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Chapter 74 [West Side Story] Toy Story

Gao Yi did not try to stop Chris, but let him climb out of the small window of the second-floor toilet, jump over the small shed in the backyard, and then leave from the fence outside the lawn.

On a rainy night, his thin back looked so determined.

To be honest, Gao Yi still felt that a few junior high school students were just looking for death when they went to deal with the dungeon boss.

But on the other hand, he also knew that he had no right to stop them.

The boy had lost too much, and no one could let it go for him.

Gao Yi just asked about his specific whereabouts and possible plans.

He also agreed to his request to "take good care of Mrs. Smith" and let him go.

It is worth mentioning that the meeting place for Chris and his adventure team was Delhi High School, which was the school where Gao Yi worked.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or a necessity.

Gao Yi wanted to bless Chris, but thinking of his not-so-harmonious relationship with the goddess of luck, he had to give up.

Especially, he is still wearing a [Lucky Necklace] that reduces his luck on a daily basis.

If the player's attributes can be visualized, Gao Yi's current luck value is likely to be negative...

He sighed deeply and closed the notebook that was filled with several pages.

As his mind relaxed, the fatigue that was forcibly suppressed by coffee and adrenaline emerged again.

The pain-relieving effect of [C-level physical healing potion] has disappeared, and now all kinds of soreness and swelling have caught up again.

Looking at the clock on the side, the time has come to 11:50 in the evening, and the dungeon has been started for nearly 16 hours.

I'm so tired...

Anyway, in the conversation with Chris just now, Gao Yi has learned more about the dungeon information and answered many previous questions.

The biggest gain is that with the behavior of caring about Chris, the experience value of the [Enthusiastic Citizen] label has increased many times.

Unknowingly, he finally reached level 4, unlocked the next skill, and became the first label with three abilities.

After sending Chris away, Gao Yi finally had time to call up the system and check his new abilities.

[Enthusiastic Citizen lv4 (Rare)]

[Experience value: 4020/5000]

[Label ability: ①Zootopia: Make people feel close and reliable unconsciously, and it is easier to gain trust and praise;

②Big Hero 6: When you are brave and righteous, your combat effectiveness will be improved:

③Toy Story: When you are enthusiastic about helping others, the toys and objects around you have a chance to "come alive" to help you]


Gao Yi rarely showed a trace of confusion and puzzlement, and his desire to complain was almost uncontrollable.

"When I help others, the toys and objects will... 'come alive'?"

Gao Yi had naturally seen the movie called "Toy Story", but at this moment, this new label of [Enthusiastic Citizen] still shocked him a little.

Unlike other labels that simply improve the passive effects of attributes and abilities, this skill called "Toy Story" completely exceeded his cognition.

"Just now I should be considered to be enthusiastic about helping others, toys..."

Gao Yi murmured, looking at the room he was in.

Although Chris loves to go out and explore, he is not a very cheerful character.

But in the final analysis, he is still a boy who has just entered puberty, so it is expected that he has some toys.

If the new ability of [Enthusiastic Citizen] has been activated, then some changes should have occurred...

Not to mention, relying on the sensory bonus provided by [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi really made a discovery.

Under the single bed in the room, there was a crisp sound of hitting the ground, and a subtle and neat sound.

Gao Yi slowly leaned down, lying on the wooden floor, looking into the darkness under the bed, trying to find the source of the sound.

Pull up the sagging bed sheet and look through the bedroom light.

There, a transparent cylindrical plastic bucket with a broken label was overturned on the ground.

In the dark, a bunch of green plastic soldiers were crawling out of it.

These plastic soldiers themselves are nothing strange, Gao Yi had seen a lot of them when he was a child.

But these soldiers with different postures and different weapons all "came to life", which is indeed the first time I have seen them.

At this moment, this group of well-trained soldiers were supporting each other, pulling equipment and personnel out of plastic barrels, and began to line up under the leadership of a commander.

"I know this, the Evil Squadron, right..."

Gao Yi twitched his mouth and complained about the dozens of new soldiers.

Just then, the commander in chief seemed to have heard Gao Yi's words, ran to him quickly, stood at attention and saluted.

It is worth mentioning that these not-so-delicate miniature soldiers have two large pieces of plastic under their feet to support the small plastic sheets.

This makes their walking posture look a bit funny, as if they are swinging their bodies left and right.

"Report to the commander, E Company has been assembled and can be dispatched at any time!"

There is also a point that is quite out of place. The commander used the tone of the old dubbed film, and his words were ups and downs.

Looking at the pile of neatly arranged plastic soldiers under the bed, Gao Yi stretched out his hand to let the commander stand in his palm and lifted him onto the desk.

After thinking for a while, he spoke again:

"Uh... do you know what just happened?"

"Yes, sir! Our deputy commander has just set out to rescue the captured commander!"

The commander put his hands behind his back and answered the questions meticulously.

Deputy commander? It seems that the original owner of these plastic soldiers should be the elder brother Matt, so the younger brother Chris is the deputy commander...

Gao Yi did not bother about the title, and then asked:

"Then can you keep up with the deputy commander? I need you to send someone to protect him and confirm whether he is in danger."

After accepting this setting, it must be said that the soldiers are indeed very reliable. After hearing the order, the commander turned around and started to deploy instantly.

"Did you hear it, soldiers? Emergency, the reconnaissance plan is being implemented, move!"

After a while, plastic soldiers with different equipment lined up and ran out, got on the green pickup trucks made of the same plastic, and began to move out.

It must be said that the combat effectiveness of these soldiers, who are about five centimeters tall, is indeed worrying.

But the good news is that they can communicate with each other through the same miniature walkie-talkie. Gao Yi left six soldiers with him, so there is no problem doing reconnaissance.

"Should I carry some toys with me in the future? Choose carefully, maybe there will be miraculous effects..."

Looking at the soldiers who can open parachutes and descend quickly in the stairwell, Gao Yi is already imagining other possible operations.

"Do you need us to do anything, sir?"

A green man with a single-soldier radio and a communications soldier's uniform was left on the desk and asked Gao Yi.

"You need to communicate with the main force every once in a while, and tell me if you have a new discovery."

Gao Yi thought for a while and added:

"Remember to tell your commander to be concealed when operating outside and not to be discovered by others."

Sitting back in the chair, enjoying the rare rest time.

Looking at the communication soldier's conversation with the main force, Gao Yi still felt a little unreal.

How long can this ability last...Use it to revive the two-dimensional wives of the dead otaku, it should be able to make a lot of money...

Just when Gao Yi breathed a sigh of relief and was slightly wandering in his imagination, Granny Smith's shouting downstairs sounded again:

"Xiao Gao, someone is looking for you outside the door, saying it's your colleague."

Well, there is really no way to rest tonight.


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