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Chapter 77 [Western City Strange Things] Search

The two pieces of equipment provided by Tan Zhi are one blue and one white in quality.

[Frog Detector Mirror (Blue)], the passive effect is that it can search for nearby spirits and "ghosts" and issue a warning.

Although the negative effect is not huge, considering the settings and content of the current copy, it should not be used very much.

Its active effect is quite interesting. It can detect the specific effect of a piece of equipment in sight within fifteen meters.

Tan Zhi also used this to determine the specific capabilities of Zhang Tu's main weapon.

It shouldn't be of much use, but Gao Yi also has such a piece of equipment with unknown specific effects.

[Director's Whistle (Orange)], this small silver whistle obtained from the "director" at the end of "The Fog of Heart", has no effect yet.

Based on the context at the time, we can only guess that this was a life-saving device.

But if the specific effects are unclear, how can one know how to save one's life?

Not to mention the possible negative effects and the unclear number of available times.

Fortunately, this [Frog Detector] came in time.

After equipping it, follow the instructions, place the whistle directly in front of the mirror, and read the spell.

Amidst a murmur, the mirror kept shaking, and finally it broke into two cracks...

Although there seems to be no direct damage, the intuitive feeling is that its durability has dropped a lot.

The good news is that the mysterious orange equipment in Gao Yi's hand finally revealed its true identity.

[Director's Whistle (Orange)]

[Active effect: Blow the whistle once to declare the shooting invalid and rewind to the previous scene fifteen seconds ago. 】

"What do you mean, going back in time? This is orange equipment..."

Gao Yi touched his chin and couldn't help but sigh. Although the description was a bit brief, this "regression" ability was too beyond imagination.

The specific effects and sequelae still need to be tested, but this will undoubtedly add a trump card to the subsequent battle.

Another one provided by Tan Zhi is [Giraffe Earrings (White)], which has no active effect.

The passive ability is to greatly improve hearing. It is indeed of little significance to Gao Yi who has the characteristics of [Easy Chair Detective], and should only be used by Wang Wuzhou.

The good news is that these earrings are worn by clipping onto the earlobe, so there is no need to pierce the ears...

However, the detector in Tan Zhi's hand was not given to Gao Yi. The main problem was that the side effects of using it were a bit large and it was not necessary.

As expected, Zhang Tu will not leave Delhi High School.

The remaining potions are a few bottles of [E-level evolution potion]. Gao Yi had already finished drinking it all due to time constraints.

Due to lack of time and no sufficient interval, the effect seems to be slightly attenuated.

But in the end, Gao Yi’s evolution rate reached 73%

It is still 25% short of being successfully promoted to D level, which is barely an E level achievement.

It is worth mentioning that according to Tan Zhi's description and Team Huang's notes, Zhang Tu's evolution rate may be unexpectedly low, which is about E to D level.

The note said: "The attack method is not complicated, and there are a lot of equipment. Although the physical fitness is very strong, it does not have the performance of high-level players."

Of course, Gao Yi, who had only joined the game for a few days, had no idea what an "advanced player" was like.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Qian, the magician who provided the tickets I met before, seemed to be quite good.

Flip your wrist and check the main quest again.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for forty-eight hours (30:54:25) or the number of remaining players in the instance is less than or equal to five (6/5)]

It was already early in the morning, and Gao Yi was leaning on the wall outside Delhi High School, waiting for Wang Wuzhou to arrive.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the person carrying two brown paper bags finally arrived.

"Everything is set up, do you want to go in now?"

Wang Wuzhou placed the bag on the flower bed aside, moved his shoulders, and asked Gao Yi for his opinion.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to the soldiers in the school..."

Gao Yi said, and under Wang Wuzhou's surprised gaze, he took out the plastic communication soldier from the inner pocket of his coat and put it on the palm of his hand:

"Debrief the situation."

"Yes, Commander! The large force has been divided into five teams and has begun searching the school. Half of the area has been cleared!"

The Plastic Scout stood at attention and saluted, unequivocally.

"Where are those members of the expedition team?" Gao Yi was still a little worried about Chris and his friends.

It is known that a vicious wanted criminal is hiding in the school, and the danger level of the situation faced by these children has increased.

"They are in the second teaching building and are not in danger for the time being."

Delhi High School occupies a large area and has three teaching buildings.

If a few junior high school students from the expedition team were to search like this, nothing would happen for a while.

Watching Gao Yi put the plastic figure back into his pocket again, Wang Wuzhou couldn't help but sigh:

"Brother Gao, what level of player are you? You have shown a lot of abilities in front of me so far..."

"Just good luck..."

Gao Yi waved his hand and praised the goddess of luck against his will.

It has to be said that although these newly acquired abilities and equipment cannot be converted into direct combat effectiveness, they are still pretty good.

"Have you got everything?"

Gao Yi changed the topic and looked at the brown paper bag placed on the flower bed.

"I still got the minimum, but I didn't have a fully automatic rifle or explosives. I searched a lot of places, but I felt it was a copy limit."

Wang Wuzhou picked up the paper bag, took out a simple police pistol, and introduced:

"This is Colt M1911, a classic among classics."

As he spoke, he pulled the bolt of the gun, held the barrel of the gun, and handed the Colt to Gao Yi.

Gao Yi, who took over the pistol, also skillfully checked the safety and the magazine.

"Hey, brother Gao, I remember you are an investigative reporter, not a war reporter. How skilled are you?"

"Do you believe me when I say I learned it in Hawaii...?"

Gao Yi joked casually, confirming the reliability of the firearm in his hand.

In fact, let alone actually shooting, he never even had the chance to touch the gun in the shooting range.

Being so familiar is naturally due to the characteristics of [Weapon Master] snatched from Nail's hands.

The effect of [Proficient use of various simple individual weapons], as expected, includes ordinary firearms.

Based on the experience of [Easy Chair Detective], maybe this feature will be upgraded after more use, and some complex large weapons can also be mastered and slowly learned how to control...

But those are all things for later. Now, having a pistol is definitely good news.

The two distributed the resources in their hands, further analyzed the enemy's capabilities, and waited for the reconnaissance to end.

The evening breeze mixed with drizzle made the silent campus particularly eerie.

After an unknown amount of time, Gao Yi suddenly felt the small box on his chest vibrate slightly.

As expected, the communications troops finally brought intelligence on the enemy's location.

The location of Zhang Tu was found.


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