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Chapter 75 [Western City Strange Things] Gathering

"I know, come down right now!"

After thinking about it, Gao Yi found a small iron box for playing cards from Chris's room, placed the remaining six plastic soldiers in it, and put them into the inner pocket of his coat.

Although the comfort level is definitely not great, at least it can ensure safety.

After confirming that the soldiers would not be crushed by him, Gao Yi turned off the lights, locked the door, and left the room.

The visitor has been welcomed into the house by Granny Smith and is now standing at the dining table.

As expected, the person waiting was Wang Wuzhou, who had been separated from Gao Yi before.

The burly police officer put his hands in his pockets and looked rather solemn.

The two had exchanged their destinations before and said they would meet here if they had something to do.

Judging from Wang Wuzhou's serious expression, he was now in a "something troubled" situation.

Gao Yi subconsciously flipped his wrist and checked the main mission again.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for forty-eight hours (31:54:22) or the number of remaining players in the instance is less than or equal to five (6/5)]

Another dead person did not appear, and the copy did not end.

At the very least, the worst has not happened yet.

Understanding Wang Wuzhou's action of "going out to chat", Gao Yi said goodbye to Granny Smith on the excuse that he "needs to go back to school to deal with something".

Looking at his mother-in-law's kind smile and her instructions to "rest early and be safe", Gao Yi couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

There is a high probability that she will be left alone in this spacious house tonight.

If something happens to Chris again...

Gao Yi didn't dare to think too much, and just followed Wang Wuzhou's footsteps, soaked in the night rain, and walked onto the deserted streets late at night.

"What happened? Where are we going now?" Gao Yi turned his head slightly and stopped talking nonsense.

"It's a bit complicated. I'll tell you slowly... Now go to the hospital first."

Wang Wuzhou's tone was a little heavy, just like the story he was gradually telling.

To put it simply, after killing the "nail", he stayed alone in the playground, waiting for the police to arrive.

Of course, he didn't take the initiative to mention such a dead person. He only said that he saw the fire and was afraid something might happen to someone, so he came to check.

But what do you think? The Xicheng police didn't care about his purpose at all. They just asked Wang Wuzhou where he was at certain times today.

After confirming, he warned him to go home early today and not to stay outside, and let him go.

"The police in this city are indeed a bit unreliable..."

Gao Yi recalled what he had seen and heard before and made a conversation.

"No, it's really not the case this time. The main reason should be that there is a case in the city that deserves their attention more."

Wang Wuzhou sighed and offered a rare defense for the Xicheng police.

"Let me guess, it has something to do with the hospital we are going to?"

Gao Yi's guess was accurate. Wang Wuzhou nodded and finally got to the crux of the matter:

"I went to several places to inquire, and finally found out one thing. Xicheng Hospital received two police detectives from out of town tonight, and they were both injured."


Wang Wuzhou didn't wait for Gao Yi to finish asking, and directly gave the answer:

"That's right, those two players from the Investigation Bureau."


Xicheng Hospital, emergency room on the third floor.

Gao Yi saw a familiar figure at a glance, a woman with short to medium hair in her early twenties. Her right arm was in a plaster, and a bandage was hanging on her chest at the moment.

Needless to say, it was Tan Zhi, the young woman from the Bureau of Investigation duo whom he had met before in Delhi High School.

When he got closer, Gao Yi noticed that her condition was far worse than imagined.

His lips were pale, his face was bloodless, and his eyes were looking aimlessly at the wall on the other side of the corridor.

When Gao Yi called her softly, she stood up as if waking up from a dream. It seemed that her wound was affected, and she felt a burst of pain.

"Sit down and talk, don't be anxious..."

Gao Yi conveniently changed the label of [Lovelorn] and pushed Tan Zhi back to the chair.

But obviously, the other party was not so relaxed.

Tan Zhi glanced at the "Under Surgery" light sign above the operating room, obviously unable to completely relax.

If I guessed correctly, the person inside is the "Yellow Team".

In a hoarse voice, she began to tell the story of what they had experienced.

One of Tan Zhi's props seemed to have detected orange equipment in the copy. This news made the investigation bureau duo nervous and decided to speed up the operation.

It was not until night, when the third player died, that they finally caught up with the wanted criminal Zhang Tu.

What I didn't expect was that Zhang Tu actually had extremely strong anti-tracking capabilities.

He discovered the existence of the stalker in advance and took advantage of it. He designed a trap in a forest and carried out a sneak attack.

Since both sides didn't study the copy at all, Clown Bill didn't pay attention to them either. That battle was very pure.

Tan Zhi didn't spend too much time telling the specific story, but quickly sketched the results.

They seriously injured Zhang Tu and discovered his basic abilities and equipment.

But the price was that both of the Bureau of Investigation suffered a lot of injuries.

Tan Zhi himself was actually fine, with only a broken right arm and slight blood loss.

But the yellow team member's condition was very critical, not only suffering from several penetrating injuries and internal bleeding.

In order to protect Tan Zhi, he was hit by a sneak attack, causing his body to be poisoned.

Moreover, this poison does not exist physically. It is most likely some of Zhang Tu's equipment or characteristics.

"Based on previous experience, as long as Zhang Tu doesn't die, this poison will not disappear...and the [antidote] and [physical healing potion] we have are very ineffective."

Tan Zhi spoke very quickly, obviously worried about time.

"In other words, you want us to help kill that Zhang Tu?"

Gao Yi reacted quickly and quickly understood what the other party meant.

"Yes, the medical level in this era is really insufficient, but even if you leave this dungeon, if you don't deal with the poisonous yellow team on your body, you will still..."

Tan Zhi bit her lip and did not finish her words.

She looked at Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou in front of her, raised her head, and said in a sincere tone:

"As long as you provide help, the Bureau of Investigation will provide very generous rewards."

Emotions and interests have all been discussed. Miss Tan Zhi's negotiation level is not low. Maybe she was a person in related industries before becoming a player.

"The question is, how do we know where Zhang Tu is? He can't stand still after fighting with you, right?"

Wang Wuzhou on the side raised doubts, and Gao Yi could see that he actually had no intention of rejecting the other party's request for help.

As a police officer, although he didn't like the style of the Bureau of Investigation, there was still no comparison with a vicious wanted criminal.

"You can rest assured about this! I have a piece of equipment that can be used for tracking. It has been placed on the enemy. I can lead the way in a moment."

Seeing that there was something going on, Tan Zhi's tone became much more exciting and he hurriedly flipped his wrist.

But in the excitement, he forgot that his right arm was still in a plaster, and he felt pain again.

After a long while, he bared his teeth and took out an old-fashioned handheld game console-like device:

"This place should be..."

She came closer to the screen, recognized it with difficulty, and looked up at Gao Yi and the other two:

"Derry High School!"

This is the school where Gao Yi worked after coming to the dungeon, and it is also the destination of Chris and his expedition team.

Now will be the stage for the final battle.

At the last moment of "The Strange Thing in the West City", the scattered branch lines of the network came together in this way.


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