of [Armchair Detective] is left, but it can only last for one minute.

As for the [Director's Whistle]... But I don't know its principle and effect at all, so I can't pin my hopes on that thing.

And then there is...

While Gao Yi was trying hard to think of a countermeasure, he listened to the footsteps approaching quickly.

A few meters in front of him, the small train that had just circled in the "Block Paradise" had gone off the track at some point.

At this moment, it was rushing out in the direction of the thin man who fell to the ground, whistling.

If there was only this toy train, it would be irrelevant. What was scary was that a little boy ran out from nowhere and rushed towards the train.

He looked about seven or eight years old, and his parents didn't seem to be around. At this moment, he was running towards the little train excitedly.

So dangerous! The remaining two robbers were nearby.

Subconsciously, Gao Yi wanted to speak out to stop the little boy.

But in a flash, inspiration came again.

I do have a trump card to use...

In the "Children's Playground", 80% of the people have been evacuated.

Especially in the area where the battle just took place, there are no more onlookers nearby. Even those who are very curious have consciously retreated a hundred meters away.

The place that was still bustling a dozen minutes ago has now become quiet, leaving the "players" with a stage for fighting.

In this quiet hall, the whistle that was not very obvious has become particularly harsh.

The train is small in size, but the sound is very loud. I think the designer hopes to attract more customers.

Judging from the results, it is indeed a great temptation for children.

Amid the long humming sound, the fat man took the lead and crossed the store. He slid to his knees and came to the front of the thin man who fell to the ground, wailing as he slid:

"Brother, what's wrong with you, brother?!"

He touched his left wrist, took out a tube of medicine, and poured it into the thin man's mouth, crying as he poured it:

"This is the last tube, brother, do you want to die, brother?"

"Can you be a man? The prey is still standing, get to work first!"

Behind him, the short robber had a hideous face and was looking around. He was not able to sense other players nearby, which made him quite anxious.

He suffered a lot today. He originally just teamed up to make up the number of people and planned to pick on a soft persimmon, but who would have thought that he would encounter a hard one.

In such a short time, the most capable and smart people in the team all fell down, and the short man had already decided to retreat.

Even if he was slow, he had already discovered the abnormality outside, and the possibility that someone from the "Investigation Bureau" had come kept emerging in his mind.

Since I'm not familiar with these two people, why don't I run away first?

When the dwarf was struggling, a righteous female voice suddenly came from the avenue in front of him.

"What are you doing? Let go of that kid!"

Huh? What the hell?

The two robbers' thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and the same doubts appeared in their minds at the same time.

Following the voice, a lady with fashionable clothes and glasses stood in the middle of the road, blocking the boy who picked up the train behind her.

To be fair, the two robbers didn't notice the boy at all, and didn't react to his behavior of taking the train.

If Gao Yi hadn't stood up and shouted like that, they probably wouldn't have discovered such a thing, let alone hurt the little boy.

The fat man kneeling on the ground was stunned, stuttering and opening his mouth:

"You...what the hell do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Gao Yi listened to the system prompt and couldn't help but sneered:

"I'm doing a heroic act!"

In the distance, the remaining onlookers picked up their phones and recorded this unusual battle.

The people from the "Investigation Bureau" wanted to stop them, but they couldn't stand the large number of people filming, so they had to give up.

I don't know if the behavior just now seemed to be saving the child, or Gao Yi's current image is more in line with the "good man" in the eyes of everyone.

After shouting like this, there was applause and cheers around.

It's really a big deal to watch the excitement.

He waved his hand to drive the boy away. As expected, his behavior just now has been recognized by the system.

Or to be more precise, Gao Yi's actions made the onlookers label him as a "caring citizen".

First, the experience value of [Enthusiastic Citizen] increased a lot, and it was about to be upgraded.

On the other hand, the skill of the [Enthusiastic Citizen] label was also successfully triggered.

[Big Hero 6: When doing something righteous, the combat effectiveness will be improved]

Feeling the changes in his body, Gao Yi smiled again.

Very good, the state finally came back a little.


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