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Chapter 61 [Western City Mystery] Basement

After a few violent coughs, Gao Yi slowly climbed up from the ground.

The ground supported by his wrist was very hard, but at this moment, there was a few centimeters of turbid rainwater, which provided a buffer that was better than nothing.

Not far away, Wang Wuzhou, who was also confused, had also stood up.

Where is this place?

Looking around quickly, the surrounding environment was strange and weird.

It looked like a basement for storing sundries, but it was completely submerged in a rainstorm.

The locker full of spider webs, the rotten wooden table with one leg missing, and the discolored plastic objects of unknown use floated on the water.

The moisture in the air was mixed with a certain rancid smell, which hit Gao Yi's nasal cavity and caused physiological nausea.

It must be said that the five senses bonus of [Armchair Detective] had a side effect at this moment.

However, this was not the first time. Its continuous passive attribute made Gao Yi hear and see some information that he did not want to receive.

Perhaps after using it proficiently, he could do some self-shielding, but now he could only helplessly accept it all.

"Damn... what is this place?"

Wang Wuzhou, who had just stood up, was twisting the wet corner of his clothes, and kept asking questions.

As a more experienced player, he was wearing thick clothes suitable for sports, and he had obviously made preparations in advance.

On the contrary, Gao Yi didn't care about his whole body. He was dressed in a low-key and inconspicuous way.

On this basis, "suitable for sports", "warm" and even "comfortable" were not considered.

But from another perspective, this also made him not feel so sorry for his clothes.

Because he had considered in advance that he might have to discard them, the clothes he chose to wear were not very expensive.

At this moment, Gao Yi couldn't answer Wang Wuzhou and directly tell him where this was, but he knew roughly who asked them to come.

Undoubtedly, it was the work of the dungeon boss, Bill the Clown.

Looking up, there was no hole for them to fall.

Needless to say, the current space has also changed.

The [Mist Mask] on his face is still there, which means that the ability to increase mental resistance should still be effective.

Looking to the other side, Wang Wuzhou's eyes did not have the familiar golden light.

If it is reasonable to speculate, the haunted house is indeed some kind of base of Bill the Clown, and its ability and influence are even stronger near it.

If this guess is correct, did the short man who attacked Gao Yi and his friends come here by accident or with ulterior motives?

There is no conclusion for the time being, Gao Yi still puts his attention back to the present.

Wang Wuzhou has begun to grope, he wades through the rain under his feet and walks towards the exit of the basement.

There is a long wooden staircase over there, leading to a small wooden door that looks like an exit, and every step on it will make a rather annoying "squeaking" sound.

Wang Wuzhou put his right hand on the wall and groped for a while, and found the light switch as expected.

Press it, but the imagined light did not come on.

No electricity?

For no reason, an intuitive thought appeared in Gao Yi's mind.

No matter where this is, it is completely different from the environment before.

Not only is there no fire inside, but if you listen carefully, it seems to be raining outside.

Above the basement, outside the house, a heavy rain was falling.

And in the dense rain, Gao Yi also heard the sizzling sound of the flame being extinguished.

"So that's it..."

"What?" Wang Wuzhou turned his head and was almost tripped by the bulge in the water, stumbling in the water.

"Although I don't know how it was done, we are now in that haunted house."

Gao Yi's face was solemn, and he gave a conclusion after a slight pause.

The night vision effect of [Enemy Detection Glasses] was still in effect, and Gao Yi quickly found the weirdness.

The rain had completely wet his sneakers and trouser legs, and he didn't care about getting wet at this moment.

Gao Yi simply increased his pace and walked to the wall in two steps.

On the gray wall, there was a piece of white paper with a colorful crayon painting on it.

Tear it off and bring it to your eyes. The picture on it is quite weird.

It can be seen that the painter is a child, with almost no serious painting skills. If there is any advantage, it is that the color is very bold.

The content of the painting is very simple. In front of the green house background, there are two little people, one tall and one short.

The shorter one seems to be a child, holding his hands high, looking very excited.

What makes this painting weird is the taller little person.

He put his hand on the child's head, showing a creepy smile.

White skin, red nose, orange hair.

It's a clown.

In the lower right corner of the crayon painting, there are two lines of small words.

[The original, Bill]



Putting aside the spelling mistakes of the painter, the signature at the back is the name of the clown.

Could it be that the author of this painting is Bill who grew up here when he was a child, and he will become the nightmare of West City in the future?

In the previous collection of various information, Gao Yi has always subconsciously regarded the clown as some kind of supernatural existence.

This idea is of course reasonable and natural.

Whether it is his ability to control dreams and modify reality, or the golden ball behind his huge mouth.

In every way, this is not something a normal human being can do.

On the other hand, the time frame is not reasonable.

According to the documents in the archives, the clown's killings lasted for decades, and the available data can be traced back to 1945.

Not to mention the past that is not recorded but is likely to exist.

This painting was made eleven years ago, in 1978 in the copy, when the child who drew the painting was less than ten years old.

If this Bill who drew the painting is the clown who calls himself Bill, how to explain the previous events?

"Maybe it's just a coincidence of names? No, that's not right, this can't explain the clown in the painting... There must be some connection..."

"Brother Gao!"

Just as Gao Yi was lost in thought, Wang Wuzhou outside the basement turned his head, lowered his voice, and called out anxiously.

Seeing Gao Yi's gaze, he half-crouched on the stairs in the dark and stopped talking.

He just raised his right hand and pointed his thumb outside the small wooden door.

Soon, Gao Yi understood what he meant.

Under the dense and subtle sound of rain, outside this closed dark basement.

A tired footstep, accompanied by a sigh, was approaching from afar.

Is there someone outside the door? !


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