Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 83 [Western City Mystery] Deciphered

"Don't stand here, go to the side... be ready to help at any time..."

Another mouthful of blood spat out, and his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by invisible hands. Gao Yi endured the severe pain and turned to make arrangements for Wang Wuzhou.

"you sure?"

Wang Wuzhou was raising his pistol to take aim, and the distance of about twenty meters did not exceed his shooting range.

But the pouring rain and the red-black mist that never dissipated made aiming and shooting extremely difficult.

"Stop... stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

Gao Yi poured himself another bottle of [D-level physical healing potion], stood up with great reluctance, and forced himself to observe and think.

Wang Wuzhou ran to the side where the ax was placed; the communications soldier followed him at some point and was reporting something loudly; the tag system seemed to have gained experience.

But at this moment, Gao Yi's brain was in chaos, and he was completely unable to process this complicated information.

it hurts.......

This pain is not only physical, but also mental.

As Zhang Tu inserted the kitchen knife into Gao Yi's shadow again, completing the "three kills", the pain that felt like his internal organs were being kneaded struck again.

The already extremely bad physical condition deteriorated again. The effect of the physical healing potions used continuously became significantly weaker, and the whole body was still heavy and weak.

Pain, fatigue, sleepiness, and mental decline all broke out, and the pain like brain tearing made Gao Yi unbearable.

But there is no rest now, the enemy still has not fallen.

Forcing himself to adapt to his physical discomfort, Gao Yi slowly raised his head.

The [Enemy-Spotting Glasses] disappeared at some point. They must have accidentally fallen off during a previous swoop, and there was no time to look for them at the moment.

But the good news is that the loss of night vision is not difficult to accept. Wang Wuzhou has thrown out several new incendiary flares to ensure basic visibility in the swimming pool.

Gao Yi suddenly hit his forehead twice with his wrist, and shook his head to wake himself up a little.

The situation is still not optimistic.

The army of plastic soldiers on the ceiling are still on standby, but won't be of much help for a while.

Wang Wuzhou can provide cover from the side, but he cannot be allowed to stay in the front. He does not have the life-saving abilities in Gao Yi's hands, and can easily be killed by Zhang Tu's surprise attack.

If the number of people in the dungeon decreases again and the players obtain return tickets, the initiative will be in the hands of the opponent.

Who else is the trump card in my hand, and why my thinking speed has slowed down...

The active effect of [Easy Chair Detective] has not been used yet, and [Director's Whistle] is still in his hand.

The [Lucky Necklace] can still provide some help, but I have no memory of when the pistol was taken away.

Too bad, this inevitable attack was actually resisted by the enemy again.

At this moment, the wanted criminal with blood on his face was walking towards Gao Yi step by step, holding up the kitchen knife named [Human Slaughter].

No, don't be so pessimistic.

Gao Yi quickly observed his opponent and made an inference - Zhang Tu's condition was also very poor.

Although he still remained standing and slowly approached with a kitchen knife, he was obviously severely injured.

The scarlet coat on his body may be able to withstand a lot of damage, but the residual impact still caused him to be seriously injured.

The blood on his face, his trembling left hand, and his still-unable steps are all excellent evidence.

What's more important is that his right eye is slowly bleeding out, and he is most likely close to blindness.

But this still doesn't give Gao Yi much relief.

Because not only was his physical condition worse, but he was not on the same level as Zhang Tu in close combat.

In fact, as long as the opponent's scarlet coat is still providing a defense bonus, Gao Yi cannot even penetrate the opponent's armor.

Escape and detour are not options in this red and black mist.

Not only will there be obstacles, but more importantly, the "phantom" that will definitely exist.

Although we don’t know whether its appearance relies on a piece of Zhang Tu’s equipment or its characteristics, the threat it brings is real.

As long as Gao Yi moves his position once, he will be "killed" by the opponent.

According to Zhang Tu, the average person would be unable to bear the blow after being hit four or five times.

And Gao Yi has now been "killed three times".

Now that his physical condition is on the verge of collapse, can he really survive the next time?

Zhang Tu's steps were also a little unsteady. It took him a long time to smile evilly and walk down from the ruins of the auditorium:

"Why didn't you run away? Don't worry, I won't chop you to death directly. You will be drowned in the swimming pool..."

Zhang Tu's voice became a little hoarse, but under the thick southern accent, the feeling of madness was even worse.

The bottom of the auditorium is only about twenty meters away from the edge of the swimming pool.

At this moment, Gao Yi was searching around at an extremely fast speed. The [Enemy-Seeking Glasses] were still missing, but the M1911 Colt pistol was actually not far away from him.

It seemed that it just fell off the waist when Gao Yi flew into the air, slid on the swimming pool floor for a distance, and stopped on the tile floor more than ten meters away.

Want to run over and pick it up?

But not to mention whether his physical condition still supports this kind of movement, large movements will inevitably leave a shadow, and if he is "killed four times" again, the situation may completely collapse.

But... following Zhang Tu's words, some kind of inspiration suddenly flashed through Gao Yi's mind.

Why is the word "drowning" so familiar?

When Gao Yi had breakfast at Mrs. Smith's house in the dungeon of [Western City Strange Things] just this morning, he heard some strange words on the radio.

"The fire in the bar... exists again... burn to death... burn to death again..."

"Campus at night... sculptures... swimming pool... drowning sculptures..."

"So hungry... invaders... delicious... disasters... must happen..."

This abnormal broadcast was only heard by Gao Yi and Chris, and it was the masterpiece of Bill the Clown.

How could he forget this?

Wasn't Gao Yi at the moment the campus at night?

The indescribable sense of disharmony finally reached its peak, and Gao Yi realized the real abnormality of this swimming pool.

He had thought that the water in this pool was extremely turbid and black, different from ordinary swimming pools.

No, that's not right.

The real abnormality is actually. Why is there still water in this swimming pool?

According to previous intelligence, this swimming pool has been abandoned for several years due to disrepair and has not been opened for a long time.

The chain at the door has long been rusted, and it has obviously become a forbidden area.

Under this premise, Gao Yi subconsciously thought that it was normal for the water in the swimming pool to be turbid and black. After all, it is not surprising that something grows inside the dead water that has accumulated for many years.

But how is this possible?

The swimming pool next to the playground and the teaching building, if it has accumulated such a pool of sewage for several years, should have become a breeding ground for various mosquitoes and epidemics.

Even if this swimming pool is to be abandoned, the first reaction should be to drain all the water in the pool.

Instead of storing a pool full of sewage like this swimming pool in Xicheng High School.

Wait, when I was in chaos just now, I seemed to have missed some information.

Gao Yi turned his head and looked at the signalman who was reporting something behind him:

"What did you just say, repeat it again?"

Gao Yi looked up at the signalman's answer.

The technology building next to the swimming pool had lights on at some point.

The effect of the [Investigator] feature, [The unexpected and the weird will be attracted to you and approach you] did not disappoint me.

Gao Yi thought that the weird and the abnormal had not appeared yet, but the fact was the opposite, they had always been with Gao Yi.

The missing children in West City, the haunted house, Bill the Clown, Delhi High School, the "disaster" that occurs once every eleven years.

So that's how it is, everything is connected........

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yi raised his head, looked at Zhang Tu who was slowly approaching, and smiled again.

After a moment, he leaned back and fell into the dirty swimming pool with his back.


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