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Chapter 56 [Western City Strange Things] Let There Be Light

Gao Yi put on the [Enemy-Surveying Glasses] and poked his head out slightly.

Its passive night vision effect puts a green filter on the picture in front of you. Although it will be a little blurry, you can indeed see things.

Relying on his enhanced eyesight and night vision, Gao Yi searched in the direction where the shuriken flew, but found nothing.

On one side, Wang Wuzhou, who was hiding behind a low stone wall, had not fully understood the situation:

"There are attackers?!"

"Yes, he has long-range capabilities. He is hiding in the dark now. He was at my seven o'clock direction when he attacked before..."

Gao Yi was also unambiguous. Sharing information at this time must not be done without ink.

When the enemy is in darkness and we are clear, the top priority is to find the opponent's location.

The active ability of [Enemy-Spotting Glasses] is indeed good and can track enemies, but it also has great limitations.

It requires that you must look directly at the entire body of the tracking target for five seconds before you can enter the "tracking state."

In the current situation, Gao Yi couldn't even see the player.

At this time, all the equipment that can be used on the body has been worn. The three-piece set of [Stunt Belt], [Reckless Arm Guard], and [Enemy-Searching Glasses] provide combat power.

After some thought, Gao Yi also put the [Mist Mask] on his face to prevent him from being dragged into the illusion by Clown Bill again.

No matter what, this amusement park is the other party's territory.

All of the above-mentioned equipment has side effects, and adding them together will be very painful, but I can’t care about that now.

Look at the force with which the shuriken penetrates. If it hits your body, even with the defense bonus of [Reckless Armguard], you will basically lose your combat effectiveness.

"Doesn't this count as a heroic act of justice for me, when the opposite person is a pyromaniac who detonates a bomb?"

Gao Yi whispered, trying to reason with the [enthusiastic citizen] label.

Of course, no one responded.

After searching around again, no trace of the enemy was found. Gao Yi turned to look at Wang Wuzhou, who was also wearing equipment:

"Do you have any ranged weapons?"

"No...but I hold the axe."

As he spoke, the people's policeman raised the giant ax in his hand.

From the previous chat, Gao Yi actually had expectations.

Wang Wuzhou became a player one month earlier than himself, and this [Xicheng Strange Story] was actually his third copy.

At this time, his evolution rate is at the peak of E-level, and he has not yet become D-level.

In terms of horizontal comparison, it is a bit better than the robbers encountered in "Hulong Mall".

Its advantages mainly come from years of physical training, combat experience and the willpower honed in the police career.

Although the "evolution" of players is very powerful, at the same stage, the efforts and precipitation of ordinary people can still have their results.

But the problem is that Wang Wuzhou's luck is indeed not very good.

His first copy was after arresting a suspect and collecting the tickets in his pocket as evidence, which happened to be the time to get the copy.

The difficulty of the first copy was not low. Fortunately, it was a cooperative copy. There was an experienced player in the team who successfully led the team to victory.

The second dungeon was another extremely difficult disaster scenario. Wang Wuzhou endured it for twelve hours and returned to reality.

Although I managed to pass the two very difficult dungeons, the tasks were barely completed.

The final result is that the equipment and characteristics obtained are not very good.

Although Gao Yi didn't ask in detail, they should all be white.

In this case, it is somewhat difficult to expect the other party to have any ability to change the situation.

Gao Yi's thoughts were racing, he quickly figured out the current situation, and whispered to Wang Wuzhou on the other side again:

"Go inside first!"

With an exchange of glances, Wang Wuzhou took the lead, leaned over and sprinted towards the hut that served as a bunker.

Gao Yi followed closely, and at the same time, he was always alert to possible attacks.

As expected, just as Gao Yi took a step out of the bunker, the sharp cold light struck again.

He had already expected it, so it was not difficult to dodge this move. Gao Yi paused slightly and avoided this predicted dart.

Turning his head to look, he still found no trace of the attacker.

But it has to be said that the enemy has very rich combat experience. He only observed Gao Yi's dodge once, and this time his shurikens came with some anticipation.

If it is allowed to adapt a few times, even if it has good agility and reflexes, it may not be able to escape unscathed.

Fortunately, with the double bonus of [Easy Chair Detective] and [Stunt Belt], he still escaped the most thrilling first sneak attack.

After rushing into the hut and closing the wooden door, Gao Yi took a deep breath.

On the other side, Wang Wuzhou was pulling the curtains to completely cover the glass windows.

After confirming that there was no room for the enemy to peek, he turned to look at Gao Yi:

"Did that guy use a shuriken?"

"It should be, it's very fast, and you can't see the location of the throw at all."

As a hidden weapon, shuriken mainly appears together with the image of "ninja" in various film and television works.

The whole body is in the shape of a cross with sharp edges all around.

Although Gao Yi didn't know much about this kind of weapon, he definitely wouldn't want to take a shot from it.

The good news is that the wooden house where the two of them are now should be able to temporarily prevent the other party's long-range sneak attack.

The bad news is that the situation of darkness between the enemy and ourselves continues.

Gao Yi stood up, finally regained his breath, and began to inspect the wooden house where they were.

This wooden house is not a new one after the amusement park opened, but an original building in this open space.

Because of this, it had a fairly solid foundation and was not knocked down by the impact of the explosion.

In fact, the damage suffered was extremely limited, except that the wall on the west side was a little scorched.

Judging from the documents on the desk, this is a place similar to a "guard station".

The small bed in the bedroom had obviously not been used for a while, and the inspection time and park map on the desktop had accumulated dust.

There may have been a caretaker who lived here in the past and would patrol the area every night to chase away homeless people trying to spend the night.

But later, for some unknown reason, I also left here.

Gao Yi searched around and found only a set of old uniforms gathering dust, a flashlight with low battery, a set of carpentry supplies, and several rough maps of different areas of West City.

The rest are mostly worthless junk.

On the other side, Wang Wuzhou had completely unpacked the axe, and was wearing a blue-purple wristband on his right wrist, which looked like equipment.

Seeing Gao Yi's questioning look, he lowered his voice and introduced:

"[Magnetic wristband] can bind the weapon so that it can be returned to my hand after being thrown."

It's actually a good thing. Many possible uses flashed through Gao Yi's mind.

Whether it is returning after missing the target, or causing secondary damage after hitting the target, this [Magnetic Wristband] has a lot of room for use.

Unfortunately, in the current situation, it is also useless.

The prerequisite for all attacks is to find where the enemy is.

Under the dark night, the central area of ​​the amusement park was divided by various complex facilities and shops, making it impossible to capture the enemy's traces.

"It would be nice if there was light..."

Wang Wuzhou, who was observing carefully by the window, complained softly about the current situation.


Also close to the window, Gao Yi slightly stretched his head and looked towards the west side of the playground.

There is the most classic amusement ride - the carousel.

"I think I know how to light it."

Gao Yi smiled again.


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