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Chapter 65 [Western City Strange Things] Threatening

"Your equipment actually has this effect?!"

Wang Wuzhou took a breath and looked at Gao Yi in front of him - to be precise, Gao Yi had turned into an old woman.

He knew before that this brother who claimed to be a reporter had a good brain and great equipment.

But who would have thought that he could have equipment of this level.

This is not a simple disguise. Not only the appearance, but also the figure, voice, and clothing have undergone a complete change.

More importantly, he could not feel that the other party was a player.

You know, it is precisely because players can sense each other when they meet that many possible sneak attacks and deceptions are avoided.

This brother Gao can actually block this sense.

Wang Wuzhou is also a person who has experienced two copies. With his identity as a policeman, he has collected a lot of intelligence and information about the "game".

This level of equipment must be at least purple.....

Thinking of this, Gao Yi's image in Wang Wuzhou's mind has become a little more profound.

"Don't worry about this....Do you remember the plan?"

Gao Yi didn't pay much attention to Wang Wuzhou's changes. At this time, he was adapting to a brand new body and tone.

Since the changes of [Mist Mask] are completely random, he is actually a little worried that the person he turns into is not suitable for the current scene.

What scene?

Naturally, it is terrifying, mysterious, and the style is suitable for this weird house.

It is not impossible for a middle-aged man to perform a ghost or collapse.

But compared with various little girls in red, weird old women, and women in white, it is definitely far behind.

After giving Wang Wuzhou a few more instructions, Gao Yi went upstairs to prepare various props.

The rocking chair and the fake doll found under the bed acted as plot props, and the blanket was used to cover the action.

Weapons are indeed a problem. Gao Yi removed a wooden strip from the bookshelf and pulled out a few rusty nails.

A homemade version of "tetanus mace" was completed.

Due to the existence of [enemy detection glasses], he can confirm that the short man is still hiding in the house.

It is not impossible to attack with Wang Wuzhou, but it is indeed too risky.

The other party has already shown a good fighting ability. If the other party is desperate, Gao Yi is not sure that he can escape unscathed.

Gao Yi's plan is naturally a safer choice, and it is not complicated to say.

Through the countdown of the light curtain and the movement outside the house, he judged that the time movement in this old house has slowed down.

On this basis, the abnormality of the short man can be explained.

Pale face, thin body, malnutrition, and weak gait are all caused by lack of food.

The dust and depreciation on the body should be the product of long-term exploration and wandering.

Using the changes in the countdown of the light curtain and his own countdown to do a division, Gao Yi easily made a judgment:

In other words, the attacker has been locked in this house for at least one day.

Considering his condition and specially enhanced escape ability, Gao Yi made another inference-this person must be extremely eager to leave here.

After figuring out the other party's mentality, the plan-or conspiracy, was set up very naturally.

Wang Wuzhou was responsible for making noise downstairs, distracting attention, and creating the illusion that they were downstairs for the enemy.

Gao Yi was responsible for putting on a good show.

To be honest, this man who called himself "Dingzi" was indeed a bit stupid. Gao Yi felt that his mumbling was clear enough, but he still couldn't understand.

There was no other way, so he could only explain it again in a different way, so that the other party could understand.

Relying on the two labels of [Lovelor] and [Deadbeat], Dingzi had almost no doubts about the bonus of persuasion.

Well, Gao Yi felt that the main reason was that this man's brain was really not very good.

It is worth mentioning that the experience of the [Lovelor] label actually increased a bit.

Now that I think about it, when I first communicated with the black sweater player on the subway, I didn't mention anything like breaking up.

But at that time, the experience of [Lovelor] was also increasing.

It seems that the "love" of [Lovelor] does not only refer to a romantic relationship.

This is good news. There should be more places to upgrade this label in the future.

But the main problem now is the short man in front of me.

This "nail" with a happy face was now lying on the nailed window, with his back to the mace full of nails.

"Focus, keep your eyes on the window, I will let you leave..."

Gao Yi took a deep breath, maintaining a weak and trembling tone.

After all, this body is not his own. Although the physical fitness will not change, the attributes such as arm length, weight, and limb flexibility still follow the changing body.

And compared with the young women in the mall before, the physical difference between the elderly is too big.

In order to hurry, Gao Yi did not have much time to adapt. At this moment, he was holding the mace and looking for an angle.

Aiming at his right shoulder, he inhaled and accumulated strength, supported his hind legs, and the mace looked like it was about to hit.

But at this moment, the nail in front of him felt something wrong.

This was naturally not from his IQ or a flash of inspiration.

It was the equipment he had spent a lot of money on - [Lucky Necklace]

Its effect was not complicated, it just accumulated the wearer's usual bad luck and gained a little "luck" when attacked.

And just when Gao Yi's mace was about to fall and hit Nail's left shoulder, this "lucky" that shouldn't happen happened just like that.

It has to be said that sometimes "luck" is so sudden, bringing unpredictable changes to the world that remains unchanged.

I don’t know if it’s because the weight of the rocking chair exceeds the limit, or if it’s the result of the moisture.

The wooden floor that had been stepped on countless times over such a long period of time actually cracked like this.

Just as he was about to swing the bat, his right leg lost its center of gravity, and even the blow with the mace missed.


As the wooden stick fell to the ground, rusty nails were inserted into the floor.

This unusual movement also attracted Nailizhi's attention, causing him to turn his head.

I have to admit that this kind of stare is somewhat awkward.

Gao Yi's mace hit the ground, and it seemed that several iron nails were embedded in the wooden floor, making it impossible to lift it up again at once.

The nail lying on the window stuck out his butt, with confusion written on his face.

"The ceremony is not over yet...forget it."

Gao Yi still wanted to struggle, so he lowered his voice and spoke again.

Unfortunately, Nails apparently reacted.

Looking at the kunai in the other person's hand and the anger in his eyes, Gao Yi wisely gave up and continued the conversation.

In the end, we still have to fight head-on?


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