"Three, four, five, six, seven..."

Gao Yi silently kept time in his mind, and when he counted to seven, he untied his naked twist, letting the unconscious red-haired woman in front of him slip off.

This jiu-jitsu technique uses the forearm muscles and biceps to exert force at the same time to strangle the enemy's neck.

With very little effort, the enemy can be subdued by compressing the carotid arteries and blocking blood flow.

In order to defend himself, Gao Yi specifically asked professionals which fighting techniques can best improve his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

After weighing it several times, Jiu-Jitsu became his choice.

Although I have only received training for a little over a year, my body has transformed into a woman due to the [Mist Mask].

But with the correct posture, five seconds of naked choke is enough to put the opponent into a coma, and ten seconds will put the opponent into a state of shock.

Because of this, Gao Yi silently counted for seven seconds before letting go of the red-haired woman in his hand.

Amidst a burst of yelling and cursing coming from the headset, the intercom device was turned off.

Gao Yi stood up, leaving the unconscious red-haired woman in a large piece of cotton wool.

"It should be fine if you leave it here..."

While muttering in his mouth, Gao Yi took off the glasses on his face.

Just holding it in my hand brings a strange feeling to my heart.

Obviously, this is indeed a piece of equipment.

Without time to check the specific effect, Gao Yi put it on his forehead, stood up and left the cotton warehouse.

He didn't kill him. Firstly, the other party hadn't done anything to him yet, and secondly, the nature of the death was different.

Whether it is the possible loss of control of her accomplices or the subsequent investigation by the "Investigation Bureau", it will become additional trouble.

Of course, to put it bluntly, Gao Yi has never really "killed anyone" in his life.

There is also a lack of basic psychological expectations for this kind of thing.

What, you mean the villain in [The Fog of the Heart]?

That "person" was not an entity, and when Gao Yi wielded an [inflatable hammer], he did not have any intention of killing anyone, he was just venting his anger.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yi quickly left the "Exclusive Doll Manufacturing Area" from the other side of the planned passage and re-entered the spacious "Children's Paradise".

Pausing slightly and turning his head, the red-haired woman's accomplices could no longer hold back and accelerated towards the area from the entrance.

On the outside, the agents of the "Investigation Bureau" also accelerated their movements, approaching here.

It seemed that they had finally made enough preparations and waited for the order.

I looked down at my phone and saw that it was now 8:48 pm.

Time is running out, we have to plan an escape route...

Just when Gao Yi was quickly observing possible escape methods, the mutation occurred again.

There was a sound of rolling wheels approaching quickly, and when I turned around, the thin man among the four had already rushed over.

This speed was completely beyond Gao Yi's expectations. Looking down, he was wearing a pair of blue roller skates, with a cute cartoon seal painted on the door.

He immediately saw the glasses on Gao Yi's face, his eyes widened instantly, and he shouted:

"Those are Cuihua's glasses, what did you do to Cuihua?!"

What an earthy name. Is that red-haired woman actually called Cuihua...

I complained in my heart, but I couldn’t stop talking:

"You mean that red-haired woman?" Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, touched his chin and raised his head, pretending to wonder for a few seconds.

Since he was now a female figure, this action seemed quite provocative. He paused for a few seconds before slowly adding:

"Who knows?"

Responding to an angry person with such words can easily make an enemy lose their mind.

The thin man also obviously lost his calmness, and with his right hand he pulled out a long-handled bayonet from the waistband of his trousers. He alternated his feet on the ground, and then accelerated towards Gao Yi on his roller skates.

The speed of the roller skates changed from slow to fast, and in an instant, they rushed towards Gao Yi with an unstoppable momentum. The bayonet turned into a shadow, making the thin man look like a medieval cavalry.

There is a knife!

The fact that the enemy had weapons was not without warning, but I still felt nervous when I saw it.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to carry weapons, but for an investigative reporter who has been wandering in gray areas all year round.

After various illegal infiltrations and trespassing on private property, there were already a lot of security and police officers to deal with.

You can still argue with bare hands, but if you carry some lethal weapons, the nature will be different.

Therefore, in most cases, Gao Yi will not carry weapons with him.

This is why he practices and learns unarmed fighting skills.

But when facing an enemy with a knife, Gao Yi couldn't help but regret that he didn't bring any self-defense weapons.

A famous Muay Thai fighter once said: "There is a high wall between bare hands and weapons."

Even if you are as strong as Tyson, you still need to be alert to deal with armed robbers.

For Gao Yi's level, the only option to deal with armed enemies is to run away.

What's more, the opponent is also wearing roller shoes that are obviously special equipment.

But on the other hand, this battle is not a conventional street fight, but close to a "superpower battle."

Think outside the box and look for flaws!

The distance between the two sides was not too far to begin with. The distance of just over twenty meters was already approaching before the opponent could speed up and complete it.

However, he had already been warned about the hyperbole and reacted faster. Faced with an attack that could cause serious injury or even fatality, he showed no hesitation or frugality.

Instantly, he pressed the disc decoration in the center of the [Stunt Belt] to activate its active effect.

[Release the body's potential within three minutes, greatly enhancing the wearer's agility]

The body accelerated instantly, Gao Yi pounced and rolled forward, pulling away to the side.

Behind him, the thin man wearing roller skates flew past. He leaned slightly, half-crouched, stretched the long knife to its longest length, and swung the knife with speed.

The blade flashed a silver light and flew past Gao Yi's clothes.

It was a close call. If it weren't for the agility bonus of the [Stunt Belt], the knife would have cut himself.

The effect of [Mist Mask] is actually an illusion, not a true transformation.

Although it has not been tested, it is unlikely that the original body will be safe if it is injured in this state.

In any case, the most thrilling first knife was dodged, and Gao Yi once again gained time to react.

But on the other side, the thin man's movements did not stop at all. He crossed his feet, braked suddenly in the sparks and turned again, and was about to rush again.

It can be seen that he has specially trained for this equipment.

No, this wide terrain is too disadvantageous for him.

Looking up, Gao Yi, who has come to the center of the road, made a decision in an instant and rushed forward again.

There is another area of ​​the children's park, "Block Paradise".


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