Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 55 [Western City Strange Things] Attack

After paying the bill, Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou rushed out of the restaurant door and looked at the playground on one side.

In the dark night, the amusement park lit with fire looked particularly conspicuous, like a layer of chocolate syrup squeezed onto the surface of a shiny cream cake.

With no time to complain and not even a few mouthfuls of food, Gao Yi opened the light curtain to confirm the information.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for forty-eight hours (39:37:11) or the number of remaining players in the instance is less than or equal to five (7/5)]

"This shouldn't be the content of the copy itself, right?"

Wang Wuzhou on the side gave his guess hesitantly and looked at Gao Yi.

"Well, that clown is not this type. He probably wouldn't engage in such an exaggerated scene in reality."

Although our current world should not be called reality, otherwise what would the world outside the copy be called, reality within reality?

Gao Yi silently added something in his heart, but did not say this matryoshka-style complaint out loud.

The question before them now is, what should they do?

If the speculation is correct, the explosion in the amusement park was most likely caused by players.

The question is, what is the purpose? Why create such an explosion?

There are currently seven people left in the dungeon, and Gao Yi already knows Zhang Tu, Gan Yejia, and two members of the Investigation Bureau, Wang Wuzhou.

Even if it is impossible to judge whether Gan Yejia is alive or dead, there are at most two people in the dungeon who have not been seen before.

There are not many reasons that players can think of for making such noises in this dungeon.

Either fighting other players, or being affected by the clown's illusion.

Considering that playgrounds are considered clown territory, the answer shouldn't be too hard to guess.

"A certain player explored here and was influenced or controlled by the clown, causing this explosion?"

Gao Yi touched his chin and made a guess.

"Anyway, we have to go in and take a look."

Wang Wuzhou on the side couldn't hold it any longer, and he didn't know if it was his occupational disease that was at play.

Of course, as a reporter, Gao Yi was also very interested in the cause of the explosion.

No matter what happens inside, there is a high probability that it has something to do with the players.

Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou took a moment together and decided to move closer to the center of the explosion to collect information.

The playground had become quite quiet at this time. The explosion and fire in the center forced many teenagers and children who came to play out.

Of course, they didn't go far, and soon a wall of onlookers formed around the playground.

Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou squeezed in from the outside and entered the center of the playground.

Just as they were walking against the flow of people towards the center of the explosion, several teenagers who were leaving suddenly stopped and spoke in unison:

"Teacher Gao?"

Turning around, he saw three men and two women wearing casual clothes. Their expressions were half filled with lingering panic and half happy to see a familiar teacher.

Gao Yi quickly realized that these five people were students in the drama class at Delhi High School this morning.

"How are you, are you injured?"

Several students shook their heads. Of course, this is not what Gao Yi is most concerned about right now.

After a few polite words, he hurriedly asked the key question:

"What happened inside? Why did it explode?"

Several students exchanged looks several times but failed to respond.

They asked each other hesitantly, and for a while they couldn't figure out what was going on.

For a long time, Gao Yi could only deduce the complex love arrows among them and the reasons for gathering to develop a relationship.

"Forget it, you go home first, it's not safe here."

Gao Yi waved his hand and said a word of concern, intending to get rid of these teenagers who had no information.

But just as a few people thanked them and were about to leave, one of the female students suddenly thought about it and said:

"I seem to have seen a short man holding a black package, with golden eyes?"


The impact of the explosion destroyed the rotating coffee cup and the jumping machine, and turned all the white horses in the carousel into black horses.

The temporary shops and buildings lacked stability, and many of them had fallen to the ground.

All the people in the center of the amusement park dispersed, and the area originally lit by colorful lights also had an emergency power outage to avoid further explosions.

Gao Yi walked through a low wall, which seemed to be some kind of "bulletin board"-like existence.

Looking up, the gray-brown wall is covered with various missing person notices.

Of course, the vast majority are children and teenagers.

Those parents who did not give up chose to post missing persons notices in this densely populated area, praying that someone would provide information.

But considering the existence of the clown Bill, this remaining hope can almost only be the nourishment for the family's future despair.

Looking at these missing persons notices, both old and new, I can see that the earliest disappearance was more than ten years ago.

In other words, there are some parents who have been searching for their children in this cursed city for more than ten years.

Sighing slightly, Gao Yi looked to his side. Wang Wuzhou's eyes were also a little complicated.

After stepping over broken glass and stuffed dolls with spilled cotton, the two finally arrived at the center of the explosion.

Compared with reporters, police comrades obviously have more experience in dealing with this aspect.

"It looked like a homemade explosive, but its power was average. It should have been caused by other combustibles and oil nearby that caused further fires and explosions."

Wang Wuzhou checked, patted the dust on his knees, and stood up again.

Gao Yi also nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

But the question now is, who is the culprit of the explosion?

The girl just mentioned a clue, "a short man with golden eyes".

If nothing unexpected happens, it should still be the work of Bill the Clown.

The question is, what does it want to do by controlling this short man? And why does the explosion occur after the control?

No, these questions are too abstract and grand, let's start thinking from the end.

What is the meaning of the explosion?

The clown pursues the fear of eating humans, and "killing" is just an incidental behavior.

Creating an explosion is obviously not in line with its behavioral characteristics.

A more reasonable judgment is that perhaps this is some kind of counterattack by the controlled player?

He himself has some equipment or characteristics for creating explosions, so he launched its effect in the illusion.

If this reasoning is correct, then where is this short man now?

In theory, such a violent explosion should be able to wake him up from the illusion.

A chill rose from Gao Yi's heart, and the sensory bonus of [Armchair Detective] took effect at this moment, and the sound of breaking wind was clearly audible.

With the agility bonus of the [Special Belt], Gao Yi leaped forward and dodged the attack from the dark.

He rolled on the ground and hid in the bunker, shouting to Wang Wuzhou to dodge, and then he had a chance to check the object that attacked him.

Looking closely, a shuriken shining with silver light was firmly inserted into the wooden wall of the building next to him.

Judging from the player's quiet state and decisive attack.

It seems that this player is not the friendly person expected.

Instead, he is a "normal" player who intends to gain something in this "Sword" copy.


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