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Chapter 70 [Western City Strange Things] Expedition Team

When Chris slowly opened the door, carrying a full backpack, he planned to leave the house quietly while avoiding his mother-in-law.

The high school teacher who appeared inexplicably yesterday and came to stay at home for the night suddenly spoke in the dark corridor:

"Are you going out, Chris?"

This unexpected sound really frightened the boy who was already in a state of panic.

He casually turned on the corridor light on the side. At this moment, Gao Yi got himself a cup of hot milk, holding it in his hand and blowing on it, looking quite leisurely.

Of course, although he failed to take a bath and sleep, he still changed himself into a coat to cover up the damaged clothes and blood stains.

However, the newly healed wounds on his face and exposed skin still gave him a hint of evil aura.

For a junior high school student like Chris, it was indeed a bit exciting.

What he didn't know was that Gao Yi specially made this cup of hot milk, partly to relieve his difficulty, and partly because he wanted to do an experiment.

Just now, he poured a tube of [D-level evolution potion] in, stirred it with milk and mixed it into the coffee.

Will it take effect? ​​If so, will it be diluted and affect the ingestion effect?

This is related to many possibilities in the future, such as selling medicine, whether it can be mixed with water to make two tubes or something...

While Gao Yi was thinking about his future ways of making money, the little boy in front of him opened his mouth several times and looked at the figure leaning against the wall, but was unable to speak.

This is not surprising. This Chris was silent during breakfast. He was probably not very good at communicating with strangers.

The appearance of Gao Yi completely disrupted his plan. The boy at this moment was undoubtedly confused.

In this case, if you want to get some information out of him, you still have to use some tricks.

"Granny Smith was just saying that you went to bed so early today and didn't see her after dinner... It just so happens that you go say hello to her before leaving."

Gao Yi drank half a cup of coffee, wiped the corners of his mouth, and pretended to remember.

With that said, he turned around and called Granny Smith downstairs.


"What?" Hearing the little boy speak with difficulty, Gao Yi turned his head again, as if he didn't hear clearly.

"No, please don't tell grandma..."

The boy named Chris lowered his head and leaned forward, making the full backpack behind him look even more bloated.

Gao Yi looked around and saw that the boy's equipment was not very professional, but he still tried his best to prepare.

Water bottle, compass, multifunctional knife, and two pieces of thick clothes for changing in the backpack.

It's not difficult to judge that he wanted to sneak out. Gao Yi actually didn't intend to tell Granny Smith about it.

Just use it as a "big stick" to scare the boy a little.

This is a way to gain control of the conversation. As the "active party", you can better ask for the information you want.

All kinds of interrogations actually follow the same logic, using uncomfortable environments and threatening words to attack the psychological defenses of the interrogated person, and then obtain the desired information.

After the stick is used up, it's time for the "carrot" to come into play.

Gao Yi looked at the other person's expression, suddenly leaned down, and pretended to be mysterious and lowered his voice in Chris's ear:

"The reason why you went out has nothing to do with that clown, right?"

With his body shaking suddenly, his hands at a loss, and his horrified expression, boy Christian basically had "How did you know" written on his face.

As expected, these kids are heading out to find Clown Bill.

Considering its various abilities to create illusions, mind control, and change space.

A group of junior high school students went to fight, basically the kind where little lambs gathered to challenge the big bad wolf - the Pleasant Goat was still absent.

"I'm also investigating that clown. If it's not too much trouble, tell me your plan. Maybe I can help too."

Gao Yi showed an friendly smile, which was quite convincing with the addition of the [enthusiastic citizen] label.

Looking at the high school drama teacher who suddenly appeared in front of him, Chris's clear eyes showed a hint of confusion.


Since the meeting time of several young expedition groups was set half an hour later, Chris still had some free time.

Back in the room, they finally confessed their plan to Gao Yi.

There were six of them, five boys and one girl, all classmates.

Growing up together, they have always loved exploring and looking for excitement.

Later, on an expedition, they collectively witness a clown hunting.

After that, Clown Bill appeared in front of the six people many times, creating various terrifying illusions to scare them.

What jumps down from the sky with a red balloon, makes the weird portrait of the family appear in reality, makes all kinds of bugs jump out of the soup when eating...

Anyway, it is based on the weakness of each person, how to scare people, how to be scary.

They also sought help from adults at home and the Xicheng police.

Of course, what a group of junior high school students who were fooling around all day lacked credibility, so naturally they were not taken seriously.

This kind of unfounded and funny-sounding "clown" threat will only be laughed at by others

This time the expedition team went out to investigate the clown Bill and collect evidence of his existence.

The reason why they chose today is that one of their members claimed to have obtained clues and said that he could find the traces of the clown.

It must be said that students of this age are really brave.

If the players were allowed to go, they would definitely not dare to be so reckless.

When Gao Yi asked, "How did you first know about the existence of Bill the Clown?", the boy Chris fell silent again.

After a long time, he raised his head and looked at the picture frame on the desk:

"I saw my brother on the day he disappeared."

Following Chris's gaze, Gao Yi also turned his head to look.

On the desk, there was a group photo, which was of young Chris and a boy who looked three or four points similar.

They hugged each other, and their faces were full of smiles, which looked so pure and happy.

Needless to say, it was his brother.

After saying through the intercom that he would go to meet up later, Chris took a deep breath.

In the narration filled with pain, sadness and thoughts, Gao Yi gradually figured out what happened three years ago.


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