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Chapter 79 [Western City Strange Things] Zhang Tu

Xicheng, one thirty in the morning.

The night in this cursed city seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious veil, vague and indistinct.

Rain and dark clouds combined to weave a depressing picture. On the empty streets, only a few late-night vehicles hurried past, leaving behind strings of water splashes and blurred taillights.

Looking into the campus, the playground, which lacks lighting, is even darker.

As the only high school in the West City, Delhi High School occupies a rather vast land.

Unfortunately, shabby education subsidies and principals who line their own pockets have resulted in extremely poor supporting facilities.

This swimming pool, which has been rebuilt several times and abandoned for several years, is also one of the victims of insufficient funds.

Just stepped into the south area of ​​the playground, into the black-red mist.

Gao Yi instantly understood what Tan Zhi meant by the "sense of obstruction".

After entering this black-red mist, Gao Yi felt as if he was wrapped in some kind of gel, and all his movements seemed extremely awkward.

Stepping back, turning your head, or even simply standing still will increase this discomfort.

Although there is no direct harm, this sense of disharmony will undoubtedly have an unpredictable impact on subsequent battles.

Only when we move forward and approach the swimming pool will the feeling of being wrapped up and blocked disappear.

It seems that this mist is driving those inside to fight, forcing everyone who enters to move forward unconditionally.

The good news is that according to the information provided by Tan Zhi, the black and red mist itself is not poisonous.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yi took steps and moved forward again.

At this time, he was fully armed in the literal sense.

[Reckless Armguards], [Stunt Belt], [Enemy Spotting Glasses], [Lucky Necklace] are all equipped, and [Director's Whistle] is also hung around his neck.

All equipment that can improve attributes are on the market, bringing Gao Yi's frontal combat effectiveness to its peak.

As for labels, in addition to the [enthusiastic citizen] who fully agrees that Gao Yi is acting bravely, the other option is the [investigator] who has been idle for a long time.

Although his ability of [unexpected and strange things will be attracted to you and come closer to you] is very troublesome in normal times, at this moment he really needs chaos.

In this Derry high school, it is very likely that there is Clown Bill and other abnormal things.

For Gao Yi, these are factors that can be exploited.

But for him now, every slight advantage must be fought for, and every dispensable detail needs to be confirmed.

The night is getting thicker, and the swimming pool is shrouded in black and red mist, like a place of death.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yi pushed open the chained door.

A cold wind mixed with a moist breath blew towards my face, and the air inside the swimming pool seemed to have become thicker due to being closed for a long time.

With the added night vision ability of [Enemy Spotting Glasses] and the enhanced five senses of [Easy Chair Detective], Gao Yi quickly observed everything around him.

The two sides are divided into men's and women's locker rooms, and there is a path in the middle for staff to pass through.

No sneak attacks, no traps.

In fact, Gao Yi had already heard the enemy's voice - it was a whistle with a simple melody coming from inside the swimming pool.

Walk through the boys' locker room and past the small sink for washing your feet.

Accompanied by whistles floating in the room, Gao Yi's footsteps echoed in the empty swimming pool, and each step seemed to leave ripples on the invisible water.

Moist, sticky.

Rain drips from the broken skylight, passes through the rickety iron frame, and mixes with the humid air inside the swimming pool, creating an almost touchable thickness.

In the black-red mist, Gao Yi turned towards the dark and turbid swimming pool. As expected, the enemy had no intention of hiding.

On the high chair belonging to the lifeguard, a figure was half lying there, whistling a not so pleasant whistle.

The familiar throbbing that players sensed each other reappeared, and together with it, an extremely strong sense of crisis arose.

The person in front of me is very strong.

When he saw Gao Yi appear in his field of vision, Zhang Tucai turned his head casually and asked in a rather strong southern accent:

"Hey, where is the woman from before? She didn't come?"

It was different from the photos and imagination on the wanted poster.

This Zhang Tu didn't look very vicious, and it could even be said that he didn't look like a wanted criminal with countless lives on his back.

An ordinary Chinese character face, featureless facial features, and a body that is neither fat nor thin.

But it's true, the evil aura on his body has definitely exposed his identity.

The other party is the type who likes to chat, which is expected. Tan Zhi has mentioned Zhang Tu's strong desire to talk many times.

"Unfortunately, I'm the only one."

"Really...Her captain should not be alive for long. I thought she would come to fight for her life."

Leaning back in the chair, Zhang Tu picked out his ears with his little finger and flicked the earwax aside casually.

"Then there's nothing we can do. It's just the two of us fighting... Why did we choose to fight here? It's so broken that the ceiling is about to collapse."

Gao Yi's expression remained unchanged, while he quickly observed the indoor environment and gave instructions to the communication soldiers with his right hand behind his back.

Putting his legs on the guardrail of the high chair, Zhang Tu lowered his head and did not answer Gao Yi's question directly. Instead, he asked:

"By the way, have you ever seen a New Year pig killed?"

"A few times."

Although he didn't know what the other party wanted to say, it was not a bad thing for Gao Yi to have more time to observe the environment and wait for other arrangements to be put in place.

"When I was a child, I often wondered why people could decide the life and death of these pigs when I saw the villagers killing the New Year pigs."

Zhang Tu's voice was full of nostalgia, as if he was recalling a good time:

"My mother said that because people are stronger than pigs, pigs deserve to be killed and eaten."

"Later, my family's land suddenly became valuable, and I forgot what the town was going to repair. As a result, the village chief and his group drove me and my mother out with knives and swallowed all the compensation money."

Zhang Tu obviously didn't stop talking, narrating calmly, his eyes cast unfocused at the swimming pool.

Gao Yi struggled several times whether to raise his gun and shoot, but at a distance of dozens of meters, he was really not sure of hitting, but would expose his trump card.

There was no choice but to wait for the other preparations to be made and let the other party continue to tell the story:

"It was the New Year, and the town came to repair the road and build a building. The village chief was very happy and held a big banquet. He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to bleed the New Year pig himself."

"Now that I think about it, that pig was really powerful. It might be because it ran around in the mountains every day and had a strong body. Several men couldn't hold it down."

"The village chief was gesturing with a knife, and he stabbed the pig's neck with one knife. As a result, the knife was not held, and the pig ran up the mountain while bleeding...hahahaha..."

Zhang Tu suddenly laughed for a long time, as if he recalled something interesting.

"That night, I ran to the village chief's pig farm in the dark and released all his pigs...Haha, have you ever seen pigs all over the mountains?"

"In the second half of the night, while he was taking people to catch pigs, I went into his house and found his beloved son..."

"I took the knife and cut his throat without hesitation, just like the village chief killed the pig."

"At that time, I suddenly realized that the problem was never how strong the pig was. No matter how powerful the pig was, it was just a pig. Only when you hold the knife in your hand can you be a human."

Zhang Tu finally sat up straight and leaned over Gao Yi at the other end of the swimming pool in the dark:

"Some people wield knives as humans, and some people are killed as pigs. This is the truth of the world, and I will always be the one holding the knife."

A kitchen knife with a metallic luster was slowly pulled out from Zhang Tu's waist. In the rain, he left the back of the chair and slowly stood up on the ladder.

The next second, he opened his arms, fell forward, and fell heavily into the bottomless swimming pool.

Under the high splash, the figure disappeared.

Gao Yi had no time to think about the other party's inexplicable outlook on life, and quickly prepared to respond.

He understood that the chat was over and the fight was inevitable.


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