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Chapter 33 Building Blocks and Super Anti-wolf Spray

"Block Paradise" is undoubtedly one of the most popular areas for children.

Here, children can give full play to their unrestricted imagination and create any beautiful things that belong to them.

Here, parents can let their children play by themselves without worrying about accompanying them.

This can be seen from the faces of the adults who are playing with their mobile phones in the rest area next to them.

Of course, when the children come with thousands of yuan worth of building blocks, they often can't laugh.

But today, parents have a good helper to help them out.

When Gao Yi jumped into a large pile of building blocks and shouted for the children to leave.

Nearby, many people have seen the thin man's shining long knife and the crazy look on his face.

Amidst the screams, "Block Paradise" finally left space for Gao Yi and the other two to fight.

This is a good thing, at least no innocent people will be hurt.

Of course, if you say so, he is actually on the "innocent" side.

Gao Yi's brain is working fast, observing the surrounding environment.

There is no need to worry about the two robbery accomplices of the thin man for the time being, as they are still lost in the area just now.

The personnel of the "Investigation Bureau" have blocked the outer exit of the "Children's Paradise" and are evacuating ordinary customers at this moment.

It seems that there is still time before they can officially intervene here.

After confirming that there is still a distance from the external interference, Gao Yi put his attention back to the battle in front of him.

At this moment, the two are in a large building made of Lego blocks. Looking closely, it looks like a train platform in front of them - of course, it is a smaller version.

The ticket office, platform, track, lunch box store, and even a large number of passengers waiting for the train to arrive are portrayed vividly.

Further away, a well-made small train is whistling intermittently, galloping on the field made of building blocks.

Needless to say, this is also the reason why so many children gathered just now.

It must be said that this store is very design-oriented, and all kinds of Lego models and buildings of various sizes and shapes fill the entire area.

And the various products with colorful covers are placed in these buildings, tempting children to choose them.

Of course, considering the weight, children may not be able to pick it up to check out.

It doesn't matter, just point it out to the clerk sister, and she will help you pack it immediately, and then call your parents to check out.

But now, the clerks have all run away, leaving this small town built with building blocks.

Looking at the thin man, he stopped in the middle on roller skates and did not attack Gao Yi again directly.

So that's it. Although he was furious, he did not completely lose his ability to think.

He also realized that Gao Yi was dragging the battlefield into an area that was not suitable for him to fight, so the thin man decided to wait for the arrival of his two accomplices.

No, dispersing and breaking is the only way to win, and there is almost no chance of winning against three.

I have to provoke this man again and let him take the initiative to attack before I can implement the plan.

Time is running out, I have to grasp the pain point of this thin man.

The most hurtful insults often come from the closest people around us.

Because we understand each other, we will know what the other person really cares about.

Unfortunately, Gao Yi and the skinny robber were strangers, and he had no obvious external flaws to attack.

But... in fact, he also revealed some information.

His thoughts turned quickly, Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked:

"By the way, what is your relationship with that red-haired woman?"

"None of your business!"

The skinny man gritted his teeth in response, stopped looking back, and was obviously emotional.

Yes, this is the breakthrough.

What is their relationship? They came out to rob together, but they don't seem to be very close.

Couple? Obviously not.

But at least the skinny man obviously has a high degree of favor and admiration for the red-haired woman.

Is it closer to one-sided admiration, secret love?

Considering the fact that this skinny man doesn't know how to hide his thoughts and writes his emotions on his face, the woman is likely to have noticed it.

Simply hanging him? No, it's more like a clear rejection.

This can explain the tendency of the thin man to express his impatience caused by the disappearance of the woman. He urgently needs to use this method to show his "persistence and loyalty" and "deep love".

Because this is the only worthless emotional value he has.

In short, this is the love of a licker.

I don't know whether it is the improvement given by [Armchair Detective], or Gao Yi simply understands this complex emotion too well.

At a very fast speed, he constructed the following words:

"Ah, so your name is Zhao Qian?"

Gao Yi subconsciously used the first name that popped up in his mind.


The thin man obviously didn't understand what Gao Yi meant.

"Oh, it's that woman who was struggling before she died, mumbling something in her mouth, Zhao Qian, come and save her... I thought it was you."

Gao Yi opened his mouth and spoke. It is naturally impossible for a person who eats naked choke to open his mouth to speak. The red-haired woman didn't ask for help, and of course she didn't die.

"You fart! Why the hell don't I know Zhao Qian?!"

The thin man's eyes were red, and his voice was almost broken.

