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Chapter 86 [Western City Mystery] Final Battle and Ending (1/2)

The moment he saw the expedition team fighting the clown, Gao Yi already made a judgment in his mind.

Although I don't know what kind of "fighting" method they use, those boys and girls obviously don't have much chance of winning.

This is not a difficult reasoning, it is based on a simple reality.

If they, the original dungeon characters, can defeat the "disaster", then what's the point of the players' main mission?

You know, the current dungeon countdown is less than half over. If the final boss is killed like this, then surviving for 48 hours will be an invalid condition.

But when Gao Yi stood on the edge of the cliff and carefully observed the battle at the bottom of the cave, he had a different view.

The clown is still using the illusion it is best at, but the effect is obviously not very good. The eyes of several teenagers in the expedition group briefly turned golden, and then returned to normal at an extremely fast speed.

In an uncontrolled state, they would raise various rocks and sticks to throw at the giant spider clown.

From all angles, these attacks should be innocuous.

But every time the clown is hit, he will let out a long wailing sound and become a little "smaller".

"In the final analysis, what this clown relies on is the fear of the prey, so when they are no longer afraid, they will have the ability to fight against the 'disaster'?"

Gao Yi touched his chin and tried to summarize.

Of course, with the right hand.

[Director's Whistle], as an orange piece of equipment, does have extremely powerful abilities, and this kind of recall is completely beyond common sense.

But its negative effects are much more intense and painful than the chronic weakening of those blue and white equipment.

Once used, it will "break off" one of the user's fingers.

At this moment, Gao Yi endured the severe pain and hid his left hand behind his back. No matter what, he could not expose this conspicuous weakness to the opponent.

The good news is that the broken finger started on his left hand, and Gao Yi himself is right-handed.

If the logic of breaking from the little finger remains unchanged, then this [Director's Whistle] can be used at least eight times.

Going forward, it might be a bit difficult if only the thumb of the right hand is left...will the toe be broken?

Gao Yi's thoughts began to diverge, but in fact this was a meaningless guess.

The pain of having a finger broken is far beyond what ordinary people can bear. Being able to stay standing here relies on the increase in evolution rate and the analgesic effect of [D-level physical healing potion].

If I could blow this whistle twice more, I would probably fall into a coma due to the extreme pain.

The question now is how to win the gamble at hand with this last bargaining chip.

Zhang Tu's condition wasn't that good either. He had obviously used a lot of his abilities in order to carry out the raid just now.

As time passed, the kitchen knife in his hand no longer flashed red, and its speed dropped again, returning to its original state.

"What the fuck is that?"

Zhang Tu obviously also noticed the whistle hanging around Gao Yi's neck, and associated the retracement just now with the whistle sound.

"Why, you've never been in a time machine since you've been this old?"

Gao Yi said nonsensical words, took out another bottle of medicine from his left wrist behind his back, and poured it into his mouth.

To be honest, the effect of [D-level physical healing potion] is already very weak under this continuous use.

But at this moment's high level, there is obviously no reason to save money. Let's just recover as much as possible.

It is worth noting that Zhang Tu, who was on the opposite side, had never drunk a bottle of potion since the beginning of the battle.

Considering that he had already killed three players in this [Western City Secret] copy alone, he must have a lot of potions on him.

Is there a restriction on a certain feature or equipment?

Gao Yi had a suspicion in his mind. In any case, Zhang Tu had been forced into a desperate situation.

The opponent had just used the active abilities of the two equipment again, wanting to deliver the final blow to Gao Yi.

But when this time is over, negative effects follow one after another.

Zhang Tu's left arm was now hanging low on his side, and his body was slightly turned to the left to face Gao Yi. Blood was slowly dripping from his face, and he seemed to be unable to see with his right eye.

His condition was obviously on the verge of collapse, but for Gao Yi, who was also injured all over his body, he still had an overwhelming combat advantage.

But...why doesn't he attack anymore?

Ever since Gao Yi blew the whistle and changed the situation back to the original confrontation, Zhang Tu showed a defensive posture and did not take another step forward.

Are you afraid of the ability shown by [Director's Whistle]?

No, it's not like that, he didn't even make a tentative move forward.

A strong premonition arose in his mind, and Gao Yi made up his mind not to let time pass by.

