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Chapter 67 [Western City Mystery] Kill Reward

In the abandoned old house, the crumbling third floor.

At the end of the dim corridor, several sounds were heard.

First, there was the tearing sound of a sharp weapon piercing into flesh and blood, then the crisp sound of a blade inserted into a wooden board, and then a heavy collision.

Finally, there was a rather tragic tearing and wailing sound.

When Wang Wuzhou finally cleared the iron ball blocking the road and rushed to the third floor with an axe, the battle was over.

It seemed that the victory was still theirs, but it was undoubtedly a miserable victory.

The short man who attacked them was now lying against the wall, with a sickle tied to an iron chain piercing his chest, and he was already dead.

Gao Yi's condition was not much better, sitting on a rocking chair, his upper body covered in blood.

Especially the left arm, the huge penetrating wound was pressed by the other hand, and it was now hanging weakly at the side.

Wang Wuzhou had some experience in this area, so he was not too panicked.

His first reaction when he saw this scene was to rush up and hit the short man with an axe again to make sure he was dead.

Of course, objectively speaking, the main quest actually has the same effect.

This axe was more or less personal.

"Damn... your injury, E-level physical healing potion probably won't work, you have to go to the hospital as soon as possible."

Wang Wuzhou said, leaving the axe on the nail's body, squatting down and starting to take out the potion.

"Don't, yours doesn't work, use this..."

Gao Yi's tone was a little weak, not only because of blood loss and fatigue, but also because the negative effects of the two pieces of equipment began to stack.

His left arm could no longer be raised, so Gao Yi had to bend down and take out a bottle of potion from his wrist.

Needless to say, it was one of the rewards of [Heart Trick Mist], [C-level Physical Healing Potion].

This thing has never been sold on the forum. Considering that a D-level can be bid for nearly two hundred game coins, the price is estimated to be not too low.

But considering his current bad condition, he really couldn't save it.

He opened the bottle cap with one hand and drank it all up.

While feeling the itching and strange feeling of the healing of his flesh, he took off all the equipment on his body one by one.

Wearing it for a few hours has accumulated too many negative effects, and he really can't bear it anymore.

Considering that the enemy in front of him is dead, it shouldn't be too much to relax for the time being.

I have to say that the C-level physical healing agent is indeed much stronger than the E-level one.

First of all, the pain relief is more immediate. The pain caused by the decline of adrenaline disappears in an instant.

Instead, there is a slight numbness and itching.

Looking down, the left arm with a hole is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and you can even see the granulation growing and wriggling in it.

On the other side, the warm current in the body slowly flows through the body from top to bottom, making Gao Yi feel purified.

If the guess is correct, it should have cured some of his chronic diseases and overwork.

Touching the wound on his arm, a new layer of flesh has grown. Although it is still a little difficult to swing, it has basically healed.

On the side, Wang Wuzhou was turning over the body of the short man, looking for possible supplies and clues.

Gao Yi was not in a hurry. He raised his wrist and summoned the light curtain.

As expected, this fierce battle also yielded considerable results.

[Kill Reward]

[Has been improved by the "Sword" copy]

[Obtained the feature "Weapon Master (Blue)\

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