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Chapter 72 [Western City Strange Things] The End

On the river bank, the green leaves gradually turned yellow and then slowly fell.

After a long period of baldness, the trees sprouted new buds again.

In the simulated space of [Armchair Detective], more than half a year passed in a flash.

This long tunnel seemed to have some magic power, attracting almost all the curiosity and passion of the two brothers.

The distance and time of exploration became longer and longer, from the earliest few seconds to more than ten seconds, and later became dozens of seconds.

The longest record is now held by Matt, which is a full 101 seconds.

Of course, at this distance, it is no longer possible for the two to record by shouting.

The walkie-talkie became the only option to communicate with each other.

Chris tried to break this record several times, but failed.

Until one time, he decided to completely conquer this game so that he would no longer have to worry about this terrifying pipeline.

It is foreseeable that he alone would not be able to break this result.

This is not only about courage and determination, but also the limitation of physical strength and foot speed. After all, Chris was still a primary school student at that time.

Finally, he decided to be a little clever, in simple terms, to cheat.

After walking into the pipe for about a few meters, people outside can't see what's going on inside.

That's why the two can only communicate with each other through the intercom.

At the same time, this also means that after entering the pipe for a certain distance, Chris can use some means that are prohibited by the rules.

The scene around Gao Yi changed again, and the two brothers, who had obviously grown taller, appeared by the river again.

The newly dense bushes on the river bank blocked the view and pressed the pipe under the ground.

It can be seen that time has passed with the story Chris told.

"I will definitely go to the innermost this time, and then you must admit that I am the final winner of this game!"

Chris wore a yellow windbreaker that was easy to exercise, and a pair of rain boots on his feet. Obviously, he was well prepared.

It can be seen that he really intended to win the game completely.

"Just you?"

Matt showed a provocative smile and shook his head and looked at Chris.

This is the unique way for the two brothers to get along. Only truly close people will have such a joking conversation.

Chris avoided his brother's playful eyes and focused all his attention on the pipe.

Take a deep breath and enter slowly again.


The metal pipes on both sides are still so crowded and narrow, wrapping Chris's thin body in darkness.

The steel-like cold penetrates all clothes and directly wraps his thin body.


As the light behind him completely disappeared, Chris entered the complete darkness again.

Even if he has entered here dozens of times, the feeling of accelerated heart will not disappear.

Fear seems to have become a physical entity, beating between the Adam's apple and the chest with every breath.

Inhale, inhale the unknown terror in the darkness.

Exhale, and expel the remaining courage and desire to explore.



This is close to the limit of Chris's previous entry. Listening to Matt's laughter on the intercom, he decided to start his "little action".

Chris took out the small flashlight in his pocket while counting. This was his secret weapon.

He turned it on with one hand, and the scene in the pipe became clear instantly.

As the darkness faded, the fear in his heart became weaker.

Matt obviously didn't realize what his brother had done, and just asked, "Can you still hold on? It's not shameful to lose to me."

Of course, Chris would not pay attention, and his goal was very clear.


Very good, he has surpassed Matt's previous record!

Chris was excited, but he didn't show it. He used the flashlight to dispel the darkness and continued to count.

"Okay, you beat Chris, I will share my fried meatballs with you tonight."

Matt sighed, and his tone was a little regretful. Obviously, he didn't expect his brother to surpass him.

But Chris didn't respond at all. Just as he said before, he wanted to reach the end of the pipe and win the game completely...

"I don't know why, but I was so sure at that time that the pipe must have an end and I could definitely finish it..."

Chris, who was opposite Gao Yi, was now lowering his head, clasping his hands together, with a little confusion and pain in his tone.

"Then...did you finally reach the end?"

Gao Yi tried to slow down his tone and make his voice soft, guiding the boy's story.

"I..." Chris raised his head and looked directly into Gao Yi's eyes. His tone became trembling, and he gave an unexpected answer:

"I got there, I got to the end."

The surroundings suddenly turned dark, and the river and pebbles below disappeared, replaced by a pitch-black darkness.

[Armchair Detective] As Chris tells the story, the constructed scene changes again.

In the darkness, a flashlight shines directly on the two of them.

The "past version" Chris, wearing a jacket and rain boots, walks nervously and slowly passes behind the "current version" Chris.

As he walks, he continues to count in a childish tone:


Suddenly, the flashlight flashes several times and stops.

At the same time, the sound from the intercom begins to intermittently, making Matt's voice fragmented.

" a reply........"

Strange, if it was just the intercom that had no signal, it would be understandable.

What about the flashlight? The battery of this thing had just been changed before coming here, and Chris knew it very well.

He also stopped his steps, and the dark pipe became silent again.

No, that's not right, it's not complete silence.

Beyond the darkness, in the distance of the unknown and mystery... there is movement.

Listening carefully, it seems to be a cry.

A little boy's cry.


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