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Chapter 66 [Western City Mystery] Price

To be honest, when Dingzi heard the loud noise and turned around, he didn't realize what happened.

The old woman who had just promised to send him out suddenly held a wooden stick full of nails and smashed it to the ground.

To be fair, this scene is somewhat difficult to understand.

Imagine the neighbor's grandmother who would take you in to rest and wait for your parents when you came home from school without bringing your keys.

When you were asked to make a phone call, a kitchen knife suddenly chopped the coffee table from behind you.

To be honest, it is very normal to be stunned for a few seconds.

Under normal circumstances, Gao Yi can completely take advantage of the opponent's brief absence to gain a greater advantage.

But the [Lucky Necklace] on Dingzi's chest will start to vibrate and heat up slightly when it takes effect, to warn the wearer.

Although he has been using it for a while, he did not understand the situation in front of him instantly, but he was undoubtedly clear that "someone was attacking him".

This also completely cut off the possibility of Gao Yi using rhetoric to delay.

The kunai in the nail's right hand has not been put down. The tail end of this one-handed weapon is a small round ring, and the front end is a sword-like structure. There are also different types.

The smaller type is the "flying kunai", which can be used for long-range attacks, while the one that the nail is using now is larger and suitable for close combat.

With a fancy move, he turned his hand and the kunai has changed from forehand to backhand, stabbing from the upper right.

Seeing this, Gao Yi instantly gave up the idea of ​​picking up the mace inserted into the floor, and dodged this initial attack with a backward lean.

The nail's movements were also not slow, but there was a hint of hesitation in his attack.

It seemed that he was still thinking whether the old woman in front of him could really send him out.

If he killed her, it would be troublesome if he couldn't leave.

But for Gao Yi, there was another picture in front of him.

Relying on the opponent's slight hesitation and the agility bonus given by the [stunt belt], he barely avoided the first three attacks.

However, the situation is still not optimistic.

First of all, there is the problem of weapons. After losing the mace, Gao Yi fell into a state of lack of weapons again.

Although the opponent's kunai is not a very powerful weapon, it is at least a cold weapon of the dagger level.

In the case of physical disadvantage, bare hands will definitely not be able to withstand it.

Secondly, there is the problem of body.

Although the body of the old lady given by [Mist Mask] is indeed very confusing, it is not enough if it really needs to be fought head-on.

Short arm length, narrow step distance, and more importantly, that kind of extremely awkward feeling of discomfort.

No, even if this skin can still confuse the opponent for a while, the negative impact it brings is far greater than this pitiful effect.

It must be removed.

Gao Yi retreated again, using the rocking chair as a cover. Although it was unnecessary, he still spoke in a hoarse voice:

"My son... Kill him!"

After that, he raised his arm and threw the baby doll that had just been placed on the chair to the nail's face.

It has to be said that this kind of inferior gel and plastic products, after being idle in a humid environment for a long time, are more or less disgusting.

If you have a toy yellow duck or something similar for bathing at home, remember to replace it frequently.

Otherwise, you definitely don't want to see what it looks like inside...

In short, Dingzi subconsciously raised his hand to stop it, and this "half son" smashed on his forearm, and various yellow and green semi-solidified objects were sprinkled on his face.

With a few more Chinese curses to greet other people's mothers, Dingzi wiped the dirt on his face with his sleeves and looked up again.

Of course, the person standing in front of him now is no longer the old woman.

"It's... it's you!"

Dingzi's words were full of shock. Obviously, the changes in the past ten seconds have exceeded his understanding.

On the other side, Gao Yi, who has returned to his original body, has no intention of entangled with him again.

At this moment, he has turned around and rushed to the bedroom on the other side.

There were scraps left over from making his mace, which could be used as a weapon temporarily.

And locking the door could also delay time until Wang Wuzhou came and fought a just battle of outnumbered.

The loud noise before must have conveyed to him the message that the battle had begun.

But I have to admit that Gao Yi was "greedy" for a moment.

He could obviously press the [Special Belt] to use the active effect of greatly increasing agility.

With the speed bonus, he could rush into the safe room without any risk.

But in the end, he still didn't use the [Special Belt].

