Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 78 [Western City Strange Things] Determination

Through Tan Zhi's narration and Team Huang's notes.

Gao Yi has a preliminary understanding of the power possessed by Zhang Tu.

His abilities and equipment are roughly as follows.

First of all, the weapon. Tan Zhi obtained relatively clear information through his [Frog Detection Mirror].

Zhang Tu's main weapon is a kitchen knife named [Human Butcher].

As a rare offensive equipment, it is very threatening, and its main combat power also comes from this.

The active effect of [Human Butcher] is very simple, increasing the damage of the kitchen knife for a period of time, and with a bleeding effect.

According to Tan Zhi, it should have been used, so there is no need to worry.

However, it is worth mentioning that Zhang Tu's combat skills are very sophisticated and need special attention.

The second is a certain poison attached to the slash, which is the kind suffered by Team Huang.

According to the description, it seems to gradually increase with the attack.

When the number of injuries reaches a certain number, the poisoned person will completely lose his combat effectiveness.

Tan Zhi also mentioned that there would be a black and red fog around Zhang Tu, which would hinder movement and make it extremely difficult to turn around and retreat.

This seems to be the situation encountered by the plastic soldiers. According to the communication soldier's report, a team encountered thick fog near the school playground and has now lost contact.

The last thing worth noting is Zhang Tu's gloves.

Tan Zhi's original words were: "Every time he raised his gloved right hand and clenched his fist, his subsequent actions and abilities would be different."

It's really complicated.

Even if Gao Yi has the so-called "tag system", the abilities he can actually use are quite limited.

Of course, this is not difficult to understand. Zhang Tu has already killed three players in [Western City Strange Things], which is a "treasure sword" copy, and undoubtedly gained a lot of benefits.

But on the other hand, the use of a large number of equipment and features must have accumulated a lot of sequelae for him.

In addition to the injuries he suffered in the previous battle, as long as he uses the resources at hand reasonably... he is not without a chance of winning.

"The question now is where the bastard is. Just knowing that he is on the side of the playground is not enough."

Beside Gao Yi, Wang Wuzhou was speaking and poking the helmet of the plastic soldier curiously, which made the signalman disgusted.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be there..."

Gao Yi didn't look up, still reading the notebook in his hand, but raised his left hand and pointed to the right front.

Following his finger, a swimming pool that didn't occupy too much space stood on the side of the playground of Delhi High School.

"Swimming seem very sure?"

Wang Wuzhou has been with Gao Yi for such a long time, and he has become accustomed to his unconventional thinking.

"Yes, and I finally understand what the "water" that Captain Huang said means..."

Take out the map of West City in the brown paper bag and spread it out. This is also one of the things that Wang Wuzhou was asked to find.

Following the trajectory of the pen, Gao Yi began to tell his reasoning.

Zhang Tu killed a total of three players in the dungeon, and the two people from the Investigation Bureau have been tracking them.

The death method and place of each victim were all recorded in Team Huang's notes.

The first victim was killed by a surprise attack, and the bar he was in was set on fire at the same time, and his body was eventually charred.

However, according to the forensic identification, the cause of death seemed to be the burns caused by the flames.

The second victim was severely injured by a knife, and was eventually buried alive and suffocated in an unfinished building on the construction site.

The third victim died at night, with a steel pipe inserted into his throat in a hardware store, and his whole body was made into a skewer.

Ten fingers were also nailed into the wall with iron nails.

Team Huang wrote down his doubts next to his notes.

[Why is it so troublesome?] [Is there any pattern?]

Team Huang may not have fully figured it out at that time, but after they were ambushed, all the clues were connected together.

The two people from the Investigation Bureau tracked all the way to the logging site, which was shrouded in a red and black fog.

Zhang Tu, once again chose his crime scene.

"Is this... the five elements?"

The answer was already in front of him, and Wang Wuzhou also reacted at this time.

"Yes, although I don't know why, but Zhang Tu adheres to this rule, fire, earth, gold, wood, and then... water"

Gao Yi closed the notebook, raised his head, and looked at the swimming pool in the night:

"I think this is also the reason why he waited here and didn't leave."

"You mean, he is not hiding here, but waiting for others to come and die..."

Wang Wuzhou's face became more and more solemn, and he obviously realized the severity of the situation.

As a criminal investigation policeman, he certainly arrested many criminals personally.

But under normal circumstances, he and the team went to chase the suspects, and it was the first time to be ambushed.

To be honest, Gao Yi did not relax at this moment. The danger of the current situation was beyond imagination.

Even with the double temptation of special tasks and rewards from the Investigation Bureau, Gao Yi could not help but retreat.

After all, this enemy is a real killer.

Although he had suffered a lot of losses and injuries in the previous battle, Gao Yi was actually the same.

In order to defeat that "nail", he spent the active effects of several equipments, and now he didn't have many trump cards in his hand.

From the outside, there is help from Wang Wuzhou, possible support from the police, and a company of small plastic soldiers.

[Easy Chair Detective] broke out for more than a minute, and [Director's Whistle] went back in time without knowing the sequelae or usage restrictions.

A pistol, a bottle of [B-level damage potion], and part of the accumulation of [Lucky Necklace].

If I have to count it, there is also a nail clipper...

Can these trump cards really defeat the opponent?

As if he could see Gao Yi's confusion, Wang Wuzhou, who was sitting on the flower bed and checking his pistol, slowly said:

"It should be impossible for that beast named Zhang Tu to be willing to leave the dungeon just because one of us died. He would kill the other one as well."

"Are you trying to comfort me..."

"I mean, if you want to leave, now's your last chance."

Wang Wuzhou didn't look at Gao Yi, he just wiped the barrel of the gun with the hem of his shirt and said to himself:

"Find a place to hide, wait until the dungeon is over, and go home with the reward. No one will judge you harshly."

"You mean, no matter what, you have to fight for that person?"

Gao Yi naturally understood the deeper meaning of the other party's words, raised his head slightly, and pointed to the swimming pool with his chin.


Wang Wuzhou answered very decisively. In fact, since he heard about Zhang Tu in the hospital, he didn't hesitate at all.


Wang Wuzhou put down the pistol in his hand and looked at Gao Yi again, his eyes becoming calm and sincere:

"If you were to leave now, no one would blame you. It's not your responsibility."

"Do you think you have any responsibility... just because you are a police officer?"

Wang Wuzhou was silent for a few seconds before speaking like he was recalling:

"No, it's because of Zhao Qinggang, Han Bo, Ma Litian, Li Xiaojuan, Huang Rui, Shen Pengfei..."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, who are these?"

Gao Yi hurriedly interrupted the other party's murmur of dish names and said doubtfully.

"They are the victims who were massacred to death by Zhang in Nankang City in the past three months."

"Every time that beast leaves the dungeon, he will cause several murders. If he leaves after the dungeon becomes stronger, there will only be more victims."

"I know... I may not be his match, but I can't allow my future self to recall that there was a moment when I had the chance to prevent everything from happening."

The night grew thicker, leaving only an uneasy silence on the campus of Delhi High School.

Gao Yi re-examined the man in front of him and realized how little he knew about him.

Wang Wuzhou's non-conformist and dignified appearance hides an extremely firm belief.

Gao Yi recalled the first time he met him in the parking lot. At that time, he was trapped in the illusion of Clown Bill. Why was he suffering?

The night remains dark and drizzle continues.

Gao Yi looked at Wang Wuzhou like this for about ten seconds, then looked away and let out a long sigh:

"I understand, let's make a plan - a plan that will kill that beast and come back alive to collect the reward."


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