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Chapter 85 [Western City Mystery] Director's Whistle

Gao Yi got into the hole at the bottom of the pool where black bubbles were coming out.

The slippery and cold feeling of being wrapped finally disappeared, replaced by a feeling of weightlessness.

Although he was swimming downward, Gao Yi felt as if he was "drilling out" from the surface of the water.

And when he finally "drilled" out of the hole, he was greeted by another space.

His eyes, which were already soaked in sewage, were suddenly freed. Gao Yi protected his head and fell down, hitting the rocky ground sideways.

[Reckless Arm Guard] really didn't help. Its hard metal texture only made Gao Yi's arm pain more severe.

"I can't stand it anymore. How many times do I have to fall today? When can I learn the Feather Fall Technique..."

Gao Yi didn't dare to rest while complaining. He struggled to take out another bottle of [D-level Physical Healing Potion] and poured it into his mouth.

The third bottle of physical healing potion in a short period of time, the effect has been extremely weakened, the familiar warm current has become weak and subtle, and the analgesic effect has almost disappeared.

With a muffled groan, Gao Yi slowly climbed up.

At this moment, he had no time to care about his soaked and torn clothes. He only felt that every bone and muscle in his body was wailing and begging for rest.

The active effect of [Armchair Detective] was still continuing. Gao Yi realized belatedly that the darkness had been dispelled.

Following the light, he turned his head stiffly. The scene in front of him made Gao Yi suspect that he had fallen into some kind of illusion.

In the huge cave, on the rock wall at the top of the center, a huge conical tower was hanging upside down, which was shining with golden light.

And around the tower, hundreds of children of different races, genders and looks were floating, slowly rising and falling in the air.

With the help of the powerful observation and analysis capabilities provided by [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi quickly identified several children he had seen in the missing person notice.

They were tied with thin ribbons, and the expressions on their faces were all full of horror.

Looking down at the bottom of the tower, as expected, the female player named Gan Yejia was also among them.

This is not a difficult inference. There are ten players in the entire [Western City Strange Things], and six are still alive.

Excluding Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou, the two people from the Investigation Bureau and Zhang Tu, there is still one person alive.

According to the records of Team Huang, Zhang Tu killed three players personally, and Gao Yi killed the "nail".

The remaining person, using the elimination method, can also be known that it is undoubtedly Gan Yejia who was captured by the clown.

She was captured in the morning and has been alive for more than ten hours now, which also completely confirms that the clown will not kill the prey directly.

Consistent with the previous reasoning, this is the way home for those missing teenagers, and the inverted golden tower is the way the clown gets fear.

Gao Yi is now located at the waist of this cave, above a protruding rock wall.

Not far to the side, a waterfall with dark sewage flows out from a rusty metal pipe and rushes to the bottom of the cave.

Gao Yi staggered towards the edge of the rock wall. Considering that he had been swimming in the sewage pool for half a day, he didn't need to care about the splashes of the black waterfall at this moment.

The black and red mist still existed. It seemed that its range was spherical, and this space was no exception, making Gao Yi's already difficult movements even more painful.

He struggled to stick his head out. At the bottom of the cave, the dark dead water gathered into a lake.

And in the center, there was another raised ground, forming a small island.

And on the island-like rock surface, Gao Yi instantly saw Chris and his expedition team.

At this moment, this group of brave young investigators were fighting a huge clown spider.

Yes, the clown spider is a huge spider, and its head is the head of the clown Bill...

"What the hell... Even a horror movie should pursue some beauty..."

The desire to complain emerged again. The current scene was really a bit absurd.

But what really deserves Gao Yi's attention is obviously not the boss battle at the bottom of the cave.

The sound of water gushing in my ears was followed by heavy crashing and panting.

Turning my head, I saw that Zhang Tu had already rushed out of the hole in the swimming pool and followed me.

", keep running, why the hell are you not running?"

His bloody coat was also soaked and hung heavily on his body. The kitchen knife named [Ren Tu] trembled slightly, and his body movements were also slow and difficult.

