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Chapter 80 [Western City Strange Things] Swimming Pool

Gao Yi discovered the biggest anomaly of this swimming pool when he just came in.

In the center of the venue, looking into the sunken square swimming pool, unlike the common azure brick surface and transparent liquid, this pool is turbid and black.

Under the cover of black and red mist, it is almost impossible to see everything in the pool.

Fortunately, with the improvement of observation ability of [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi can still capture the subtle traces of Zhang Tu's movement underwater.

The ups and downs of green moss and the fluctuations of water waves expose the enemy's actions.

But... so fast!

The 50-meter-long swimming pool did not become an obstacle at all, and the underwater figure approached at a speed far beyond ordinary people.

In just a few seconds, the enemy had crossed the entire swimming pool, without any breathing and rest, and quickly approached Gao Yi.

Is this also some kind of ability, or is it simply the improvement of physical fitness brought by the evolution rate?

In any case, Gao Yi did not have much time to think.

Zhang Tu's attack method is mainly melee slashing, and he has the ability to use some kind of "poison"

Before proceeding with the subsequent plan, it is necessary to avoid direct combat and injuries as much as possible.

Gao Yi made up his mind, remained alert, and retreated quickly.

No matter how the opponent intends to attack, it is not a good idea to stay by the water and wait.

But just after taking half a step back, a strong resistance suddenly appeared, wrapping Gao Yi's entire back.

It seems that the previous guess was correct. This black and red mist will prevent people from retreating and escaping.

It is equivalent to an invisible arena, forcing participants to fight all the time.

Fortunately, this obstacle will only increase the difficulty of action, but will not completely prevent the implementation of the retreat action.

Gao Yi raised his hand and took out two burning lighting sticks from his waist, threw one into the water, and threw the other lightly to the side.

At the same time, the body retreated violently and came to the edge of a large terraced stand full of broken plastic seats.

"My action is not simply to escape, but if I take a detour, it seems that the obstacles will be reduced?"

Analyzing his previous feelings, Gao Yi's thoughts turned very quickly and made a judgment in an instant.

Burning flares are also one of the equipment Wang Wuzhou got. By simply pulling the ignition cord, it can illuminate in a dark environment.

Just when Gao Yi completed these actions, Zhang Tu's figure had emerged from the swimming pool again.

He poked his head out slightly, and the sewage stuck his short hair to his forehead. His eyes were alert, as if he was tracking a prey.

But strangely, his eyes were not on Gao Yi, but slowly moved along the edge of the swimming pool.

What is he doing?

Gao Yi took out his pistol, his face solemn. He was more worried about the unknown ability of the other party than the swift attack.

After a short wait, Zhang Tu took action again.

He jumped out of the water and rushed to the edge of the swimming pool, where Gao Yi had just stood.

Why, there is nothing there... No, that's not right, there is indeed something there.

It was at this time that Gao Yi saw that the other party's target was a translucent shadow - a shadow that was very similar to himself.

No, the appearance is not only similar, it's like the shadow from more than ten seconds ago was fixed for some reason and stayed in place.

Zhang Tu took a kitchen knife and stabbed it into the neck of the phantom.

The translucent "Gao Yi" struggled to fall down, and the wound that was covered flowed out equally translucent blood, which slowly seeped into the swimming pool through the gaps in the tiles.

"One kill."

Zhang Tu showed a hideous smile, muttered something, licked the blade with his tongue, and turned to look at Gao Yi.

The swimming pool lit by the burning stick was even more desolate at this moment.

The rain passed through the rusty ceiling and the supporting iron frame and fell to the mossy ground, making the weirdness of this battle even more intense.

At the same time, Gao Yi only felt that his body suddenly became heavier, as if a sharp blade had really pierced his heart, and the blood in his body was struggling for help.

Is this also Zhang Tu's ability, to be able to attack my phantom from some time ago and then cause damage to my body?

What a trouble.

"Why is it one kill, is there a second kill or a third kill?"