Obviously, the sudden appearance of "Zhao Qian" broke his fantasy about the red-haired woman.

"Ah? It should be her boyfriend, calling her so affectionately... You don't know her, I thought you had a good relationship with that woman?"

"Shut up!"

"She said Zhao Qian would definitely come to save her... You acted so concerned for a long time, but she didn't think about you at all..."

Gao Yi certainly wouldn't shut up, he stroked his chin with one hand and continued as if reminiscing.

Due to his current female image, this action seemed even more provocative.

"Try to say that to me again!"

The thin man was completely hysterical, screaming and trying to interrupt Gao Yi's words.

It's better to say that he wanted to stop someone from exposing his fantasy than to interrupt his words.

The fantasy that his "perseverance" and "loyalty" were effective, and he could lick a piece of heaven and earth.

This can be easily seen from the fact that he no longer cared about whether the woman died, but only cared about whether she really didn't care about him.

Of course, Gao Yi would not do as he wished, but slowly delivered the final blow:

"Oh, isn't that Zhao Qian very powerful? He must be a player, otherwise why would he be so..."

Gao Yi raised his eyes slightly, obviously, he didn't need to say anything more.

The little "rationality" that the thin man had accumulated with great difficulty dissipated again, and he started cross-stepping, and his roller skates pressed the Lego field towards him.

The sharp blade in his hand was still there, and a cold light flashed under the lights in the store.

It can be seen that he realized that he couldn't stop Gao Yi with words, so he decided to stop him with actions.

Just in time!

Gao Yi, who had already made sufficient preparations, suddenly raised his hand and pulled out a steel bar for support on the side.

At the same time, a small spaceship in the air lost its fulcrum and tilted suddenly.

The large agility bonus given by the active effect of [Stunt Belt] has not yet expired, and there should be only one minute left.

With the bonus, Gao Yi quickly turned his wrist and swung the steel bar like a baseball batter, smashing the Lego spaceship to pieces in mid-air.

In an instant, large pieces of Lego debris flew out and hit the thin man in the face.

What was even more annoying was that the building block townhouse on the other side was also overturned, and a large number of blocks of different sizes fell to the ground, making the already uneven ground even more rugged.

The arm holding the knife raised to block the flying debris.

The thin man hurriedly looked down at the obstacles on the ground to prevent his roller skates from hitting large blocks and losing balance.

I have to praise that the robber's roller skating skills are quite good, and as a "player", his evolution rate is probably not low.

Gao Yi guessed that his player level is likely to have reached D.

In this difficult situation, the man still completed a round of sprint.

But when he felt the burning pain on his face, everything was too late.

Gao Yi, holding the [Super Anti-Wolf Spray], has sprayed a wall of air filled with irritating substances in the area in front of him.

Although there is no special research, it can be basically confirmed that the power of this [Super Anti-Wolf Spray] is far beyond the common civilian self-defense model.

Although it is not known whether it can be used to deal with large beasts, ordinary people, even players with physical fitness beyond ordinary people, will basically lose their ability to resist instantly after encountering them.

Gao Yi has already tested this on the subway last night.

This method of forming aerosols should not be as effective as a direct hit, but it is enough to stimulate and lose balance for the thin robber who is moving at high speed.

On the other side, Gao Yi will naturally not slow him down and adjust the recovery time.

From ancient times to the present, the first goal of all battles is to find "unfairness".

Don't fight in close combat if you can use a long-range attack, and don't fight head-on if you can sneak attack.

If you can use Iai on a mud truck the day before, don't fight again on the ring the day after.

At this moment, Gao Yi naturally doesn't talk about morality and rules of the rivers and lakes.

Holding the steel bar, he got ready again and hit the thin man who was rushing at high speed.

"Bang", the sound of collision, shattering and screaming sounded together, the man spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground backwards.

Due to the high speed, the change of posture, and Gao Yi's discomfort with his body, the stick was not aimed at the head, but hit the torso which was not easy to swing.

As expected, the steel bar hit the chest of the thin robber, and suddenly made him fall backwards.

Under the action of inertia, the thin man's body slammed into the huge Lego dinosaur behind.

In a burst of scattered collisions, colorful building blocks flew out.

On the side, the thin man's long knife also slid out on the ground, making a harsh friction sound, and drove away.

The body on the ground was no longer moving. Although he was still breathing, these two hits were probably enough for him.

But Gao Yi didn't wait to breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate this short victory.

Looking up, the last two of the four pursuers, the fat man and the short man, were not far away.

This battle is not over yet.


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