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Chapter 73 [Western City Strange Things] Competition

"What were you thinking at the time? Don't you think it's very strange to hear crying in this situation?"

Gao Yi took a deep breath and chose to ask the doubts in his heart.

In Chris's account, after hearing the boy's cry, he actually chose to move forward to find the source of the sound.

To be honest, this is a standard death-seeking behavior in horror movies.

If someone makes statistics, at least 80% of the dead in various thriller movies died from this kind of suicide, knowing that danger existed.

For ordinary people, when encountering even weirder changes in a weird environment, running away is definitely the most rational behavior.

"I...I don't remember. I just felt that there was a voice talking in my head at that time, asking me to go deeper into the pipe."

Chris' expression became painful, as if he was trying to recall that past event.

Seeing this, Gao Yi hurriedly comforted him with a few words to let his memory work again.

Considering the clown's ability in the spiritual realm in the copy and his ability to create realistic illusions and fears, it is not incomprehensible that he would be affected.

Following the crying, Chris then walked inside.

Whether it was due to behavioral inertia or hoping to relieve stress, he maintained the previous count.


But at a certain moment, Chris, who lost the protection of the flashlight and light, suddenly realized something.

The surroundings became so empty.

The original feeling of being tightly wrapped disappeared, the feeling of being pressed in a narrow passage disappeared.

what happened?

With trembling hands, he stretched out to the left.

There was nothing there where the metal pipes were supposed to be.

The same goes for the right side; the top cannot be touched; even the water under the feet has disappeared without knowing when.

His breathing became more intense, and the fear was no longer confined to his chest, but crawled throughout his body along his blood vessels.

This fear of darkness and the unknown, engraved in his genes, completely defeated Chris.

He turned his head, trying to escape.

However, the way back could not be found.

The voice over the intercom was no longer audible, and Chris flicked the flashlight switch in vain, praying for a ray of light.

But, the darkness remains.

Just then, the boy's cry became so clear.


No, to be precise... right behind Chris.

He turned his head, and for some reason, the flashlight that had been unable to work for a long time suddenly lit up.

Chris held it up shakily and pointed at the source of the cry.

It was a boy, a little boy who looked to be only seven or eight years old.

As for Gao Yi, with the appearance of the boy, the scene constructed by [Easy Chair Detective] became blurred and damaged.

The face of the child illuminated by the flashlight seemed to be mosaic, making it unrecognizable.

Looking to one side, the "current version" Chris was sitting there with his head in his hands, seeming to be recalling with difficulty.

"Don't be in a hurry, think about it little by little, starting from the facial features."

Gao Yi patted Chris on the shoulder and tried to help him return to that memory.

"Red... red hair, blue eyes, a lot of freckles..."

As Chris told him, the boy's face gradually became clearer. Gao Yi felt vaguely familiar, but he couldn't recall where he had seen him.

"The lips are very pale...very thin, and..." Chris raised his head and answered Gao Yi's doubts:

"I remembered, he said, his name was Bill!"


The picture in his mind instantly overlapped with the scene in front of him. This boy's face was exactly what Gao Yi had seen in the basement of that haunted house.

The watercolor painting signed "Bill" shows the child's face. Although the painting is very abstract, the hair color, eye color and freckles completely match.

No, that painting is dated 1967, and Chris’s memory is from 1987, with a gap of twenty years.

In other words, this Bill is definitely not a living person, or even...not a human being.

"What else did he say? What happened after that?"

Gao Yi hurriedly asked, but when he looked at Chris, he found that the other person was curled up on the chair, in great pain.

"I...I can't remember, I just remember that I ran out and Matt carried me back home...I can't remember..."

Oops, was it too hasty?

Gao Yi hurriedly put the boy into his arms and patted his back gently.

It has to be said that there is still room for improvement in the child care skills practiced in the orphanage.

"Don't be impatient, stop thinking about the pipeline, and tell me what happened next."

After waiting for several minutes, Chris calmed down again and continued to talk intermittently:

"I actually didn't do much after I went back, and I didn't encounter anything strange, just..."

"What's wrong?"

Chris raised his head and looked at Gao Yi, his eyes even more frightened:

"Matt has become...something different."

Matt, who was originally optimistic and cheerful, smiling every day, suddenly stopped talking.

Whether it was his teachers, classmates, teammates on the football team, or even his parents talking to him, he stopped paying attention.

The surrounding scene changed again, [Armchair Detective] switched the screen again, and the original room finally returned.

But the change was not over, the wall on the right collapsed, revealing Matt's room next door.

There, Chris from two years ago was communicating with Matt.

"Are you going out, Matt?"

Chris poked his head out of the door and looked at his brother.


Matt's iconic smile was gone, he just answered coldly, and his hands kept packing.

"But... It's raining so hard outside, why don't we play origami boats, just like before!"

"No, Chris, play by yourself."

Matt put on his backpack, pushed away his brother holding a white paper, and walked out of the room stubbornly.

"Mom and Dad are out, where are you going, Matt?"

Chris seemed a little flustered, he couldn't understand his brother's sudden change.

Unexpectedly, Matt stopped when he heard this.

He stood there, turned his head at an extremely abnormal angle, looked at his brother, and showed a weird smile:

"I'm going to continue our game."

The strange tone and expression of his brother completely frightened Chris, who was only twelve years old at the time.

Of course he knew what the game Matt was talking about was, and it was naturally the courage test in the pipeline. could it be possible? With such heavy rain, the pipeline would definitely be flooded and impossible to pass through.

Not to mention, why go?

"I...I was so scared at the time that I didn't dare to go and say anything else...If I stopped him, if I went with him at the time..."

Chris covered his eyes with his sleeves and scraped the tears from his eye sockets.

Gao Yi knew that this was Chris's brother, the day Matt disappeared.

"I told the police and my parents that Matt went to the pipeline, but they didn't find him..."

Chris's voice was hoarse and distressing. Obviously, he buried all the guilt for his brother's disappearance in his heart for the past two years.

This kind of pressure, far from what he should bear at his age, must have caused him unimaginable pain.

The police did look for it, as can be seen from the documents in the archive room.

Gao Yi opened the notebook, and more importantly, there was such a content in it.

[Enter the pipeline to search, and the two hundred meters were blocked by mesh steel bars, and no corresponding traces were found. ]

A pipeline naturally cannot have no end, and it is even impossible to have no turns and corners, let alone let two children pass through it at will.

Where did these two brothers go?

"It's not your fault, Chris, I think your brother... shouldn't blame you either."

Gao Yi sighed slightly and tried to comfort the other party.

But Chris raised his head and looked at Gao Yi with a strange look.

He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it for several seconds, as if he didn't know how to express it.

It took Gao Yi several seconds to realize what the other party was thinking.

He felt that his brother was not dead?

After more than ten seconds of silence, Chris slowly picked up the intercom on the desk.

As if he had made up his mind, he turned the button on the intercom to adjust the channel.

From the receiver, Gao Yi heard intermittently a voice that made him shudder.

It was the voice Gao Yi had heard a few minutes ago.

Although it was a little hoarse and painful, he was very sure that it was Matt's voice.

Matt's hoarse voice was like a dead person.


Matt, who had been missing for two years, was still continuing his countdown and was still doing this "test of courage".


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