After a little thought, Gao Yi spoke again.

For an enemy like Zhang Tu who has a strong desire to show off, sometimes reasoning is far less effective than asking questions directly.

"You guessed it right. As long as you run away, I will come and kill you once. I can kill you seven times in total...but most people can't stand it after the fourth or fifth time..."

Zhang Tu smiled and was not in a hurry to come and attack again.

He seemed to like the feeling of torturing his prey and was not in a hurry to end the battle.

"Let me guess, the captain Huang who was poisoned and dying in your mouth, was also killed by you a few times?"

Gao Yi still half-raised the pistol and tilted his head to make a guess.

The change in his eyes, the stiffness of the smile at the corner of his mouth, and the confusion in his body movements... guessed it right.

In fact, Gao Yi had a lot of questions when he heard Tan Zhi talk about their battle.

The first is, what exactly is the "poison" that Captain Huang suffered.

It can only be implanted through attack hits, it will gradually accumulate, and doctors can't see it.

More importantly, the antidote cannot be treated.

Compared to Zhang Tu, a top-level D-level player, who has a "poison" that cannot be cured by [D-level antidote], the greater possibility is...

"That's not some kind of poison at all, but your way of killing the afterimage... As for why Tan Zhi thought it was poison, it's probably because you were misleading her with your words."

Gao Yi's tone was calm, as if he was describing a matter of course:

"You also told her that the poison on Team Huang's body will disappear only if you die...The purpose should be to trick the other party out again."

Gao Yi's guess was obviously correct. In such a fog that would prevent others from escaping, it was strange that Tan Zhi could leave with the seriously injured Huang Dui.

Now it seems that everything is just a trap set by the other party.

But Zhang Tu on the other side was not so calm.

His face was gloomy, and the smile just now had completely disappeared. The kitchen knife named [Human Slaughter] was raised again and pointed at Gao Yi with the blade.

Obviously, it is quite difficult for him to accept that his "prey" sees through the plan:

"I don't think I've asked you yet, what is your name?"

It can be seen that at this moment, Zhang Tu has regarded Gao Yi as a real opponent, at least a prey that needs attention.

But on the other side, Gao Yi tilted his head slightly, and his long-trained provocation talent was activated again:

"I don't know. I heard that your father didn't appear at all in your childhood memories. It seems that you are a little lacking in father's love. Why don't you call me your father to make up for your regret?"

A stable mentality and emotions are always the most important in a battle.

Once you lose your cool, your behavior becomes simplistic and predictable, and any advantages you could have exploited are lost.

Gao Yi, who has been involved in various battles and chaos all year round, is a master at making enemies lose their cool.

The so-called "defense breaking" means to seize the enemy's weaknesses and weaknesses and attack them.

In Zhang Tu's previous story, when he was a child, he and his mother were bullied by the village chief and robbed of compensation for house demolition.

Usually, the "father" who should appear in such a situation is completely missing from his story, not even mentioned.

Under this premise, no matter what the reason is for his father's absence, it is a topic that Zhang Tu does not want to mention.

The entry point for Gao Yi naturally appeared.

Judging from the opponent's performance, this attack on mentality and emotions obviously worked.

"You fucking..."

Zhang Tu squeezed the words out from between his teeth, raised the kitchen knife in his hand, and turned his gloved left hand over at the same time.

In just such a moment, his figure suddenly became faster, and his speed actually increased again!

The already short distance was immediately shortened, and the attack was imminent.

But if Zhang Tu used his brain more and thought about the situation, he would realize that something was wrong.

The swimming pool was dark before, and Gao Yi could clearly move normally and identify his figure.

This shows that the visitor has extremely strong observation skills and most likely has the ability of night vision.

In this case, why bother getting two burning rods for lighting during the tense escape?

Of course, Zhang Tu no longer needed to think about this issue two seconds later.

To the side, a giant ax with lightning flashing on the handle was flying towards him rapidly from the blind spot of his vision.


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