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Chapter 71 [Western City Mystery] Pipeline

Chris's brother is called Matt, Matt Smith.

Compared with Chris, who is somewhat introverted and not good at words, Matt is always the more likeable one who can get along well with others.

At school, Matt is a popular class star; he is also the absolute main force on the school football team; even at home, he is the one who is more popular with his parents.

However, these do not affect the excellent relationship between the two brothers. They play together every day, mainly because of their common hobby-adventure.

Huge machines in abandoned steel plants, basements of abandoned old houses, and weird stairs with unknown purposes in the jungle.

Every exploration and discovery made them excited.

Under the doting of their parents, the two brothers spent an extremely happy and unrestrained childhood.

"Until one day, Matt suddenly knocked on my door and mysteriously asked me to go out with him... He said it was the 'Rudolph incident'...'"

Chris kept the pace of his story, suddenly realized something and raised his head, and explained to Gao Yi:

"The 'Rudolph Incident' means that he found the most exciting adventure. Others include 'Jumper', 'Cupid' and so on..."

"I see, so where did he take you?"

Gao Yi's expression remained normal, he didn't complain about the strange name of the incident, he just drank the coffee in his mouth completely.

He quietly flipped his wrist and summoned the light curtain.

[Evolution rate: 51%]

With an added 7% evolution rate, it seems to be stronger than E-level.

As for whether mixing it in coffee will have any effect, it's hard to judge... I'll drink a tube normally later and make a comparison.

Gao Yi raised his eyebrows and turned his attention back to the boy.

But Chris was completely unaware of Gao Yi's complicated thoughts and was still immersed in memories.

"Brother, he took me for a long time, along the river... and finally stopped outside a tunnel-like pipe."


Gao Yi recalled something, and while gesturing for Chris to continue, he took out his notebook and rummaged through the information previously recorded in the archives room.

"Last witness saw Matt leaving along the river."

"The footsteps extended all the way to the sewage pipe two kilometers away from the last sighting."

Could it be this pipeline?

Gao Yi didn't ask any more questions here. Now, he needed Chris to tell the incident exactly as it was.

As expected, the story gradually became weird.

"That pipe looks like an abandoned sewage pipe. It's dark inside and can barely pass through for one person."

Chris recalled with difficulty, as if he was facing some kind of nightmare, and he had to stop and take a breath from time to time.

Gao Yi closed his eyes slightly, and combined with the information he saw in the archives, he sketched this picture in his mind.

At some point, the sound of water flowing and the chirping of insects suddenly appeared in my ears.

When he opened his eyes again and looked around, the room where the desk and bed were originally located suddenly disappeared.

The map of West City hanging on the wall slowly fell down and covered the entire floor. The surrounding walls collapsed, causing the original scene to completely disappear.

Instead, there is a long tunnel on the river bank, standing next to the gravel embankment and extending all the way inward to the bottom of the mound.

Gao Yi and Chris were sitting by the river, sitting on two large smooth rocks under the warm spring breeze and new green leaves.

This sudden scene, like some kind of VR equipment, combines what Gao Yi saw in the archive photos and what Chris described in his mouth, and all appears before his eyes.

After a few seconds, Gao Yi realized that this should be the effect of [Easy Chair Detective], not the influence of Clown Bill.

Has your ability actually improved? This is an effect that has never been shown before.

The so-called "easy chair detectives" refer to those who do not need to interview witnesses and are present at the scene.

The detective who can successfully solve the case and find the real culprit just needs to lie down in a comfortable and warm easy chair at home and listen to other people introducing case information.

It turns out that these "characteristics" will indeed evolve slowly, with more abilities and effects appearing.

Now this kind of "scene reconstruction" like a detective movie should also be one of the manifestations of the [Easy Chair Detective] ability.

Gao Yi didn't say much, just continued to listen to Chris' story in this scene.

"Matt told me that this adventure was a 'daring show' to see who dared to go further along the pipeline."

Looking along that pipeline is indeed a bit scary.

Light is completely unable to penetrate steel and cement, keeping the viewing distance of the entire long tunnel at about one meter. Only black and green sludge and filth can be seen.

Further inside, there is a long and silent darkness.

Gao Yi turned around and saw that the young Chris and his brother Matt walked through the cobblestones and came to the tunnel.

"The rule is who can go further in, I'll go first!" Matt smiled at Chris and walked slowly in. Within a moment, the figure disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel.

Only the sound of footsteps made by sneakers stepping on the submerged pipes and Matt's regular counting are left:


At the sixth count, the footsteps suddenly turned and accelerated. After a while, Matt ran out laughing:

"Six seconds, a full six seconds! This is the performance of a brave man, as for you..."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Chris beside him, raised his eyebrows, and showed a challenging look.

"What's so great about this? I, I can go further!"

Chris shouted loudly, trying to give himself courage.

In front of this brother who is better and more popular than himself, he always tries to show himself.

After that, Chris took a deep breath, and walked into the tunnel with his head held high amid Matt's laughter.

As soon as he entered, he regretted it.

The rusty steel was mixed with an unbearable stench, and the surroundings were full of unrecognizable curved metal pipes, so Chris could only walk in a fixed straight line.

This is a scene that is enough to make people with claustrophobia collapse, small, dark, unknown...

Chris suppressed his fear, counted loudly, and walked inside:

"1.......2......3........4......5......7! Seven seconds!"

I won! Chris thought so, ran out faster, and looked at Matt's bright smile.

"Not bad, you are worthy of being my brother, it's my turn next!"

Matt smiled, left his coat on the river bank, and counted again and walked into the pipe.

With this, Chris and Matt, the two brothers, began a long walking competition.

Every time they entered, Matt's shadow became farther and farther, his voice became longer and longer, and the echo became more and more difficult to distinguish.

The two behind had to communicate with each other through the intercom and count to continue the game.

Days passed, and Chris and Matt would come back here as soon as they had time and start the game again.

"What happened next?"

Seeing that Chris's memories were gradually slowing down, Gao Yi leaned over and asked.

Chris lowered his head again, pursed his lips, and struggled to mobilize his hoarse voice, as if the memories had finally reached the most terrifying place.

"That time, I was determined to completely surpass Matt, walk to the farthest place in the pipe, and win this game forever............"


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