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Chapter 82 [Western City Strange Things] Iron Frame

It has to be admitted that Zhang Tu is indeed the strongest "player" that Gao Yi has fought so far.

This judgment is not only based on the high or low evolution rate or the quality of his equipment.

More importantly, Zhang Tu's equipment, characteristics and fighting style have formed his own system.

Like Gao Yi, Wang Wuzhou, and the robbers he met before, and even the ninja nail.

They all have basic combat capabilities, but they are still far from having their own combat system, and they are still in the stage of using whatever they have.

What is a system?

It is not surprising to only know a few moves when practicing martial arts at home, but if a person wants to travel the world, he naturally cannot only know a straight punch.

When you are on the road and running away, you must know light skills, and when you attack from a distance, you must know hidden weapons, not to mention the basic internal skills, external skills and mental skills.

It does not require perfection, but it must be able to take into account the overall situation.

Take Gao Yi as an example. In close combat, the lack of suitable weapons is a manifestation of an imperfect equipment system.

Of course, this is not his fault, after all, it has only been two days since he became a "player".

Zhang Tu has completed six dungeons and killed many players in reality and in the game, and has gained a lot of benefits.

His characteristics and equipment have been changed many times, and finally formed the current set of combinations.

This combination not only refers to the balance of abilities, but also the mutual cooperation of different equipment effects.

The nail has actually crossed the threshold. The [Ninja] characteristic gives him a large number of weapons and props, and the [Weapon Master] characteristic allows him to use them skillfully.

The mutual cooperation of the two characteristics achieves the effect of 1+1\u003e2.

And Zhang Tu has obviously gone a step further.

The black and red mist creates a scene where a frontal battle must be fought, and the ability to kill the phantom prevents the enemy from running away blindly and cannot pull.

Once involved in close combat, Zhang Tu has extremely strong physical defense capabilities and close combat capabilities.

It is not surprising that he can defeat so many players with multi-faceted cooperation.

However, Gao Yi has already predicted this.

Long before the battle began, when he and Wang Wuzhou were planning, they had already realized the huge gap in strength between themselves and the other side.

If he was dragged into close combat, Gao Yi would definitely lose.

But this does not mean that he does not have his own advantages.

In order to defeat the powerful enemy, Gao Yi made a lot of arrangements in the early preparation stage.

The plastic soldier squad brought by the new ability of the previously upgraded [Enthusiastic Citizens] could hardly provide much help on the front battlefield.

Gao Yi had asked them to try to shoot and shoot themselves.

But those small firearms were almost tickling, and the four tank models and rocket launchers could only cause extremely limited damage.

Under the clothes, they could feel a slight pain, but there would be no wounds, only a slight redness.

In this case, it was not rational to let this group of soldiers directly participate in the battle head-on.

In fact, in this heavy rain, the five-centimeter-tall plastic soldiers might not be able to stand firmly on the ground...

So, except for the number of people in the two classes, they were still tracking Chris and his expedition team.

The others were sent by Gao Yi to the "Science and Technology Building" next to the swimming pool.

Although they didn't know how their parachutes worked, a large number of soldiers landed on the roof smoothly under the cover of night.

Next, they had to destroy the steel support, which was not very stable to begin with.

Gao Yi had just entered the swimming pool and patiently listened to Zhang Tu's recollections of the past when he had already made all the plans.

The shaky steel support above his head and the huge lighting equipment with weak connections basically said "Let me go down and smash that bastard to death" on their faces.

The only problem was, how to smash it?

Directly destroying the structure of its four corners and making it fall down would naturally work, but there would also be a lot of problems.

The iron frame supporting the ceiling was not a whole piece of iron plate, and there were large spaces in the middle, so it was very easy to avoid it if it fell directly.

It was too idealistic to rely on the splashing iron rods or fragments to attack, and the damage caused was also very limited.

In the end, Gao Yi made a decision to blow up the iron frame from the center and retain the support on the edge side.

In this case, the entire iron frame will fall towards the wall like a pendulum under the action of inertia.

But in order to prevent the iron frame from being too long and getting stuck on the ground and losing its power, a certain amount of space must be left at the bottom.

But in this case, people on the ground can completely avoid the attack by squatting on the spot, which is not difficult with the speed shown by Zhang Tu.

So how to ensure that the attack hits?

The answer is already very obvious, just let the enemy not stand on the "ground".

And this is why Gao Yi would rather be chopped by Zhang Tu's "phantom" again, but also lead the opponent to the audience.

