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Chapter 59 [Western City Strange Things] Come out

I don’t know if it’s because of the continuous haze for months, or because of the frequent deaths and disappearances.

The nights in West City are always shrouded in an ominous atmosphere.

The moonlight cannot penetrate the thick clouds, making light a luxury.

Of course, in this amusement park tonight, there is also an extra sense of anxiety and smoke.

In the double-decker carousel that suddenly lit up with golden light, and the loud and cheerful music.

Gao Yi followed the short man in the blue sportswear, enduring the pain and running in the amusement park, all the way to a three-story old house.

At the door of the small building, there is a sign full of skull decorations, indicating its identity.

[Horror Clown Haunted House]

"If I live in a city where the mortality rate is six times the average, and people often witness clowns eating people, I must go to a haunted house called "Horror Clown" every night to play..."

The low pressure in the dark, the pain, tension and fatigue, obviously can't stop Gao Yi's desire to complain.

Or rather, it was because the situation was so bad that he needed to complain a few words to calm his mind.

But on the other side, Wang Wuzhou, who had run all the way from the carousel control room, was not so relaxed.

Because the short man ran in the opposite direction of the carousel, Wang Wuzhou had to run a long way.

When he arrived with the big axe, he was already a little out of breath:

"Then... where is that person?"

"He went in half a minute ago."

Gao Yi's reply was also very simple, giving the necessary information.

At this time, Wang Wuzhou took a breath and had time to observe Gao Yi's condition, and exclaimed:

"Are you injured? Was the explosion caused by this kid before?"

As he said, he took out a tube of potion from his backpack, which seemed to be a physical healing type.

It must be said that Gao Yi's current situation does look a bit miserable.

After being hit by the wooden thorn, he didn't have time to treat the wound, but just drank a bottle of [E-level physical healing potion] to temporarily stop the pain.

The wound that had healed then cracked a little during the fast running, and the blood that flowed out dyed a large area of ​​the clothes that were not thick to begin with red.

In addition, there were abrasions on the back caused by friction on the ground, and the gray smoke and gunpowder smell after the explosion.

Gao Yi should not feel out of place playing a refugee in a war movie now.

"It's nothing serious, I drank a bottle of healing potion."

Gao Yi waved his hand to stop Wang Wuzhou's good intentions.

The pain relief effect has gradually taken effect, and the wound is slowly healing. Although it looks a little shocking, it is actually not a big deal.

Gao Yi has suffered a lot of injuries of this degree since he became an investigative reporter, and most of the time he can get better after a short rest.

Not to mention that now that he has become a player, his physical fitness has improved, and he has also drunk a bottle of physical healing potion.

The most critical issue now is how to deal with the enemy in front of him.

This "Scary Clown Haunted House", like the small wooden house where the two were just now, was not newly built when the amusement park was built.

On the contrary, it is an old house much older than Gao Yi.

This old house, which has been in disrepair for a long time, used to be a gathering place for many homeless people and noisy teenagers.

At some time, it became the base of a small gang.

Gao Yi learned this information from the old night watchman's map, which specifically marked this building.

From his rather resentful comments, it can be seen that half of his workload comes from this old house.

With the opening of the amusement park, it was also changed into the so-called "Scary Clown Haunted House".

It seemed to be still in business before, but with the explosion, all the tourists left.

Thinking from various angles, this place is likely to be related to the clown Bill.

Gao Yi also kept a watchful eye, alert to possible hints and illusions.

"Should we chase in?"

Wang Wuzhou didn't think so much, just focused on the attacker who escaped in.

Ever since Gao Yi saved him from the illusion, he has been very happy to listen to Gao Yi's various ideas, and he always asks for his opinions before doing anything.

It can only be said that in this copy, Gao Yi is indeed the one who is more handy.

And at this moment, he really has different ideas.

Gao Yi's [Enemy Detection Glasses] have actually locked the enemy. In front of the door of the haunted house in front of him, a faint blood-colored thread leads all the way to the house.

At this moment, the haunted house is also in a power outage state, and it is obvious that the interior is also pitch black.

It is already known that the enemy has some kind of stealth ability in the dark. Under this premise, it is indeed not very calm to enter the haunted house again.

Considering the decisiveness of the other party when running into the haunted house, this is very likely the retreat point they prepared.

It is not surprising if all kinds of traps and hidden weapons have been prepared in it.

The complex and narrow space and dim environment inside the haunted house will also make Gao Yi and his team's numerical advantage disappear.

"Then...are we just guarding outside and waiting for the police in the copy to come?"

Wang Wuzhou seemed a little confused and asked again.

The two of them were now sticking to the outer wall of the haunted house, alert for possible sneak attacks from the windows.

The enemy had been in for a while, so it was not surprising that they were really ready for the next attack.

"Of course not, as I said before, we can't expect the forces in the dungeon to be reliable..."

Gao Yi shook his head slightly. As a policeman, Wang Wuzhou was indeed a little too "rule-abiding". At this time, he was still thinking about abiding by the law.

He paused, then continued:

"If we don't go in, we can let this person out."

"Come out, how to let him out..."

Wang Wuzhou looked puzzled, but his voice suddenly stopped.

Beside him, Gao Yi had already taken out a brand new lighter and pointed the lit flame at the wooden window frame of the haunted house.


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