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Chapter 57 [Western City Strange Things] Is this possible?


Wang Wuzhou's tone was full of doubt, and he asked the second half of the question after a while:

"What's the use of that thing?"

Gao Yi did not answer directly, but returned to the center of the hut and took out the map he had found before.

Although this map was before the amusement park was built, the basic terrain nearby was not too wrong.

Through simple drawing marks, Gao Yi quickly sorted out the current situation.

There should be only one enemy, the "short man" in the students' mouths.

As the opponent of the player, he showed extremely strong concealment, low-frequency but very threatening long-range attack methods, and possible explosion-making capabilities.

The reasons for the ambush and sneak attack cannot be confirmed for the time being, but in this "Sword" copy, it is normal for players to attack each other.

The current problem is still how to change the current situation where the enemy is dark and I am bright.

The simplest way is to light up this space.

Although Gao Yi has the night vision ability provided by [Enemy Search Glasses], it is not enough to find the enemy's figure now.

Now that both of us lack long-range attack methods, finding and approaching the enemy is the first element.

"Can't we consider delaying the time? There will definitely be firefighters and police officers coming for this kind of explosion and fire."

Wang Wuzhou followed Gao Yi's train of thought and raised doubts after a little thought.

As a public official, he subconsciously thought about the possibility of using the copy force.

"I thought about this option, but considering that the enemy is likely to have the means to create an explosion, we are not safe in this cabin."

Gao Yi did not hesitate and gave a direct reply.

Sheriff Monica and her team are probably on their way.

When the armed police arrive, Gao Yi, who has a good relationship with them and is indeed innocent, will naturally be able to use this force.

But the question is, will the enemy give them this time?

Gao Yi doesn't like to leave his fate to luck and others. Instead of waiting, it is better to take the initiative.

After explaining the reasons for his actions, Gao Yi picked up the pen again and marked on the map:

"If I'm not mistaken, the carousel is powered independently. The switch should be near the operating table. The manager turned it off when he left."

"If it is turned on, the two-story large light source is indeed enough to illuminate this area..."

Wang Wuzhou looks like a physical existence, but in fact his brain is quite good, and he has not fallen behind Gao Yi's rhythm at all.

After a moment, he asked again:

"The problem is, is the enemy really just hiding in the dark? Didn't you say that your night vision glasses can't see it?"

"That's right...but I think its 'invisibility' or 'camouflage' is most likely related to the dark environment."

Gao Yi put his wrist against his chin and leaned on the wooden table and said slowly.

This judgment is not difficult to make, and there are two main reasons.

First, it is the judgment of the quality of game equipment.

Through previous investigations, low- and medium-level copies will only select players in the same area.

The game and players in Nankang City have only been around for three months, and most of them are in a relatively elementary state.

Blue equipment is extremely rare, and purple equipment has almost never appeared.

In horizontal comparison, most of the equipment obtained by players is not too strong, and most of the blue quality equipment is not much better than ordinary people can understand.

And an equipment that can make a person completely invisible must be purple level no matter how you think about it. Gao Yi does not think that the enemy will have such strong equipment.

If the opponent really has overwhelming equipment and evolution rate, he can attack directly in close combat without hiding in the dark and attacking remotely.

The enemy chooses the current ambush and sneak attack method of fighting, naturally he does not have enough confidence in fighting one against two.

Another reason is the time and place chosen by the opponent.

When the entire [Western City Strange Things] started, the time in the dungeon was eight o'clock in the morning.

Why wait until night to attack the players, and why choose this place in this amusement park that can create a completely dark environment.

Combining these doubts and clues, Gao Yi made a judgment.

The opponent may have some equipment and features that can reduce the sense of presence or make it invisible to a certain extent in a dark environment.

That's why the enemy chose this place as the battlefield, in the center of the dark playground.

This also explains why Gao Yi couldn't find the other party.

Looking back, the explosion was probably intentional, not forced as previously speculated.

Bill the Clown may have briefly controlled him, but was freed.

This explosion was actually a trap, which the other party used to hunt players.

There are only seven players left in the dungeon now. If two more die, the main task of Level I will be completed directly.

It is estimated that the enemy also thought about this and planned to take action.

This is the opponent's home court, and the place and time are intentional.

To break this disadvantage, what is needed is light.

In the wooden house, Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou are ready.

Wang Wuzhou held the axe handle in his hand, and the [Magnetic Wristband] bound the axe, and he was squatting behind Gao Yi.

Gao Yi made a small shield by splitting the wooden table with an axe, which was stuck on the arm guard at this time.

Although the shuriken used by the opponent is a hidden weapon, it is still a cold weapon after all.

The purpose of making a cross-shaped hidden weapon like Shuriken is to kill the enemy as much as possible, and its penetration is actually very average.

Although the shield in his hand is a bit crude, it is enough to block several attacks.

"According to the plan, five seconds..."

Gao Yi checked the stability of the [Special Belt] again, and then turned to Wang Wuzhou behind him to make the final explanation.

In fact, there is no need for it. He is a professional policeman, and this kind of "action" must be more experienced than Gao Yi.

Rather than saying that he is explaining to the other party, it is better to say that Gao Yi is giving himself courage.

After all, according to the plan, he is the one responsible for attracting the enemy's attention and creating time for his teammates to turn on the lights.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, Gao Yi has the bonus of agility and defense, which makes it easier for him to dodge the attack of Shuriken.

Not to mention that he has dodged two shots, and the opponent has some hatred value on him.

Five seconds passed in a flash, Gao Yi took a last deep breath, and rushed out of the wooden house.

The enemy's attack came faster than expected.

A shuriken came from the right, even in the opposite direction of the last attack.

Gao Yi had no time to dodge directly, but fortunately he was aiming at his torso, and the wooden table shield successfully blocked this inevitable sneak attack.

Although he was not hit directly in the body, the shock from the huge force came from the shield, making his right arm numb.

Gao Yi did not stop, and after roughly judging the position of the opponent's attack, he quickly turned his head to look.

But as before, he could not catch the enemy's trace.

According to the plan, he rushed straight to the opposite direction of the carousel, where there were a lot of bumper cars surrounded by sandbags.

Wang Wuzhou behind him had also rushed out of the wooden house and rushed towards the target switch.

He had to attract the enemy's attention.

Gao Yi thought for a while, stopped, turned to the right side where the attacker had just been, and shouted loudly:

"Is it okay? Can I hit one?!"


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