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Chapter 87 [Western City Strange Things] Talk about the Day After

The night in West City was still so dull.

When Gao Yi was helped out of the cave, Delhi High School had been surrounded by countless policemen and medical staff.

This was also the arrangement that Gao Yi asked Wang Wuzhou to make before the decisive battle.

However, due to the complexity of the battle, Gao Yi did not let these idlers take their positions in advance, so as not to become the prey of the clown Bill and Zhang Tu.

Although it is a little late now, it is always a good thing to come.

Next to the ambulance, Gao Yi recovered a little and did some emergency treatment on his wounds.

Turning around, he met Chris wrapped in a blanket.

The boy noticed someone approaching and raised his head quickly.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. Gao Yi, whose clothes were stained with blood and whose wounds were hideous, obviously gave him a lot of shock.

When he came to his senses, Chris still hurriedly got up to show concern.

From his mixed expression of relief and sadness, it is not difficult to see that his brother Matt finally left him.

This is not unexpected. Those teenagers controlled by Bill the Clown cannot survive without food or water.

They are just being maintained in a certain state before death by the strange power of the clown, or the "disaster".

Except for the few who were caught in the past two days, the rest are obviously no longer "alive", and it cannot even be said that they are dead.

For no reason, another memory came to his mind. When he was having dinner with Wang Wuzhou in that Chinese restaurant, Gao Yi had eaten such a note in the fortune cookie.

[Death here is not real death]

Is that so...

These teenagers did defeat Bill the Clown, but did they really defeat the "disaster"?

Chris stared blankly at the moonless night sky in West City. He opened his mouth several times and finally said a sentence for a long time:

"Just now, I finally remembered what I heard in the pipe before I went home."

He looked at Gao Yi, his confused and guilty expression was distressing, and he told the truth in a hoarse voice:

"He said to me: 'You are not delicious enough, call your brother.'"

The story finally connected. Clown Bill transferred the hypnotic ability to his brother through Chris.

And finally induced Matt to go to the pipe alone in the heavy rain, and eventually disappeared and became a victim of the "disaster".

Sighing slightly in his heart, Gao Yi changed back to the [Lovelor] label and sat down next to Chris:

"You did a great job, even defeated the clown. This is a great adventure. Matt will be proud of you."

Chris lowered his head and did not answer.

The clown gave him false hope and cruelly deprived him of it today.

Give him some time, time can always dilute everything and smooth everything out.

This is Gao Yi's experience.

Seeing the members of the expedition team running towards this side, Gao Yi wisely gave way.

This group of 13 or 14-year-old boys actually defeated the clown in this copy, which even stumped the players.

It's amazing.

Looking at their jubilation, Gao Yi felt a sense of admiration from the bottom of his heart.

A group of plastic toy soldiers also watched this scene in the shadows.

At the final battle, after Gao Yi jumped into the swimming pool, they bravely landed from the roof of the swimming pool and attacked Zhang Tu.

Although the casualties were tragic, they also gained precious ten seconds and laid the foundation for the subsequent victory.

In the shadows, the plastic commander saluted Gao Yi, and Gao Yi also raised his hand slightly in return.

Watching this group of loyal soldiers line up again and set off for Chris's room, they had to return to the faded plastic bucket under the bed while they could still move.

On the playground, several teachers and students from the drama class who had met this morning also appeared on the campus, and Gao Yi also greeted them one by one.

Unfortunately, the drama class tomorrow could not be held, but the students expressed understanding.

Officer Monica also came up to chat for a few words. Although she knew nothing about what happened in the swimming pool, the hundreds of missing children in the underground cave were still real.

"You are right, you did a great job."

She said.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for the Xicheng police.

With the support of Wang Wuzhou, Gao Yi slowly walked out of the school gate.

Countless parents were parking their speeding cars at the door and running into the school.

They are the parents of the missing children. It seems that the discovery of Deli High School has been spread.

Unfortunately, most of these parents who have been waiting for several years or even decades cannot get the good news they deserve.

But at least, they can end this long and painful wait.

Seeing this scene, the content read in a book echoed in Gao Yi's mind.

"The easiest way to understand a city is to explore how its residents work, love and die."

The clown's red ball may not be lying.

[The best in West City]


He suddenly spat out another mouthful of blood. Zhang Tu's lethality was really amazing. Even though Gao Yi drank another bottle of healing potion, he was still extremely weak.