At the moment when Zhang Tu was attracted by the plastic soldiers who retreated to a safe place with micro explosives arranged on the ceiling.

Gao Yi stepped on the plastic chair, relying on the agility bonus given by the [Stunt Belt] and the stronger physical fitness after the evolution rate was improved, and pounced under the audience.

This is an extremely dangerous distance and height. Not to mention the difference of ten meters, he had to cross the seven or eight rows of red chairs.

Gao Yi has never learned parkour systematically, but he knows that his knees will not be able to bear the weight if he lands directly from this height.

In his plan, he should perform a beautiful forward roll to unload the force, allowing the huge iron frame to pass over his head and hit the inevitable Zhang Tu in the audience.

But even if there is an [Easy Chair Detective] for early planning, the reality will never be as good as imagined.

In order to avoid Zhang Tu, Gao Yi chose to fly sideways and forward, but this caused the distance from the edge of the auditorium to increase a lot.

Gao Yi tightened his abdomen in mid-air, but still did not avoid the seat at the front. The clothes around his waist were cut open by the broken sharp plastic.

Although no direct damage was caused, the slight unplanned resistance further affected the landing.

Whether it was due to immature skills or simply bad luck, his right foot landed on a piece of black moss.

This sudden slip caused all subsequent movements to become chaotic. The ankle that landed on the ground was twisted, and the weight of the whole body was pressed on it, causing the ankle to almost twist at 90 degrees.

The body that was supposed to "turn over" froze in the air and suddenly fell sideways to the ground.

The whole body slid at high speed from the slippery and waterlogged ground, causing Gao Yi's back to hit hard on the protruding steps next to the swimming pool, making a muffled sound that made people wonder if his spine was broken.

But Gao Yi, who was curled up on the ground, still completed his plan.

After seeing the commander fly out, the commander on the iron frame decisively issued an order and activated the arranged micro explosives, destroying the already fragile and rusty metal connections of the steel frame.

The iron frame and the lighting equipment suddenly fell from one side, like a massive steel tsunami. The gravity was converted into huge kinetic energy, and it hit the auditorium on the side of the swimming pool.

The remaining screws and brackets on the wall were like severed strings, making a piercing roar as they watched this inevitable fall.

Gao Yi, who was lying on the ground, lowered his body and protected his head, avoiding a large number of falling metal parts and the roof that collapsed due to loss of support.

In the audience, Zhang Tu, who had just realized what happened, was already unable to escape.


Gao Yi could hardly tell whether it was the loud noise made after the iron frame hit the auditorium, or his own uncontrollable heartbeat.

There was severe pain in his right ankle, back and spine, forehead and arms, almost everywhere in his body.

Struggling to flip his wrist, Gao Yi took out a bottle of [Grade D Physical Healing Potion] and poured it into his mouth with difficulty.

The analgesic effect slowly took effect, but the physical pain seemed to have exceeded a certain threshold and was still unbearable for him.

Not to mention the paralysis of the lower limbs caused by spinal trauma, and possible bone fractures in several joints.

Although the effects of physical therapy are slowly taking effect, the situation is still not optimistic.

Wang Wuzhou, who had been waiting in the distance, was now running quickly. The reason why he did not enter the swimming pool before was because of his attack plan at this time:

"How are you feeling? Can you still get up?"

He slowly helped Gao Yi, who was lying on the ground, and expressed concern in a hurry.

Obviously, he had turned his attention from Zhang Tu to his injured teammates.

"Wait a moment......."

With difficulty, Gao Yi put down his left hand that was resting on the opponent's back, flipped his wrist, and checked the main mission again.

The moment he saw the bright red numbers, his breathing became heavy again.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for forty-eight hours (30:27:31) or the number of remaining players in the instance is less than or equal to five (6/5)]

Putting down his bleeding left arm, Gao Yi sat on the edge of the swimming pool and looked up.

There was sudden movement in the auditorium that was smashed by the iron frame.

Under the iron frame and rubble, a blood-red figure lifted up a large piece of iron and slowly stood up.

Zhang Tu's face was covered with blood, and he flipped the glove of his left hand. The other hand was still holding the kitchen knife named [Ren Tu] tightly.

He didn't look at Gao Yi, but just searched the ruins for a moment, grabbed another shadow behind him, and stabbed the blade into its chest.

Transparent blood spurted out again, and another Gao Yi was brutally killed.

Zhang Tu turned to the two people by the swimming pool and wiped away the blood around his eyes with his sleeves. The contempt in his tone completely disappeared, leaving only a chilling murderous aura:

"Three kills."


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