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Chapter 63 [Western City Mystery] Nail

"Damn, it's so damn unlucky."

In the dark living room, a short man sat on the bed, sorting out his remaining resources.

From his remarks with a lot of mother content and his irritable expression, it is not difficult to see that he is in a bad mood now.

The man's surname is Zhou, and people on the road like to call him "Dingzi", on the one hand to laugh at his short stature, on the other hand to refer to his vicious temper.

He himself doesn't have much opinion on this nickname, at least it sounds okay.

Dingzi picked up a very low-priced "Sword" ticket through the channel this time.

In advance preparation, he borrowed a loan shark to upgrade his equipment and bought a lot of potions.

He planned to enter the dungeon and kill a few players who didn't understand the situation to explode some gold coins.

According to his plan, once he sold the equipment he got, he could not only pay off his debts, but also make more money.

I didn't expect that the water of [West City Strange Things] was deeper than I imagined.

Not long after the start, when he met the player for the first time, he was already planning to take action.

As a result, he almost got scared when he looked closely. The enemy turned out to be the well-known wanted criminal "Zhang Tu" in Nankang.

This big brother worth one thousand game coins was naturally not someone Dingzi could afford to offend.

On the other hand, the other party was not interested in his various "jargons" and was ready to fight the moment they met.

After just a few seconds of fighting, Dingzi realized that he had no chance of winning.

Even if he spent a lot of money to upgrade and strengthen, he was not on the same level as the other party.

Fortunately, the previous experience of loan sharking and three dungeons still allowed him to accumulate some trump cards.

One is the blue equipment [Lucky Necklace] that increases the ability to dodge.

This thing cost 700,000 cash to buy, and it can only be said that you get what you pay for.

The other is the characteristic reward that Dingzi obtained at the end of the last dungeon after backstabbing two teammates and winning alone.

[Ninja (Blue): In a dark environment, you can enter the "stealth" state; if you use it actively, you can use various ninja weapons and props for a period of time. 】

Depending on this feature that improves combat power, and the evolution rate that has just reached D level, Dingzi's combat power is really good.

In the real world before, he had completed several thefts with his stealth ability and weapons and props given by ninjas.

Although the gains were average, he had a stronger understanding and control of his abilities.

Some people may ask, with this level of ability, why not do some more "stylish" crimes.

Not to mention forming a group to wear red uniforms to rob a bank, at least you have to rob like the few people Gao Yi met in the mall.

Remember, Dingzi is a "gangster".

This is naturally not after becoming a player. Long before this "game" and "copy" appeared, he was already a little-known gangster.

The growth trajectory is not complicated. No one cares about his family falling apart, no one educates him when he doesn't study in school, and no one cares about his ignorance when he first enters society.

He doesn't know anything, so he joined various "gangs" for fun early and has been wandering on the edge of the law for many years.

Of course, in a modern country with good public security, the plot of the old Hong Kong movies he imagined would not happen.

Instead, he became a frequent visitor to the detention center and was regarded as a key focus by the local police.

It was precisely because he had a clear understanding of the consequences of violating the law that Dingzi did not do those big things that would attract attention.

"Of course it's not because I'm afraid. When I clear a few more dungeons and become strong enough, I'll see who dares to mess with me!"

He comforted himself in this way.

And Dingzi, who entered the dungeon, was naturally no longer restricted by the law and began to aim at killing.

It took a lot of effort to escape from Zhang Tu's pursuit. He cursed a few words to someone's mother. When he looked at the main task, two people had died in the dungeon.

He thought, forget it, at worst, he would wait until night. After dark, his [Ninja] characteristics would have more room to play.

After choosing the location for a long time, Dingzi, who knew nothing about the dungeon plot, chose this "amusement park".

From his point of view, it is not difficult to understand.

The darkness required by the [Ninja] feature is not so dark that you can't see your hand in front of you, but at least there should be no obvious light source nearby.

In order to ensure that you are not quickly affected by the forces in the dungeon, the darkness must be thorough enough, and the space should be open and suitable for long-range hidden weapons.

Under the ubiquitous amusement park posters, it is understandable that Nail chose it.

But did Clown Bill help to fuel this?

I guess there was.

Nail, who had just entered the amusement park and planned to use the explosion to cut off the power supply and disperse the tourists, didn't think about the most important question at all.

Why would other players enter such an amusement park that exploded and was pitch black?

You can say that there is a will in the dark, or you can say that Clown Bill's arrangement is quite clever.

In the end, the three of them met in it anyway.

Nail originally wanted to attack the lone player, but he didn't expect two to come at once.

But all kinds of preparations have been done, and the arrow is on the string and has to be shot.

Grit your teeth, anyway, the worst thing is to escape by stealth effect.

After a brief and fruitless thought, Nail threw the shuriken.

But who would have thought that the thin and weak-looking curly-haired boy with glasses would react so quickly.

As for the rest of the story, the carousel started inexplicably (Nail didn't figure out why it suddenly lit up until the end), and he was forced to enter this "scary clown haunted house".

What else could he think of? This haunted house had no exit at all, and someone had set fire to it outside.

At first, Nail was still panicking, but he didn't know how long he had been spinning, and the flames didn't show any sign of entering, so he gradually stopped thinking about it.

And a more urgent problem followed:

He didn't have anything to eat or drink, so what should he do if he couldn't get out?

He stayed in the house for more than a day. When he was about to go upstairs to find a bedroom to sleep, the basement door was kicked open, and the two players he had met before appeared there inexplicably.

He was so scared that he turned on the special effects of [Ninja] again, randomly released a round of props and ran away.

Time has come to the present.

"Damn, how can I get out?"

Nail turned up his left wrist irritably and summoned the light curtain.

[I: Survive in "West City" for 48 hours (37:30:29) or the number of remaining players in the dungeon is less than or equal to five (7/5)]

"Damn it, the countdown won't move unless the person dies."

What should I do? Should I kill those two people?

Nail, who was struggling, suddenly heard a slight sound outside the door.

He hurriedly stopped what he was doing and walked quietly to the door to listen.

There was a faint sound in the dark room.

It seemed to be... some kind of murmur?

The murmur of an old lady.


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