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Chapter 76 [Western City Strange Things] Hospital

"The surgical operation was basically successful, but the patient's condition is still very poor. We really can't identify the reason for the gradual decline of his vital signs. We can only observe him now."

The doctor in blue surgical gown came to explain the situation, and then made room for the two players to visit.

Walking through the desolate corridor, he stepped into the dead white ward.

In the room, time seemed to freeze, and the breathing sound on the bed seemed particularly heavy in the silence.

The various tubes and instruments formed a symphony that was not very pleasant, and every beat on the display was a silent and futile call for life.

Even if he did not have professional medical knowledge, Gao Yi could easily make a judgment-the middle-aged man called Captain Huang was in a state of running out of energy.

Tan Zhi didn't care about her image, supported her fractured right arm, knelt down beside the bed, and began to tell her superior about the situation:

"Captain Huang, don't worry, I have found a helper, and now I will go to find that butcher Zhang..."

In fact, Gao Yi wanted to go directly to Delhi High School, after all, the time limit was here.

But Tan Zhi wanted to see Captain Huang again, and she did consider that the seriously injured captain might have some information to provide.

In the end, the two decided to let Wang Wuzhou do the preliminary preparations first, and Gao Yi stayed here to wait for the operation to be over.

Captain Huang on the bed opened his lips with difficulty and made a faint sound.

Tan Zhi hurriedly put his ear close to identify the other party's words:

"Water? Do you want water? And a pen...notebook, coat?"

Following the other party's line of sight, Gao Yi patted the blood-stained brown coat hanging behind the door and successfully took out a small brown notebook from it.

"There is..." Tan Zhi frowned, struggling to identify the vague tone, and then turned to look at Gao Yi:

"Captain Huang said there is recorded information in it."

Of course, Gao Yi was actually not polite. When the other party was still struggling to convey the information, he was already flipping through the palm-sized small notebook.

This book seems to be quite new, and only about a quarter of it has been used, leaving aside some memos and to-do items at the front that are not very meaningful at this time.

There are about a dozen pages, recording the information in [Western City Weird Things] and intelligence about Zhang Tu.

It seems that the other party has the same recording habits as Gao Yi.

"I understand, Captain Huang, you have a good rest, and you must hold on... What?"

Tan Zhi said her last goodbye before leaving, but heard the words of the person on the bed:

"Stay? No, that won't work..."

The woman with a plaster cast on her right arm hurriedly objected, and in her excitement, she pulled the wound again, and her face became paler.

Obviously, she was quite embarrassed by this request.

"Okay, listen to your captain. You can't help with a broken hand, and you will only cause more trouble."

Looking at the struggle beside the bed, Gao Yi sighed and interrupted Tan Zhi's intense insistence:

"Besides, apart from the four of us and Zhang Tu, there is still a player in the dungeon. You have to leave someone here, otherwise what if your Yellow Team is attacked again?"


Tan Zhi stood up, bit her lip and looked at Gao Yi, then at the Yellow Team on the bed, obviously in a dilemma.

It is undoubtedly the right choice to let her stay in the hospital.

During the waiting just now, Gao Yi asked in detail about the battles she had experienced before.

The relevant intelligence and information have also been recorded in the notebook, which means that Tan Zhi no longer needs to provide information.

On the other hand, in the previous battles, Tan Zhi had used almost all the available features and equipment.

Not only is her physical condition bad now, but there are also a lot of negative effects superimposed.

In this case, her combat effectiveness can be basically ignored.

"Okay, that's it. I'm leaving first."

Gao Yi put away Captain Huang's notebook and didn't bother to comfort him. He didn't plan to waste any more time and turned to leave.

As expected, Wang Wuzhou's preparations were almost complete.

"Wait a minute..."

Tan Zhi struggled to stand up and called Gao Yi.

Turning his wrist, he took out two pieces of equipment and a bunch of potions.

"These two should be useful... Please don't save potions and equipment. No matter what the loss is, the Investigation Bureau will definitely compensate you... Please!"

After Tan Zhi finished speaking, he raised his fractured right arm and bowed deeply.

"I understand."

Gao Yi didn't promise anything. Facing an unprecedented powerful enemy, he couldn't make any promises.

However, regarding the other party's words, he subconsciously thought about whether he could make false accounts to cheat subsidies or something...

In a long bow, Gao Yi put away the equipment and potions provided by the other party and left the ward.

Walking slowly along the hospital corridor, a long cry came from the ward he left.

Really... I can't say no...

Although the other party has made a lot of promises, such as compensation and rewards, to be honest, they are all illusory things.

The enemy is a wanted criminal with super combat power and rich combat experience, even if he was injured in the previous battle and used some equipment features.

But can I really solve it myself?

Even if there are helpers, it seems like an abyss with no bottom...

Rationally speaking, should we just take these equipment and run away and wait until the dungeon is over?

Tan Zhi really couldn't find any other hope, so she was desperate.

If it wasn't Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou who were found, but the player like "Nail" before, he might have attacked the two patients on the spot and run away with all the spoils.

Passing by the operating room where they had just waited, Gao Yi turned his head slightly and looked at the metal chair provided for the family members to wait.

The white wall next to it was engraved with various gray prayers and pleas.

"God, save my husband." "Bless my child" and "Mom".

Countless anxiously waiting family members engraved their prayers on it. It is likely that this wall has heard more devout prayers than the church.

When facing a desperate situation beyond one's ability, waiting and hope become helpless choices.

The corridor of the hospital is silent and long, and every step is like moving forward in the river of fate.

Gao Yi drank another bottle of newly acquired [E-level Evolution Potion] and checked the system prompt that just sounded.

[Special mission has been triggered: Defeat "Zhang Tu\

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