The second floor of Hulong Mall, "Children's Paradise".

Evening, 8:39.

It is said to be a "children's paradise", but in fact most of the entire area is composed of various toy stores and doll shops.

From time to time, you can see noisy children crying and rolling on the ground, asking for various high-priced toys. The parents next to them all look solemnly at the prices.

Consumerism here does not hesitate to extend its claws to children, allowing the trap woven by desire to seize the wallet of every parent.

Gao Yi looked behind him and saw that the four stalkers were still there, with no intention of leaving.

It seems that as "praying mantises", they did not notice the "oriole" behind them at all.

The "oriole" encirclement network was slightly loosened by Gao Yi's tug.

Because the "Children's Paradise" is a closed area with only a single exit.

And this is a children's paradise. People without children will not go to a place like this to buy a lot of highly priced products.

Those "Investigation Bureau" trackers couldn't fit in at all.

At this moment, they are afraid of being exposed and dare not enter directly. They are waiting for further instructions.

This gave Gao Yi a short operating time.

Of course, the robbers obviously didn't think about this and followed them quite naturally.

Walking slowly towards the depths of the paradise, Gao Yi quickly figured out his plan in his mind.

Out of habit, he began itemizing his goals.

The first is the best case scenario, a perfect escape without meeting any pursuers.

And remove the disguise in a safe place, take the [Stunt Belt] home to sleep, and collect the rewards of the [Special Mission].

The next best thing was to reveal his true identity and face, throw away his [stunt belt], and successfully escape.

In this case, the mission rewards cannot be obtained, and you will be in great danger.

But he escaped unscathed anyway.

Worst case scenario is getting caught.

In that case, you will completely lose your control and be unable to control your own destiny.

Judging from the relationship between Gao Yi and the goddess of luck, being unable to control one's own destiny is basically waiting for death.

"I lose if I get caught, I lose if my disguise time ends, I lose if I get injured, I lose if my true identity is exposed..."

Soon, Gao Yi settled the account clearly in his mind.

Now, escape is no longer an option.

The first step is to solve these four "praying mantises".

Stopping again, Gao Yi turned his head easily and looked around the room, pretending to be looking for something.

Then he nodded slightly and walked quickly to the right.

When the four pursuers saw this, they did not rush to speed up their pace and still followed leisurely.

Gao Yi gave them codenames based on their appearance, namely woman, short man, fat man and thin man.

For fear of exposing players to each other, they have been carefully controlling the tracking distance and not getting too close.

But even if he turned quickly and turned several times before, Gao Yi still didn't get rid of them.

And when he disappeared from their sight, the stalkers didn't seem to be too worried.

Based on this, Gao Yi made a basic judgment.

These people probably have some kind of tracking ability.

Although I don’t know whether it is the characteristic ability or the effect of the equipment, this conclusion should not be wrong.

Through pulling and experimenting, Gao Yi could basically determine that the one with this ability was the only woman among the four.

The remaining three were just following the woman.

At the same time, the other party's tracking is not about knowing Gao Yi's location in real time, but more like seeing some kind of "mark" left by Gao Yi's actions.

Like a crow following bread crumbs, a woman can see the path Gao Yi has taken.

This is confirmed based on the other party's tracking method.

After several consecutive turns, the woman will definitely walk along the path Gao Yi has taken again, instead of choosing a shortcut and approaching her directly.

Could it be her pair of glasses?

Gao Yi had long noticed that she was wearing a pair of high-tech glasses on the bridge of her nose, which did not match her dressing style.

"This is a breakthrough, but where to start..."

Gao Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and quickly searched for a suitable stage.

The three men were actually following this woman, so there was such a small gap in their movements.

In the dense flow of people, they did not gather together, but scattered.

The idea is actually not difficult to understand. A larger encirclement range can prevent Gao Yi from suddenly accelerating and escaping.

But on the other hand, this also gives Gao Yi the opportunity to defeat them one by one...


"The target has accelerated. Damn it, has it been discovered?"

The man's voice came from the headset, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

The prey they had been tracking for a long time suddenly accelerated at this moment, and disappeared from sight after several turns.

What's even more annoying is that the "children's paradise" is crowded with people, and a lot of anxious parents are jumping up and down with their children, which greatly limits their movement speed.

"Don't worry, my [Enemy-Spotting Glasses] are still in effect, and the target hasn't gone far."

The red-haired woman lowered her head and reported to her accomplice in a low voice, and couldn't help but laugh in her heart.

The people who make up temporary partners are just unreliable and timid.

The information on the blue item has obviously been locked, so just do it directly.

In the end, the transaction was successful and the item was transferred to another person.

A few idiots were quite happy and said, "The item is better in a woman's hands, and it's easier to rob."

Damn, they came out to rob, but they only have this little ambition...

From the red-haired woman's perspective, a faint blood-colored thread was swaying gently in the crowd and extending forward.

This is the special effect of her [Enemy Detection Glasses], which can track fleeing enemies.

With this thing, they have carried out three successful robberies.

As long as you focus on the weak, you won't encounter any resistance at all.

Following the traces and moving forward, the red-haired woman frowned.

Why did this guy suddenly start to go around in circles? Will he be discovered by her?

Looking up, there are counters full of colorful small items, and in the center, a huge square machine is flying with cotton wool.

This is a commercial area called "Build Your Own Doll".

Many children are enthusiastically choosing various skirts, clothes, and decorations for the dolls.

After choosing, the clerk will fill it with cotton on a special machine to turn it into a real doll.

Looking at the door, a small doll is priced at 89. I don’t know what they are thinking.

Of course, if your doll wants more accessories, change clothes, and exquisite pendants, the price will be even higher.

When the child chooses all the accessories, puts them together, and fills them with cotton.

Parents look at the endless bills, and it is actually difficult to say in front of their children that they "can't afford" or "don't want" them.

In a sense, this is why there are so few people in this area.

Really, why did this prey go around so much? What is she doing here? She looks like she is only in her twenties. Does she have a child?

The red-haired woman was more and more puzzled. While she didn't see the target for a long time, several accomplices in the headset urged her more and more fiercely.

Cursing secretly, she quickened her pace, followed the bloody trail, and turned another corner.

This is the back of the large cotton stuffing machine. There is no counter for doll clothing, and even the running children are not here.

Where is the prey?

Doubts arise in my heart again. Did it really run away?

Following the bloody trace, the red-haired woman quickened her pace again.

Because the thread-like trace is faint and weak, she must lower her head and look carefully to follow it closely.

Of course, she is not afraid of bumping into the other party.

The mutual sensing distance between "players" is about 20 meters.

If you really get close, you will feel it strongly.

Rather than being discovered by the other party, what you should be more vigilant about now is the disappearance of the prey.

It was not until the last turn that it completely came to the dark side of the huge machine that it was discovered that the trace had turned several circles in place and was abruptly interrupted.

Where is the person? !

This has never happened before. Looking at the other side, there is no one standing at the end of the bloody thread in the field of view of the glasses.

Sticking to the back wall of the cotton stuffing machine, following the trace and moving forward, still no discovery was made.

At the moment when the red-haired woman's thoughts short-circuited, a pair of slender arms suddenly stretched out from the secret door behind the machine and grabbed her shoulders.

Before her body could react, the red-haired woman suddenly lost her balance and was dragged into the interior of the cotton filling machine, where a lot of cotton wool was.

In the interweaving of the two thoughts of "Oh no" and "Why didn't I sense her presence", the woman had lost her ability to resist.


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