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Chapter 58 [Western City Strange Things] Enemy Ming

In many MMORPG games, the T (tank) position in the team responsible for taking damage often has a skill called "taunt".

Its effect is basically to force nearby enemies to attack themselves.

It may seem a bit abstract when playing, but if you think about it, the logic is basically to taunt the enemy loudly, anger the enemy, focus on yourself, and then protect the back row of the team.

Gao Yi's current behavior is basically consistent with his logic.

From the actions of selecting a place, waiting time, and patiently ambushing, the attacker is not a brainless player.

In fact, considering the opponent's skilled use of equipment and characteristics, as well as the formation of a systematic combat method.

It can be seen that he is an experienced and calm player.

When facing such a person, you have to consider the possibility that the opponent will detect your target, that is, turn on the carousel and then illuminate it.

In order to prevent him from turning his gun around and attacking Wang Wuzhou, the teammate responsible for turning on the light, Gao Yi "taunted" on the spot.

Not only did he say it, he even stopped and stopped moving at a high speed.

All this was to attract further attacks from the opponent.

At this moment, Gao Yi has come to the bumper car project. The side he leans against is covered by sandbags, and the remaining three directions may be attacked.

Although Gao Yi is arrogant, his heart is already tense.

If you taunt the enemy, you must be prepared to be hit with all your strength.

The night vision function of [Searching Glasses] is still there, but Gao Yi has given up looking for the enemy directly.

What he wants to see is the trajectory of the shuriken.

Gao Yi chose a position next to the sandbag for a reason.

On the one hand, it can reduce a quarter of the attack direction that needs to be worried about, and ensure that his peripheral vision can at least roughly capture the path of the shuriken.

On the other hand, it also leaves room for himself to escape.

Whether it is the dodge after the [Stunt Belt] actively increases agility, or the [Reckless Arm Guard] is turned on to directly knock open the sandbag on one side.

You can ensure safety when you can't avoid it.

At least you won't be chased and finished off, causing serious injuries or even near death.

But ideally, Gao Yi naturally doesn't want to use the active ability of the equipment.

After all, they all have quite troublesome negative effects. Whether it is the stiffness of the knees or the increase in body temperature, it will greatly limit the subsequent battles and actions.

The heavy breathing sound is clearly audible, and focusing on the five senses given by [Armchair Detective] makes Gao Yi extremely sharp at this moment.

The noise in the darkness in the field of vision, the chirping of unknown insects, the smoky smell of the flames, the slightly bitter taste on the tip of the tongue...

In the dark night, Gao Yi leaned against the sandbag, alert to all the movements around him.

The vicinity has completely lost its vitality. The amusement park that was still bustling half an hour ago has now become a dead place.

On the side, half of the doll shop and the rotating coffee are still burning, and the sizzling sound also makes the air filled with an unpleasant smell of burning.

You must seize the opportunity to see that cold light clearly...

Glancing away, on the other side, Wang Wuzhou seems to have entered the control room next to the carousel.

So he is basically safe. The next step is to wait for him to find the switch and turn on the carousel.

The key is on my side...

The sound of breaking wind!

Gao Yi reacted very quickly and made a judgment the moment the cold light appeared.

This dart is not easy to dodge, but... it can be blocked!

His body sank, and Gao Yi raised the shield made of wooden table, and with a "dang" sound, he caught the dart steadily.

A familiar vibration appeared in his arm, but a sense of disharmony also rose in his heart.

This dart did not seem to be intended to stab him.

Knowing the existence of this shield, the angle of this attack was a bit too "straightforward".

It was as if he wanted to catch it deliberately.

This attacker was not a one-track mind, why didn't he adjust the angle and attack method?

Or, in fact, this attack has changed!

At the same time, a subtle smell of gunpowder rushed into his nose, and Gao Yi almost subconsciously threw out the shield with two shurikens.

The moment it just left his hand, the explosion hit the shield back again, and it slammed into the [Reckless Arm Guard] raised by Gao Yi.

This shuriken was different from the previous three, and it actually had a blasting effect?

Although the shock wave was largely dissipated by the shield and [Reckless Arm Guard] also blocked some of the damage, Gao Yi was still seriously injured.

His whole body fell backwards, flipped over the sandbag, and fell into a bumper car.

It hurts!

The impact after the fall was not bad, just falling into the seat of a bumper car, but the calf hit the metal hood, causing a dull pain.

The wooden shield made of the rotten wooden table finally showed its unreliability at this time.

Several strips of wooden thorns fell and were carried by the shock wave to Gao Yi, like grenade fragments, and some of them had already penetrated deeply into the skin.

"Ah... Give me a masochist label, I guess the experience points will increase sharply every day..."

There was no time to treat the wound, Gao Yi just pulled out a wooden thorn on the side of his neck and groaned slightly.

Fortunately, I was wearing the [Mist Mask]. Although the mental resistance had not yet taken effect, its protective function as a mask still prevented the worst case scenario, that is, eye injury.

It is worth mentioning that the [Mist Mask] does not have small holes for the eyes and nose like ordinary masks, but is a smooth oval mask, and there is no fixed strap at the back.

As long as it is gently attached to the face, it will not fall off.

As for the field of vision, it can only be said that it can be seen anyway. The principle is really unclear and can only be attributed to supernatural power.

Gao Yi understood that there was no time to waste now.

He hurriedly stood up, endured the severe pain, and looked out from behind the sandbag.

At this time, Wang Wuzhou finally completed his task.

As the cheerful music sounded, a two-story carousel lit up.

It was like a golden fountain, with horses of various colors rotating and undulating, spreading light to the entire center of the amusement park.

The originally silent seats, collapsed amusement facilities, and even the burning hut were now covered with a touch of golden holy light.

Unfortunately, Gao Yi had no time to enjoy the beautiful scenery at this time.

His attention was extremely focused, and he maximized the visual bonus provided by the [Armchair Detective].

The enemy who was in motion, somewhat puzzled, and wanted to hide...


Behind the broken coffee cup of the rotating coffee, with the coming of light, a short figure in dark blue sportswear appeared.

He seemed to be frightened by the sudden music and light, and quickly jumped off the stage and ran in the opposite direction of the carousel.

He could run away.

But in any case, the situation had changed.


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