Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 60 [Western City Mystery] Haunted House

Since the formation of human society, when settlements and communities were first established, arson has been a felony.

The reason is, of course, because it is really destructive.

To this day, humans have lived in industrialized communities and reinforced concrete buildings, but fire is still extremely dangerous.

Not to mention the old wooden houses.

This old house, which has been in disrepair for a long time, has been newly added with various dense and flammable scary objects, all of which have become excellent fuel at this moment.

It took less than three minutes for Gao Yi to take out a lighter and light the window frame, and the house was already on fire.

Judging from the fire, it was much bigger than the fires on the amusement facilities that were ignited by the explosion before.

Gao Yi himself does not smoke, one is that he has not developed this habit, and the other is that he is really a bit poor.

Naturally, he does not carry a lighter with him at ordinary times.

Not to mention that lighters should not be brought into this copy, just like mobile phones and other industrial products.

So where did the lighter in his hand come from?

That's right, it was the ordinary item [Endless Lighter] that was won in the lottery in [Heart Strange Mist].

The effect is that it can be used infinitely, but when Gao Yi really used it to light a fire, he found something wrong.

The durability actually dropped by 20%!

"In other words, this thing can keep burning after pressing it, but it will lose durability when it is released?"

Gao Yi twitched his mouth and concluded in disbelief:

"You call this 'infinite'?"


Wang Wuzhou on the side obviously didn't understand what Gao Yi was mumbling, and turned his head to ask.


Considering more unreliable other ordinary-level rewards, this thing is at least useful...

Gao Yi shook his head, adjusted his mentality again, and put his attention back on the haunted house in front of him.

The flames have been burning for a long time, and the rotten and old wooden house is full of flammable materials, and the heat is rapidly expanding under the increasingly expanding evening breeze.

But the problem is, what about the people inside?

After lighting the fire, Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou took a few steps back and chose a safe surveillance position.

With the tracking of [Enemy Detection Glasses] and the light brought by the flames, it should be impossible for the short man to escape without being discovered.

However, now the flames have basically surrounded the entire house, and it should be impossible for anyone to stand inside.

Gao Yi frowned slightly and called up the light curtain.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for forty-eight hours (37:45:29) or the number of remaining players in the copy is less than or equal to five (7/5)]

The total number of people in the copy has not decreased further, and the short man is still alive.

Maybe he is still hiding somewhere in the toilet, or as is common in movies and TV dramas, his legs are crushed by the fallen beams?

If he died in this fire, would it be considered murder?

Gao Yi originally planned to use this fire to force the other party out to avoid being attacked and ambushed again.

But now, the short man actually disappeared in the fire.

Considering that the enemy had been killing him, Gao Yi would not say how much he did not want the enemy to get into trouble.

Now he was thinking, if the enemy died in the fire, would he get the features and equipment dropped by the enemy?

With a full heart of doubts, Gao Yi turned his head and looked at the policeman beside him:

"Do you think it is self-defense if I really burn that person to death in there?"

"Ah? Didn't that person explode and ignite the house himself?"

Wang Wuzhou tilted his head and demonstrated the correct way of thinking.

If you think of him as a pedantic and absolutely neutral law enforcer, you must be wrong.

Gao Yi smiled and looked at the light screen again.

The number of people in the copy remained the same, still seven.

The old wooden house in the fire was not quiet, and structural collapse had already occurred at this moment.

A large number of unstable beams and supporting columns collapsed one after another, making a dull sound.

In the expanding high temperature, the dilapidated wooden floor made an unpleasant creaking sound, like a dying wail.

But in this rather cruel scene, Gao Yi still noticed something wrong.

With the addition of [Armchair Detective], his observation ability became extremely sharp.

This "Scary Clown Haunted House" is very wrong.

Judging from the sound, its interior is on the verge of collapse, most of the structural buildings are damaged, and the decorative ghost statues and large signs on the outside have also fallen off.

But the general framework of the entire haunted house belongs to the part before the transformation, and the most decayed and aged parts are still standing there steadily.

Something in the brain suddenly exploded, and a lot of previous information began to be summarized, split, and re-summarized.

The playground that coincided with the appearance of Bill the Clown.

The students had witnessed that the golden light appeared in the eyes of the short man who attacked when he was controlled.

The name of "Scary Clown Haunted House".

Ancient, even longer than this old house in West City.

A guess appeared in Gao Yi's mind.

Maybe... this house is protected by the power of Bill the Clown, and its interior is not as ordinary as we imagined.

The flames can't kill it, nor can it remove its base - that is, this haunted house.

At this moment, Gao Yi is still wearing the [Mist Mask]. He was worried that it would conflict with the [Enemy Detection Glasses], but after experiencing it, it turned out to be okay.

Compared to a mask, the [Mist Mask] is closer to a thin film, attached to the face like skin.

There is actually no big feeling when wearing it. If you don't pay more attention, Gao Yi even suspects that he will forget it.

I think this also corresponds to its side effect, that is, the confusion of personality and self.

The last time Gao Yi used its active skill, he clearly felt some kind of unspeakable self-disorder.

Just like an actor who is too deep into the play and can't return to reality for a long time

Maybe wearing it for too long will make Gao Yi lose track of who he is.

In any case, these so-called equipment, use and wear have costs, and you must never let down your guard.

But for Gao Yi now, he dare not take off the equipment before the enemy dies or loses the ability to resist.

Who can guarantee that the short man with stealth and sneak attack capabilities will not suddenly attack?

How to balance the ability of the equipment that must be used and the superposition of negative effects should be a very important issue in the future.

But now, Gao Yi is facing a bigger problem.

The dark clouds that have been lingering for a whole day finally began to release, starting with tiny raindrops, and the rain is getting heavier.

The haunted house in front of them, which was burning with blazing flames, finally changed.

In the haunted house in front of them, huge red balloons were slowly squeezed out of the windows.

"I should not be in a fantasy now..."

Wang Wuzhou looked at the scene in front of him that was beyond comprehension, and asked slowly with his mouth wide open.

The balloon was getting bigger and bigger, expanding as if it was going to burst the whole old house, and the yellow text was clearly visible.

[The best in West City! ]

Just as the two of them stepped back, the growing red balloon suddenly exploded.

At the same time, Gao Yi felt his feet empty and fell into darkness.

In any case, they could finally figure out where the short man went.


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