"You'd better go back to reality and go to the hospital as soon as possible. You should have a good rest for a few days later."

Wang Wuzhou looked around twice. It must be said that Gao Yi's current condition was miserable.

He was covered with wounds, tattered bloodstained clothes, and his left little finger was temporarily fixed, but it was still twisted, not to mention his extremely pale face.

Lying down on the ground, pretending to be a dead person who was bombed by mortars in the middle of the battlefield, it should not be out of place at all.

"I don't have the money... But we should go to the hospital now."


With the help of Officer Monica, a patrolman took Gao Yi and the other two to the West City Hospital.

Climbing up to the third floor, in that familiar corridor, Tan Zhi was sitting on a metal chair, burying her head deeply in her arms.

Hearing the footsteps of the two approaching, she slowly spoke:

"Thank you for your hard work. Please contact the Investigation Bureau later. We will provide you with rewards and compensation."

Obviously, she also knew about Zhang Tu's death, but the captain Huang didn't make it to the end.

Tan Zhi didn't raise her head, her voice was low and hoarse.

Her terribly red and swollen eyes could be clearly seen between her hair and shoulders.

It can be seen that she had experienced a very difficult time when Gao Yi and the other two were away.

Gao Yi, whose body had recovered somewhat, walked to the chair, sat down slowly beside Tan Zhi, and spoke slowly to the wall on the other side of the corridor:

"Zhang Tu only revealed his flaws at the end when he got the return ticket. Even if Captain Huang held on for a while longer, it would not change the result, but would only increase his pain."

Tan Zhi did not answer, but just maintained that dazed posture, allowing Gao Yi to speak.

"The wound on Captain Huang's body is not poison, and it will not disappear even if Zhang Tu dies."

"If you hadn't consumed his abilities in the previous battle and the information you explored, we wouldn't have been able to defeat him."

"You did a good job, I think Captain Huang thinks so too."

Gao Yi finished speaking softly, without waiting for the other party to reply, and slowly stood up with the metal chair back.

Suddenly, he saw a new text on the wall of the corridor in the large number of prayers.

A text carved with bleeding nails.

[Don't leave me alone]

With a long sigh in his heart, Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou walked along the corridor and walked towards the exit of the hospital.

That long cry appeared behind him again.

Walking on the dim streets of West City, Wang Wuzhou asked a question that was not appropriate to ask just now:

"I don't quite understand, what did you say to that girl mean?"

Gao Yi did not respond immediately, but just looked up at the night sky.

The rain seemed to be stopping soon.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be her... who killed Captain Huang with her own hands."

Sitting on a bench on the street, Gao Yi answered softly, rubbing his dislocated shoulder, and there was another pain deep into the bone marrow.


"It should be the idea of ​​Captain Huang. This is a 'Sword' instance after all."

Gao Yi took off his sneakers and knocked on the lamppost beside him. While pouring out the pebbles and dust that had entered the cave, he answered Wang Wuzhou's doubts:

"I guess he thought that it would be better to keep his equipment and features for his own people than to let the wanted criminal get away with them."

"That's why he had to keep Tan Zhi by his side. Captain Huang had made up his mind before we left."

Wang Wuzhou, illuminated by the street lights, was silent for a long time and didn't know what to say.

I guess for him, the image of the "Investigation Bureau" in his mind should have changed.

After coughing a few times again, Gao Yi looked up at the street.

At this early morning, even if there was such a fierce battle, it was just another ordinary night for ordinary citizens.

Gao Yi made a judgment when he first came to this instance.

"If living places can die like people, then West City is a rotten and festering corpse."

But now, he has a different view.

No matter where you are, there will be no shortage of brave people and seekers.

Although the night is still thick now, a few hours later, when the sky shows the first blue.

Granny Smith will make a hearty breakfast for Chris, and Mike will welcome his returning classmates and talk about the "Chinese Kung Fu" of the mysterious transfer student.

In Derry High School, some students may miss their funny substitute teacher.

But more people will take advantage of the school suspension to go to the playground in the city center to play and enjoy delicious food in the Chinese restaurant next to it.

The West City police will hold a grand funeral for the sacrificed out-of-town detective, and the Lumberjack basketball team will regret the loss of a strong substitute.

But the traces left by the players will gradually disappear, and the people in the city will still start a new round of life.

As the thick night gradually dissipates, hope will continue to descend on this city.

As always.

[Volume 2, Strange Things in West City]



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