Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 68 [Western City Strange Things] Note

"What happened?"

Gao Yi stood up with difficulty and slowly tore off the clothes stuck with coagulated blood from the back of the chair.

The old rocking chair rocked back and forth on the floor several times, and it creaked again.

Going around Wang Wuzhou who was squatting on the ground, Gao Yi saw the "nail" on the ground again.

Although they were "players" and this was a "copy", the scene in front of him was completely different from the familiar video games.

There was no cartoon-like expression, exaggerated sound effects and kill icons.

The enemy's body would not ooze green blood, nor would it turn into white light and disappear.

The sickle disappeared with the death of the nail, leaving only his short body and the blood hole in his chest.

Of course, the axe on his body was also recovered by Wang Wuzhou.

Looking at the other party's terrified expression before his death, Gao Yi realized belatedly that this was his first time killing someone.

This person naturally deserved the punishment, and he should also be considered to be self-defense.

But, it was still difficult to calm down in his heart.

Unlike the panic and guilt commonly seen in movies and TV shows, Gao Yi only had an indescribable sense of emptiness in his heart, as if he was understanding life from a more detached perspective.

Fortunately, just as he was trapped in meaningless self-consumption, Wang Wuzhou, who was squatting beside him, interrupted him:

"Hey, don't think about anything, look here."

Shaking his head to drive away his thoughts, Gao Yi followed the voice and looked down.

Wang Wuzhou pulled open the blood-stained half of the corpse's clothes, and on the side of his lower abdomen, there was a scorpion tattoo.

"This buddy seems to be a gangster, and it's not strange to have a few tattoos."

Gao Yi spread his hands and returned to his usual lazy tone again.

"There are no gangs these days...Tattoos are very common, but I've seen this tattoo before."

Wang Wuzhou paused slightly, and then continued as if recalling:

"When I investigated the case and got the ticket to enter the dungeon for the first time, the deceased also had the same tattoo."

This news aroused Gao Yi's interest. He also squatted beside the corpse and looked at the scorpion-shaped tattoo.

This scorpion looked nothing special, with a shell all over its body, a narrow body, and a high-raised tail stinger.

Gao Yi took out his notebook and roughly copied it, and then made another guess:

"You mean, they may be some kind of organization?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Wang Wuzhou couldn't give a definite answer either. He pulled the corpse's clothes back and took out a handful of notes from his trouser pocket.

Obviously, these were also the property of "Nail".

Gao Yi took them and looked through them one by one.

Convenience store receipts, IOUs, credit card overdue notices, and a nightclub advertisement with strange words written on it.

Cheap lunch boxes, cigarettes and beer bought from convenience stores, credit cards have already exploded, and it seems that he still owes a loan shark.

The most noteworthy thing is the small card of the nightclub, with an address written below.

[Old Industrial Zone, No. 128 Sangang Road]

Recalling a little, it is also near the old city, and it seems not too far from the rental house.

"Maybe it's a criminal's nest, do you want to take it to ask for credit?"

Gao Yi roughly glanced at the meaningless notes, waved the remaining small card, and said to Wang Wuzhou.

"Forget it, these are not my business."

Officer Wang sighed, rubbed his knees and stood up.

Gao Yi shrugged, put the small card and the rest of the notes in his notebook and put them away again.

To be honest, even if the other party really wanted it, he would write down the address.

Something called "news radar" sounded in Gao Yi's mind. As an investigative reporter, he had an intuitive alertness to these information worthy of attention.

At the same time, another inspiration flashed in his mind.

Gao Yi focused his consciousness slightly and displayed the label system in front of him.

Yes, he did remember it correctly.

There is such a task in the daily task.

[Investigate a secret organization and write a report]

Combined with previous experience, the daily tasks should be within his ability and belong to the type that he can contact.

Maybe the secret organization referred to here is this?

Speaking of which, it has only been three months since the current "games" and "players" appeared in Nankang City.

There are so many related organizations, gangs and groups.

In various aspects, it is not good news for Gao Yi, who is not good at cooperating with others.

Talking about players and work, Wang Wuzhou began to complain again:

"I am not responsible for this aspect. Players and games are generally restricted information. They are all managed by the investigation bureau. No information is shared..."

Just as Wang Wuzhou was chattering, Gao Yi's consciousness was slightly detached.

The five senses added by his [Armchair Detective] seemed to have improved to a certain extent.

More importantly, during that period just now, Gao Yi hardly felt too much auditory and olfactory information.

Can I control my five senses to a certain extent? Is this because of the improvement in the evolution rate or the practice of fighting just now?

But when Gao Yi once again used his hearing, he realized something was wrong.

The previous silence had disappeared, and all kinds of sounds at this moment became lively again.

The heavy rain continued, the flames seemed to have been completely extinguished, and human voices appeared again in the amusement park.

Even the music of the carousel was floating in the distance.

Subconsciously, Gao Yi flipped his wrist and opened the light curtain.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for 48 hours (35:56:22) or the number of remaining players in the copy is less than or equal to five (6/5)]




As expected, the slowing down of time ended.

In other words, the closedness and domain of this "Scary Clown Haunted House" also disappeared.

Although the clown Bill disappeared again and did not come out to disrupt the situation in the previous battle, it was a bit tangled.

But anyway, the torment in this haunted house is finally over.


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