He wiped his hair with his blood-stained right hand and styled the messy curls back.

It has to be said that blood is indeed a very useful styling agent. Now Gao Yi's right hand is a veritable "hair gel hand".

After his hair stopped jumping in front of his eyes, Gao Yi slowly spoke to the other party:

"You know, the clown below, the disaster mentioned in the main mission, can inspire the most extreme fear deep in people's hearts."

Zhang Tu heard the words, but rarely responded. He just stared at Gao Yi with his remaining left eye.

He really planned to delay.

Zhang Tu's physical condition was very poor, and he didn't even drink the physical healing potion. It didn't make sense for him to wait for his body to recover.

That means he knew what would happen as time went by.

Team Huang!

If the seriously injured member of the Investigation Bureau who was in a dying state died completely, the number of remaining players in the dungeon would be reduced to five, and the main quest would end.

Did he want to delay time until the dungeon ended?

If so, he had to ask for a change.

If the pistol was still there, he might be able to break through Zhang Tu's defense and kill him by attacking his face, which was not covered by his coat.

But now, he had no weapons on his body again. Even if he wanted to kill him, what could he rely on?

Behind him, a tragic wail came from the bottom of the cave again, and it seemed that the adventure team's attack had been effective again.

This was not a good thing either. If they really solved the "disaster" now, wouldn't the dungeon also end?

After confirming that Zhang Tu on the opposite side had no intention of getting up, Gao Yi turned around and looked at the spider version of Bill the Clown.

At this moment, its body has become smaller, and several teenagers are throwing stones at it. You can still hear the faint shouting and cursing.

"I have never seen such a cowardly dungeon boss..."

Gao Yi complained, but he also had a bottom line in his heart.

As early as when he decided to enter the swimming pool to fight, he had an idea.

This clown, or "disaster", is troublesome, but there is one thing, one thing that can be used by Gao Yi.

In the previous encounter, he has come to the conclusion that the reason why the clown pays attention to players like them is "exploration".

Only players who explore the truth of the dungeon and try to conquer the main task will encounter the clown Bill.

And those players who don't care about the dungeon plot at all, such as the two people in the investigation bureau, nails, and even Zhang Tu, have never seen the clown.

I have experience in dealing with illusions, but Zhang Tu, who doesn't care about the dungeon plot at all, obviously doesn't. If the two are affected by the clown at the same time, then it is obvious which side has the advantage.

Now the spider clown at the bottom of the cave is suffering from insufficient "fear".

What will it do when it finds that there are two living sources of fear in the cave?

This is why Gao Yi jumped off the cliff with such fanfare before, just to let the clown Bill know that there is such a battle above.

As expected, with a huge wail, the entire spider-like clown suddenly became smaller and hid in the black lake below.

As several young men from the expedition team went forward, dense red balloons began to fly all over the lake.

There were so many of them that they squeezed each other, covering the entire bottom of the cave in a very short time and began to fly upwards.

The golden giant tower at the top of the cave also made a buzzing sound at this moment, as if it was accumulating something.

Gao Yi picked up a stone from the ground and smiled again at Zhang Tu, who didn't know what happened:

"Let me see what you are afraid of."

With a muffled sound, a golden light suddenly appeared above the cave, reflecting a bright light on the entire cave, and also covering the two players who were confronting each other on the cliff.

The old-fashioned mental attack appeared again, and the parents, the twisted children, and the nails that died in their hands before all appeared.

"It's all your fault!"

"Why did you abandon us!"

"Why, why did you do this?"

They all wailed and twisted their bodies to crawl towards Gao Yi, holding onto the corners of his clothes tightly, with green pus flowing out of their mouths.

"Okay, try harder, just help me wring out my clothes..."

Of course, at this moment, Gao Yi had already gone through two rounds of attacks from Bill the Clown, and this level of mental attack had little effect on him.

While speaking, he slowly took out the [Mist Mask] and put it on his face.

The sudden increase in mental resistance allowed Gao Yi to instantly get rid of this illusion that had little effect on him.

Looking up, Zhang Tu on the opposite side was not so lucky.

At this moment, his eyes were shining with gold, his hands were flapping, and he was slashing the air with the kitchen knife, shouting in anger and fear:

"No, could you be here, no, no, you are all dead!"