Zhang Tu obviously noticed the current environment. This protruding rock wall was dozens of square meters above the sky, and both of them had nowhere to retreat.

Gao Yi on the other side did not respond. He still stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the cave below the waterfall, and asked without looking back:

"How is your physics?"


Zhang Tu obviously did not expect Gao Yi to react like this, and did not respond for a while.

"I'm not doing well in school either, mainly because I always skip classes, and I don't like my physics teacher very much... I should have learned more about acceleration and gravity."

Zhang Tu's eyes darkened. He was not interested in school topics, and more importantly, he had already noticed Gao Yi's intention to delay time.

The negative effects brought by so many characteristics and equipment on his body overlapped, and the internal bleeding caused by the iron frame before was beyond his tolerance.

If he didn't solve it quickly and left the dungeon, the consequences would be disastrous.

The left glove flipped again, and Zhang Tu's speed increased again.

He turned the kitchen knife to a backhand grip, took a step, and rushed towards Gao Yi again.

There was no extra space to hide on the narrow rock wall in front of him, and Gao Yi, who was "killed four times", obviously no longer had the ability to resist.

The black waterfall was still flowing, the clown's roar under the cave was heartbreaking, and several young men and women were also yelling something.

Zhang Tu didn't care about so much, from beginning to end he had no interest in the plot in the dungeon.

How could completing the main task earn more than killing players?

In the glory of the golden tower, the kitchen knife in his hand flashed a silver light and stabbed straight into Gao Yi's neck.

As the distance approached, Zhang Tu had a complete bottom line in his heart. If he stabbed with this knife, even the king of heaven would have to lie on the ground.

Gao Yi, who was standing on the edge of the cliff, listened to the manic footsteps approaching quickly behind him, and his face was normal.

At the moment when the blade was about to pierce his skin, he actually leaned forward and jumped directly from the cliff.

Gravitational acceleration 9.82, height 107 meters, weight, wind resistance, air density... what are these.

[Armchair Detective] When Gao Yi decided to jump, he gave extremely detailed data of all kinds, but did not give the result.

If Gao Yi studied hard in middle school, he should be able to apply the knowledge he learned in the classroom.

Unfortunately, now he can only estimate the landing time and try his best to leave some space for himself.

"1......2.....3......" As he counted silently in his heart, Gao Yi blew the silver whistle in his mouth.

The sharp whistle interrupted all the noise in the cave, and the sound of the waterfall was temporarily suppressed.

At the same time, below the cave, the boys of the investigation team cast their eyes, and the spider-like clown Bill, or the body of "Disaster", also raised his head and looked at Gao Yi.

[Director's Whistle], the active effect of this orange equipment, was finally triggered for the first time.

[Blow the whistle once, announcing that the shooting is invalid, and rewind to the last scene fifteen seconds ago. ]


A deep male voice exploded throughout the cave, and Gao Yi's eyes suddenly went dark as his body was falling rapidly.

The next second, he was back on the rock wall, watching the fight between the expedition team and the clown spider under the cliff.

As expected, fifteen seconds ago, Zhang Tu had not rushed over yet.

"What...what? What the hell did you just do?"

Zhang Tu looked at his hands in disbelief, and the kitchen knife in his hand was glowing red.

And Gao Yi quickly turned his wrist, opened the light curtain, and confirmed the time in his main task.

The countdown did not rewind........

So that's it, it's just a reversal in space, not a time reversal, and the memory will not be lost.

After realizing it, Gao Yi found that his left hand was a little out of place.

Looking closely, in the open palm, the little finger of the left hand was actually bent backwards, as if the connection between the bones was directly torn apart by some brute force, and fell alone on the back of the hand, like a broken plush toy.

Even though it was already somewhat numb, the piercing pain that made people collapse still caught up.

But at this moment, Gao Yi did not dare to reveal more flaws. He pretended to put his left hand behind his back casually and smiled at Zhang Tu who was still in shock:

"You were too emotional in that scene just now, which affected the overall rhythm a bit. Try to slow down this time."


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