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Chapter 64 [Western City Strange Things] Old Woman

Nail's choice is really limited.

After entering this haunted house, there is still some drinking water, at least he won't die of thirst.

But there is really no food, and the ninja's equipment and props do not include the classic "Bingliang Pills", so he has to starve in the end.

After a long period of suspicion and lack of energy replenishment.

Now his condition has greatly declined.

Even as a "player", he has a physical fitness beyond ordinary people.

But at most, the consumption of various sports is slightly less, and the same physical fitness can do more actions, but the basic energy conservation must still be followed.

Man is iron, and food is steel. If you don't eat, you will definitely not be able to fight.

What's more, he has just turned on the active effect of the [Ninja] feature again.

When the time is up, the negative effect will appear, and he will fall into a state of extremely low combat effectiveness.

No matter what the situation is outside, he has to seize the time now and do something.

Whether it is to kill the two players who don't know how to live or die, or to see where the old woman's whisper comes from, now is the best time.

Taking a deep breath, Nail held a kunai in his hand and slowly pushed the door open.

Looking out, the corridor on the second floor was still dim, but the humidity was finally less.

The murmurs were still there, but the two players were nowhere to be seen.

Finally making up his mind to go out, Nail stepped on the rotten wooden floor, and couldn't help worrying that his feet would suddenly lose support.

Fortunately, everything was as usual, and this haunted house was still strong.

Following the murmurs, he walked slowly and carefully to the stairs. The two players who had been tracking him before were now nowhere to be seen.

And the murmurs were obviously coming from upstairs.

Without much hesitation, in fact, there was no reason to hesitate here.

Nail tried his best to lighten his steps and walked upstairs.

Of course, he had been to the third floor. In order to find a possible exit, Nail had walked around the entire house several times before.

Although his poor observation and below-average intelligence level made him miss a lot of clues, he still had an impression of the general layout of the house.

Due to the overall structure of the house, the area of ​​the third floor is much smaller, with only three rooms and a corridor.

Go up the wooden stairs and look around, and you can roughly see the entire space.

Including the source of the murmur.

Standing on the stairs, Dingzi squinted his eyes and looked at the source of the sound.

At the end of the dim corridor, an old armchair was shaking slowly.

An old woman in simple clothes and a square blanket was facing away from Dingzi, looking out the window blocked by wooden boards.

The murmur became clearer as the distance approached, but it was still not completely recognizable.

Only some miserable cries containing scattered bytes could be heard faintly.

Full of words like "son", "no" and "help"

But what made Dingzi more entangled than this was:

What on earth is this old woman?

He had been here before, and at that time, let alone the mysterious old woman, he had never seen a mouse.

If a high-level person encounters such a strange change, the first reaction must be to think about the changes in the environment, time, and personnel, and think about the possible causes of the change.

After roughly confirming the degree of danger, try to collect as much information as possible.

But remember what I mentioned before, Dingzi's school life was not perfect, and the experience he gained in society was not effective.

Facing this incomprehensible scene, his brain worked hard for a long time, and he only came to a very shallow conclusion:

There was no such old woman before, and I couldn't find a way to leave before.

So, this old woman must be someone who can let me leave this ghost place.

Dingzi was very confident in his conclusion, put away his overclocked brain, and walked towards the old woman.

Of course, he was not really without vigilance, after all, there were two players in the house who were missing.

After a little thought, he turned around and sprinkled a lot of iron balls on the stairs behind him to prevent possible pursuers.

Just when he was thinking, he had heard the sound of talking and walking downstairs.

If I'm not mistaken, it should still be on the first floor. It's probably not long since the previous obstacle traps were cleared.

If we are optimistic, maybe one of the two people stepped on the iron ball and needs to treat the wound at this moment.

It is definitely not easy to get over these annoying little objects in the dark.

Looking at the traps on the stairs, Nail nodded with satisfaction.

If he wanted to escape, he could just climb over the handrail. As a [Ninja], this is a very simple thing.

After confirming that the staircase blockade was effective, he turned his attention back to the third floor of the haunted house in front of him.

The corridor is straight and deep, and the window at the end is sealed with wooden boards, just like the other exits in the whole house.

The old woman was sitting in a rocking chair, holding something in her arms, muttering to herself facing the window.

Gently pushing open the other doors on both sides of the corridor, and confirming that there was no ambush, Nail slowly approached the source of the whispering.

At a distance of several meters, the sound finally became clear.

"Save my my child...don't leave here..."


Standing behind the old woman, Dingzi smelled the pungent smell of blood.

Looking down, he saw a baby wrapped in a gray blanket in the old woman's arms.

In fact, it was not a real baby, but a moldy and damaged baby-like toy, like the kind that was practiced in advance for expectant mothers.

And now, the old woman was very protective of it, holding it in her arms and gently patting its little hands.

Nausea, nausea, and a little fear surged in my heart.

Although Dingzi was not good at dealing with these things, he had experienced so many copies.

At least, he was not scared by such a scene.

With the accumulated experience, he still started the inquiry link that he was not good at:

"Old woman, what's wrong with you?"

"I can't leave here... unless you save my child..."

The old woman did not respond directly, still facing the sealed window, muttering to herself.

"Leave... In other words, as long as I save your child, I can leave?!"

Ningzi finally reacted, clapped his hands, and said excitedly.

The old woman still did not respond, still maintaining her mumbling tone.

Beside him, Dingzi, who could not hide his excitement, turned his wrist, thought for a moment, and took out a bottle of [D-level physical healing potion]:

"Do you think this will work? It will definitely save your son!"

This is one of the finished products he bought with a loan shark. Although the price is not cheap, it is acceptable if he can leave here.

The old woman stretched out her right hand tremblingly, took the bottle of potion, and put it in her arms:

"You... put your hands on the window......"

"Okay, okay! Hahahaha, I can finally get out. I, Dingzi, am really a genius!"

Dingzi seemed to finally see the hope of escaping from here, and his face was about to smile like a flower.

He quickly stood on tiptoe, put his hands on the window, and faced the corridor behind with his buttocks.

Not daring to turn around, Nail could only look at the window sealed by wooden boards and asked loudly:

"Is this okay, mother-in-law?"

"Yes... of course, it will be done soon..."

Putting the doll aside, Gao Yi stood up with a trembling tone.

From under the blanket, he held a homemade mace in his hand.


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