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Chapter 54 [Western Strange Things] Fortune Cookies

"Is that so?......"

Only now did Gao Yi realize what Gan Yejia's words in Delhi High School meant.

[I'm warning you, all the game coins and medicines I have are left outside the dungeon, and I don't have any good stuff on me. If you dare to take action, the entire dungeon will know that you are...]

After thinking about it for a long time, is this actually a statement on space safety...

Thinking about it now, thanks to the fact that she met Gao Yi at the beginning, if she really bumped into the wanted criminal Zhang Tu, or other dangerous players, it would probably not end well.

Of course, considering that she is now in the hands of Clown Bill, and her life or death is unknown, there is no luck or misfortune.

Seeing Gao Yi's thoughtful expression, Wang Wuzhou seemed to have misunderstood something, leaning forward and saying:

"I still have this idea. You saved my life. All the game currency potions I have on me belong to you. The characteristics cannot be removed. The equipment...just leave me one piece..." "

Gao Yi, who came back to his senses, waved his hand and gave himself another mouthful of soup:

"I told you, I don't want this from you..."

["Enthusiastic Citizen" label, experience value +100]

"You would do the same thing if it were you..."

["Enthusiastic Citizen" label, experience value +200]

"I just want to help..."

["Enthusiastic Citizen" label, experience value +300]

This label is really fast to upgrade... I think so, is it because it is more in line with my usual habits?

In this way, in the future, when synthesizing labels, we must also consider the difficulty of gaining experience.

But Wang Wuzhou on the opposite side seemed a little embarrassed. He was obviously not the kind of person who was very good at expressing emotions. It seemed that this situation of "owing something to others" made him feel uncomfortable.

He put down his chopsticks and pondered for a while, then raised his head and solemnly confessed to Gao Yi:

"Brother Gao, to be honest, I'm not very good at dealing with people and sophistication, but I will remember your kindness in saving my life no matter what. Your business will be my business from now on..."

"Don't worry, we are all players. I will definitely get into some big trouble that requires your help, so that you can help me if you have the opportunity, okay?"

Gao Yi understands this kind of person, but if he insists that it doesn't matter now, it will make the atmosphere tense.

After saying this, Wang Wuzhou temporarily accepted it and started cooking again.

Having said that, Gao Yi was really hungry.

In reality, [Mysterious Heart] was working undercover to defraud the company, and he didn’t have lunch or dinner that day.

I had some breakfast the next day, but Zhao Qian didn't eat much at noon, and he had no chance to eat at night.

When we arrived at [Occult Stories in the West City], Mrs. Smith had eaten a lot in the morning, but she didn’t eat lunch and went to investigate the case.

After all, he has only eaten breakfast for three consecutive days, but this is normal for Gao Yi.

Of course, gastroenteritis is also normal...

Tonight's American-style Chinese meal was a bit strange, but it tasted pretty good.

While listening to Wang Wuzhou's story, he kept recording it, and so far he has only taken a few bites.

At this time, I finally had two bites of fried rice. Suddenly I remembered something and looked up at the opposite side:

"By the way, have you met those two people from the Investigation Bureau?"

"I've seen...they found me this morning."

Gao Yi clearly caught the change in Wang Wuzhou's eyes. "Investigation Bureau" didn't seem to be a good word for him.

"You don't seem to like them very much. I thought you were all members of the imperial court, just in different departments."

Gao Yi took another sip of soup and joked.

After hearing this, Wang Wuzhou's expression became obviously more serious, and he didn't even bother to eat the dumplings in front of him:

"Brother Gao, this is a complete misunderstanding. Our police and the investigation bureau are completely different entities."

"Oh? I thought it was about the same..."

Gao Yi's occupational disease broke out again, and he unconsciously used some interview skills.

If you follow the interviewee too much, you will often not receive the most sincere answer. Sometimes you just have to say, "Really? I don't believe it."

Under such "provocation" from Gao Yi, from Wang Wuzhou's words, the image of the "Investigation Bureau" became more three-dimensional.

Although the other party's words were somewhat emotional and obviously subjective, the information was still very sufficient.

The "Investigation Bureau" department has not been fully developed for a long time, only a little over a year ago.

And due to the increasingly serious problem of "players" and "dungeons" and the need to control public opinion, the power and scope of influence of the "Investigation Bureau" is getting larger and larger.

Inevitably, they have conflicts of authority and responsibilities with the police who conduct investigation, law enforcement and review.

As a directly affiliated national department, the "Investigation Bureau" has a higher say in many issues.

Including some cases, they can take over forcefully, and documents can also be ordered to be retrieved.

Not only that, they did not communicate with the police at all about many incidents, and used "confidentiality" and "security issues" to excuse them.

Of course, what annoyed Wang Wuzhou the most was not these.

"Then the Investigation Bureau actually recruits people directly from players without conducting additional training and training. How can it ensure the purity and reliability of the team?"

Wang Wuzhou suddenly poured himself another mouthful of soup and said viciously:

"When they go out to enforce the law, they still have to use the name of our police. They neither do a good job of appeasing the public nor have formal disciplinary arrangements..."

This description is quite abstract and there are no specific examples, but Gao Yi still understands what the other party means.

Recalling the woman named Tan Zhi in the "Investigation Bureau" in the morning, she claimed that she was recruited after becoming a player.

In other words, the "Investigation Bureau" will recruit members from players, which leads to the uneven quality of its personnel.

Although the two people I met this morning are okay, considering that most players are ordinary people, and ordinary people who suddenly have super powers.

Coupled with the erosion of power, the average quality of these people is estimated to be not very high.

And because of the confidentiality of the "Investigation Bureau", they often have to carry out tasks in the name of the police.

This makes the police bear a lot of black pots that they should not bear.

No wonder Wang Wuzhou is a little resentful.

Telling him that "the Investigation Bureau and the police are the same thing" is indeed a bit difficult to accept.

"Okay, I understand..." Gao Yi closed the pen cap again and closed the notebook.

After Wang Wuzhou's narration, he finally understood why the "Investigation Bureau" had a mediocre reputation.

"By the way, Brother Gao, what do you do? You seem to be used to listening to others talk..."

After eating another dumpling, Wang Wuzhou chatted with him intermittently.

"Just a reporter."

As he spoke, Gao Yi picked up a "fortune cookie" from the plate.

This kind of brown cookie rolled into a circle is also a special product of American Chinese restaurants.

Inside it is a small note with some ambiguous auspicious words written on it.

And the one in Gao Yi's hand is obviously not normal.

[Death here is not real death]

Is it the clown again...? He hasn't let me go yet.

Shaking his head and putting the note in his trouser pocket, Gao Yi looked at the food that had been in front of him for half a day, and finally he could enjoy it without psychological pressure.

Just when he picked up the spoon and planned to take two bites of fried rice first.

Outside the French window on the left, the lively playground suddenly ignited a burst of fire, followed by a series of violent explosions.

Gao Yi and the other turned around and saw a large number of citizens who were playing in the playground screaming and running away.

For some reason, something unexpected happened.


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