Gao Yi did not speak, but shook his legs, broke off the blood scabs that had solidified his trouser legs, and moved forward with difficulty.

Just now, he suddenly remembered that he was not without weapons, but he just ignored them.

With a raise of his right arm, a nail clipper appeared in Gao Yi's hand.

[Item: Empowered Nail Clipper]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Type: Enhanced Item]

[Special Effect: After cutting your nails with this nail clipper, your fingers will feel burning and painful, and the attack will cause additional fire damage]

[Note: It's chili, I added chili! ]

Based on previous experience, people who fall into illusions will wake up if they are strongly stimulated by external factors.

If you want to attack, you must pursue a one-hit kill.

In this case, cutting your own nails and then attacking with your fists will be too weak.

Gao Yi flipped the nail clippers and pulled out the small knife for trimming and picking seams.

This knife is neither sharp nor long. If you want to rank melee weapons, it is undoubtedly at the level of T5 or above.

But it is not impossible to use it against a seriously injured person who is trapped in an illusion.

"You are pigs, you are all fucking pigs! I am a human!"

Zhang Tu waved the kitchen knife randomly, slashing at the air.

But since there was no target, he was just wasting his energy in vain.

The characteristics of [Weapon Master] worked. Gao Yi held the nail clippers tightly in his hand and slowly approached Zhang Tu.

Ten meters... five meters... three meters.

So close.

But just as Gao Yi carefully avoided the flying kitchen knife and circled to the right side of Zhang Tu's body, the crazy wanted criminal suddenly made a move.

For some reason, he turned the blade and stabbed it into his thigh.

This knife also avoided the coverage of the red coat. As Zhang Tu slowly pulled out the kitchen knife, the white blade was stained with a touch of bright red.

Zhang Tu actually escaped from the illusion in this way?

"You... do you want to kill me with this?"

Zhang Tu's mouth was stretched to the limit, combining the pretended calm smile with the unbearable pain to form a weird expression like an abstract painting.

His right eye was completely blind, and he had to turn his head 90 degrees to see Gao Yi with the peripheral vision of his left eye.

His body was already on the verge of limit, and he was stabbed in the thigh, so it was obviously difficult to move.

But Zhang Tu's choice was very correct. He did not swing the knife to attack Gao Yi beside him, but raised the [Human Butcher] in his hand high and threw it to the edge of the cliff.

There, there was a phantom of Gao Yi.

He wanted to complete the "five kills"!

Unexpected, but not unacceptable.

Zhang Tu obviously thought that Gao Yi would attack, but he also underestimated the damage that a nail clipper could bring.

With his mind gathered, the active effect of [Weapon Master] finally started.

[Active use, enchant any weapon in your hand, give it a random special effect]

As the kitchen knife hit the phantom on the edge of the cliff, Gao Yi also stabbed the enchanted nail clipper into Zhang Tu's side neck.

Of course, the opponent tried to defend, but the right eye that could not see things obviously could not provide him with enough information.

The attacks of the two people took effect at the same time.

As the phantom was hit, Gao Yi felt that his heart was smashed by a big iron hammer, and the residue was thrown into the fire.

With a mouth full of blood, Zhang Tu, who was stabbed in the neck, still had the strength to push Gao Yi away.

Gao Yi, who was already dying, suddenly retreated and hit the wet rock wall beside him.

A strong premonition sounded an alarm in his brain.

He couldn't fall down. If he sat down here, he wouldn't be able to get up.

On the other side, Zhang Tu's condition was also very bad. The nail clippers were not left on his neck, and blood had begun to flow out at this moment.

He turned his head with difficulty and looked at Gao Yi, who was leaning on the rock wall and still staring at him.

Damn, this player who suddenly appeared didn't have a high evolution rate, but why did he have so many strange abilities.

No, the more important thing was the copy elements he used.

But... it didn't matter, I won!

The man called Captain Huang, who had deliberately let go before, was almost dead, Zhang Tu felt it.

As a [serial killer], this feature not only provides a strong ability to murder, but also can feel the physical signs of the victim.

The man called Team Yellow was killed by Zhang Tu and was close to collapse physically.

Death is a matter of time.

When the scythe of the god of death cuts across his neck, the number of players in the dungeon will instantly decrease to five.