Maybe he didn't want to use up his trump card so quickly, or he was worried that the negative effects in a few minutes would cause inconvenience in his actions later.

In any case, Gao Yi chose to believe in his speed.

In his eyes, the opponent's long-range attack was only that shuriken.

And if he put down the kunai he was using, picked up a brand new weapon, and aimed and threw it, it would take several seconds.

During this time, Gao Yi thought he could run through the corridor of less than ten meters and turn into the house.

But what he didn't expect was that the nail's ninja weapon didn't need to be "dug out" again, but could be changed directly in the hand.

Thinking back carefully, Gao Yi should have thought of this.

The opponent had used a variety of ninja props quickly before, and it was obvious that he didn't have time to take out each one.

Of course, more importantly, Gao Yi really didn't know that the other party had such a weapon.

This weapon, called the chain sickle, is divided into two parts.

The front end is an ordinary-looking sickle, and the handle of the sickle is connected to a long chain sickle, with a small iron ball hanging at the end.

It is also very flexible to use. You can throw the iron ball and pull it back, or you can attack directly with the sickle.

Or, like Dingzi is doing now, throw the iron chain out and entangle the enemy's body and weapon.

The left leg that was about to step out was pulled back, and Gao Yi lost his center of gravity again and fell to the ground.

There was no time to feel the dull pain in his body, and he used his left forearm to support the ground.

Gao Yi turned his body with difficulty and looked at the short man.

And Dingzi naturally did not hold back, catching up at a faster speed, leaning over and slashing down with the sickle in his hand.

At a certain moment, Gao Yi really felt the coming of death.

The blade cut through the sleeves, and blood flowed down the bright blade and dripped onto his face.

Fortunately, the [Reckless Armguard] was still equipped on his arm, just blocking the angle between the sickle and its handle.

But the blade of the sickle was still staring at Gao Yi's face, slowly pressing down.

What to do?

[Mist Mask] is not a protective gear, and it probably won't protect me if I get stabbed.

The active effects of several equipments require some hand movements to activate, and there is no chance at this moment.

Even the activation of [Armchair Detective] requires concentration of thoughts and no interference.

Nail looks quite thin, but his strength is unusually large. I don't know if it is the advantage of evolution rate or some kind of feature or equipment.

Label, is there any label that can be used?

Gao Yi has just put on the only [Enthusiastic Citizen] that improves combat power.

Unfortunately, the current situation is not considered to be a heroic act.

The blade moved down inch by inch, approaching Gao Yi's cheek.

Although his left hand was holding his right arm tightly and the metal armguard was blocking part of the round blade, his strength was still at a disadvantage.

The nail above had a crazy look on his face, and he pressed down the sickle in his hands with both hands.

Or was it because he didn't have enough strength...

There was not much time left for him, and Gao Yi's best rhetoric and deception were ineffective at this moment.

In the final analysis, it was the result of his obsession with pursuing "no injury", and some price was obviously necessary.

Wait, price?

The blade was approaching, and as the arm slowly approached the body, it became more and more difficult to exert force.

Blood dripped, and above was the grinning face of the nail.

Obviously, he felt that he had already won.

But Gao Yi below suddenly moved.

The left hand that was originally assisting in exerting force suddenly loosened, and he actually used the arm without arm guard to directly resist the sharp blade.

The sharp sickle instantly penetrated Gao Yi's left arm and smashed down without any obstruction.

Gao Yi himself tilted his head and pulled with his arm to avoid the inevitable blow.

The sickle passed through his left arm, just brushing his cheek, and then deeply inserted into the floor beside him.

Enduring the severe pain, he raised his other right arm wearing the [Reckless Armguard] to the top of his head.

The active effect that greatly increased his strength in a short period of time was activated.

The huge force that could break the load-bearing column instantly exploded in the chest of the nail whose center of gravity moved down. This force without the need for preparation knocked him out.

Gao Yi would naturally not make the same mistake again. He moved his right hand down and quickly touched it, activating the active effect of the [Stunt Belt].

He gritted his teeth, pulled out the sickle inserted into his left arm, held it in his hand, and solved the problem of having no weapon.

And the duration of the [Reckless Armguard] was still ten seconds.

Enough, enough.


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