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Chapter 62 [Western City Mystery] Iron Ball

Who could it be?

Outside the dark basement, the footsteps were getting closer and closer. Just when Wang Wuzhou thought that the visitor would push open the wooden door, the footsteps actually began to fade away again.

Holding his breath, Gao Yi maximized the hearing bonus of [Easy Chair Detective] and analyzed the only sound information.

The weight is not too heavy, and there are signs of dragging in the steps, which is a sign of fatigue or injury.

The slight sigh sounded very familiar.

Yes, it was the little man who attacked them and hid in the haunted house.

Wang Wuzhou on the stairs turned his head and exchanged glances with Gao Yi slightly.

Undoubtedly, they did not intend to let the sneak attacker escape.

After a short wait, the two of them rushed out of the wooden door.

Turning around, he saw a short man standing there at the end of the corridor.

The familiar throbbing appeared in the hearts of the three people at the same time. Needless to say, they were all "players", players in this strange game.

In the deep corridor, three people stood on two sides.

Seeing two figures rushing out of the basement, the short man in dark blue sportswear had an unconcealable shock on his face.

However, Gao Yi's attention at the moment was obviously not on the other party's expression.

A certain sense of dissonance arose in him.

Something is wrong, very wrong.

Although the previous search and tracking were urgent, with the bonus of [Easy Chair Detective], Gao Yi still observed the other party carefully.

After all, you need to be careful about escaping or disguising, and judge the equipment and items on it.

In previous observations, although the sportswear worn by men was not very neat and tidy, it was definitely not that old and dirty.

What's even more strange is the state of this short man.

The face is sallow, the muscles are thin, the lips are dry, and the pupils of both eyes are slightly out of focus.

This is a sign of malnutrition and dehydration.

Could it be...are these things that I haven't noticed before?

No, it's impossible.

When I was tracking him before, the other party was literally walking as fast as flying.

Gao Yi tried his best, even wearing a [Stunt Belt], and even with the agility bonus, he couldn't catch up.

At least this little man was in good health before entering this haunted house.

And the evolution rate he has is likely to be far higher than Gao Yi.

Maybe after entering this clown's house, one will be drained of energy and health?

That's not right. This can't explain the change in the other person's clothes, and I don't have similar feelings.

What happened?

But obviously, the other party facing off in this dim corridor did not intend to leave Gao Yi time to think.

The man who had calmed down from the shock lowered his body slightly, raised his right hand to his lower back, and two shurikens were already launched.

So fast!

Previously in the amusement park, shuriken attacks were carried out at a distance of dozens of meters.

Although the power is still very strong, the speed has been greatly reduced, which gives Gao Yi enough reaction time.

But when he actually faced off against the enemy at close range, the oppressive feeling of the shuriken fully emerged.

If the opponent attacks for the first time from this distance, then there is a high probability that the attack will be unavoidable.

But fortunately, he is now on guard.

When the short man performed the action of "taking out", Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou, who had already been warned, had already reacted.

They turned sideways and hid in the bunkers they had chosen in advance.

Two shurikens passed through the middle of the corridor, making a shocking sound of breaking wind, and shot into the wall of the living room behind, making two muffled sounds.

At the same time, there was a small explosion, followed by the sound of rising fog.

When Gao Yi stretched out his head again, the man at the end of the corridor had disappeared, leaving only a white smoke.

"Damn, are you really a ninja?"

Wang Wuzhou also walked out from the other side and looked at the direction in which the short man disappeared.

He waved his hand impatiently to disperse the white smoke in front of him.

Just when Wang Wuzhou raised his feet and was about to move forward, Gao Yi behind him suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.

Such a grab also caused Wang Wuzhou's stretched right foot to freeze in mid-air.

"Watch your step."

Gao Yi, on the other hand, just reminded him coldly.

Wang Wuzhou looked down and saw that the corridor floor, which was empty just now, was now covered with a layer of iron.

This spherical object composed of a large number of sharp spikes can hinder the enemy's movement when scattered on the ground.

If you accidentally step on it, ordinary sports shoes will not be able to block its penetrating effect.

Of course, if there is a heightening pad or something, it may have to be discussed separately...

In any case, injuries to the soles of the feet will greatly restrict movement. This kind of scattered hidden trap weapon is also

"There are a lot of things, it doesn't look like a single piece of equipment."

Seeing that Wang Wuzhou was out of the danger zone, Gao Yi slightly supported his chin and fell into thought again.

At first, he thought the dwarf's shuriken was a piece of gaming equipment.

But now the opponent has displayed three different props and weapons: white smoke balls, iron traps, and shurikens.

And the way in which these different props are taken out does not seem to be taken out from the [backpack] in the wrist tattoo.

"Maybe this is some kind of characteristic, the ability to take out various ninja props?"

Gao Yi murmured and made an inference.

On the other side, Wang Wuzhou seemed less calm.

He anxiously pressed his shoes close to the ground, pushed away the small iron spikes on the ground, and made a path, while asking Gao Yi:

"What should we do? This environment is too suitable for that kid to escape. Should we chase him?"

Following his gaze, there is another upward staircase at the end of the corridor. If nothing unexpected happens, the enemy has already gone upstairs from there.

Gao Yi, who was standing aside, was still in deep thought.

"What are you still thinking about? Wouldn't it be troublesome if that kid sets a trap again?"

Wang Wuzhou frowned and asked again in confusion.

Gao Yi just took off his mask and glasses, rubbed his dry eyes, and put his index finger in front of his mouth:


Listening carefully, the sound of rain outside the haunted house became louder, but the sound of the burning flames had not disappeared.

At this moment, Gao Yi finally figured out all the previous doubts.

He shook his head, put on the [Enemy Detection Glasses] again, and looked at the blood-red tracking red line on the ground:

"I have a better idea."


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