The main task of the dungeon is completed, and the return ticket will be obtained.

As long as you leave with the ticket, all these gains can be sold. After the negative effects are removed, drink two bottles of D-level, no, C-level physical healing potions, and everything will be fine.

This player who dared to hurt himself has also been marked by the [serial killer]. At worst, he will return to the real world and kill him.

Damn, dare to do this to me, not only will I kill him, but also everyone around him.

Zhang Tu felt a chill in his neck, which made his brain tremble.

At this time, a certain line connected by the [serial killer] broke.

Faster than expected, did the man give up himself?

Anyway, now is the time!

[Return Ticket] is here.

"Ha... wait, I will... kill you outside."

Zhang Tu grinned again, but this time it was pure happiness.

As long as the ticket is taken out, everything will be over.

But... why is the man in front of him so calm?

Zhang Tu wanted to move his right hand and wave the ticket in his hand.

But... why was there no response, why couldn't his right hand even move?

Just when his mind was blank, the annoying man's voice sounded again from the right.

"I actually thought at first, maybe you didn't realize it yourself, after all, you have always been the one chasing others."

Zhang Tu opened his mouth and tried again, but for some reason, he couldn't use the [Return Ticket] shining with golden light.

In the red and black mist, he tried to speak several times, but his whole body became uncontrollable.

Something is stopping me, is it some kind of weirdness in this copy? How to solve it?

Zhang Tu stretched his head out with difficulty, wanting to take a look at the golden giant tower.

"I guessed wrong..." Gao Yi seemed to have read the other party's thoughts, and said in the same weak voice, pausing:

"It's your own black and red mist. Have you forgotten the rules here?"

In Zhang Tu's desperate eyes, Gao Yi pronounced the verdict word by word:

"No, you can't, run away."

The black and red mist suddenly thickened at some point, preventing all participants from escaping.

Duel, only duel.

Only the winner can leave.

Zhang Tu staggered back, trying in vain to cover the gushing blood. He opened his mouth several times to say something, but nothing came out.

He turned his gloves several times, shook the red tattoo on his left wrist, and looked at the [Return Ticket] countless times.

Zhang Tu wanted to find something to save him, but at this moment he had already used up all his cards.

"Move, as soon as your body changes, I will blow the whistle again and do it again."

Gao Yi held the [Director's Whistle] in his mouth and gave the final blow.

It has to be said that Zhang Tu's will to survive and physical fitness are both excellent.

With a knife stuck in his neck, he still staggered on the stone wall for more than ten meters before finally falling to the ground powerlessly.

Gao Yi did not go forward to finish off the opponent, not because he did not want to, but because his body, which had already exceeded its limit, no longer allowed him to attack further.

His last persistence was to stand there, holding the [Director's Whistle] in his mouth, and witnessing Zhang Tu's final struggle.

It was not until the opponent fell to the ground and the system prompt rang in his ears that Gao Yi released the unreasonable force.

The body collapsed without support. The sharp stone wall was indeed not suitable for lying flat, but Gao Yi had no choice at this moment.

He was like a fish with scales scraped off, waiting for death in a scorching frying pan.

He struggled to take out another bottle of [E-level physical healing agent] from his wrist. It was not that he did not want to use the D-level one, but he really had no choice.

In ancient times, some religions believed that blood was the soul.

This is because they observed that if a person lost too much blood after being injured, he would die.

If their thoughts made sense, Gao Yi's soul was almost floating in the air.

The damage caused by Zhang Tu's "five kills" did not dissipate with his death, but remained on Gao Yi like some kind of curse.

Some kind of hallucination seemed to appear in front of him, half black and half white...

"Speaking of which, can I go to heaven... No, who should be responsible for dying in this copy, the King of Hell... or Lucifer?"

Gao Yi's weird sense of humor remained the same. The good news was that he didn't need to think about this problem today.

At some point, Wang Wuzhou had passed through the hole at the bottom of the swimming pool and followed into the cave.

Below, the young exploration team cheered.

The hearing bonus provided by [Armchair Detective] allowed Gao Yi to distinguish the sirens of police cars and ambulances that were getting closer and closer.

It seemed that he would not die today.

"I want to sleep so much..."

Gao Yi looked at the golden light on the rock wall that was slowly fading, and said weakly.


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