Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

【West City Mystery】Summary of Volume 2 (1/2)

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, this book has reached 200,000 words.

A summary and outlook are inevitable.

Special reminder: This chapter does not contain the main text, but there will be some explanations and supplements to the plot. If you don’t want to read the author’s nonsense, you can skip it directly without affecting your reading.

First, let’s talk about the inspiration for the entire book.

It was when I was first writing the book "Puzzle of the Gods" that I could stream unlimited online games, so I felt a lot of limitations.

For example, the game cannot kill people, and the overall relaxed atmosphere makes it impossible to write some of the content I want to write.

Thus, the overall darker and more realistic "Tag Player" was born.

At first, I probably wanted to imitate the feeling of "Players Please Get Aboard", combining cities and dungeons.

The change in theme is also reflected in the protagonist. Unlike Gu Mou in the previous book, who was casual and unrestrained, Gao Yi is a somewhat "miserable" protagonist.

I gave him a rather tragic life experience and the "bad luck" debuff.

The ultimate goal is to express the "good" part of his character.

As a person with free will, compared with the goodness bred in happiness and beauty, there is definitely less dramatic conflict than the good that appears in the package of "evil".

When I was thinking about the character of the protagonist, in addition to my own tendency to complain, I also added a rather strange sense of humor to him.

This feeling of telling hell jokes in a serious manner actually inspired me from a late YouTuber I liked very much. He was still telling hell jokes in videos after he was diagnosed with cancer, which left a very deep impression on me.

Ah, just to mention that there was a plot that I had thought of was useless.

After finishing nailing, Gao Yi broke his left hand and told Wang Wuzhou that he had thought of a joke he could tell now:

"If you feel happy, just clap your hands."

.......Okay, a little cold

Then there is Gao Yi's name.

The reason why the last book was named Gumou was because I wanted to write about a person who uses his brain to play games and doesn't like to be reckless, so I chose the word "mou" as the name.

Gao Yi is just as his name suggests, he is an abnormal person, a person who experiences many strange things.

The last name actually comes from a scrapped draft of my cyberpunk novel. The protagonist is called Gao Yu, because he is an aerospace vehicle driver who has to shuttle between high-rise buildings...

As for some people saying that the name of the protagonist collides with which book, I can only say that it is indeed a coincidence, otherwise I would avoid it.

However, Gao is not an uncommon surname. If you have the same name, just have the same name. Maybe there are some readers named Gao Yi.

Then there are the cities.

I really made up the name of Nankang City casually, because it is a southern city, and I was reading Kant's book when I named it.

Finally, after putting it together, the name Nankang appeared. I really didn’t know there was a place in Jiangxi called Nankang. This was a pure coincidence...

Of course, Nankang in the book is originally a southern city, so it shouldn’t be too inconsistent if you bring it in.

But in fact, it should be more like a combination of Chongqing and Chengdu.

The light rail shuttles through the complex mountain environment and rushes out of the dark tunnel. The neon night scene flashes outside the car window, and inside the carriage, a fierce battle starts with the alighting sound...

This scene that appeared in my dream also became the first battle scene in this book.

The entire label system was inspired by a book I read before. I liked the idea of ​​its synthesis, so I made significant changes to form the current label system.

Some people have also noticed that the ability names of the tags are all movies, and it’s also because I like watching movies.

You know, I heard that heaven is like a movie theater. After you die, you can go in and buy popcorn, check in, and watch all kinds of good movies.

The direct source of the first dungeon [The Fog of the Heart] is the movie [The Fog], but the reason why I wrote this dungeon is actually from a story in "The Game Must Foul".

No, it’s either a foul that must be committed or a foul that cannot be committed. Anyway, it’s one of them.

Finally, after several rounds of polishing, I had the final copy.

The feeling that the characters in the story became Japanese was indeed subconscious. When I was making up the first name, the word Yamada suddenly came to mind.

In the end, I felt that the style was indeed quite right, so I kept it.

For the characters in the supermarket, I did refer to the game "The Mystery of Werewolf Village". In fact, to be honest, the first copy of the previous book seemed to be the same, but it was just a reference to the plot and a reference to the characters...

It's like catching a sheep...

Because this is the first copy, I paid special attention to the length and kept it at around a few tens of thousands words.

It uses a rather rudimentary narrative trick to contain suspense and exploration.

I left a double reversal mainly to expand the world view.

In the end, I was basically satisfied with the plot. The exploration, thinking, and eventual resolution were all good, and the pace was pretty good.

Judging from the reading rate, the data is also good, indicating that readers can also accept it.

Some people say that the first copy didn't feel oppressive and didn't feel very dangerous.

This seems to be my problem. There is indeed a lack of relevant descriptions. I need to reflect on it.

Looking back now, I should have given those monsters outside the supermarket some opportunities to take action, such as giving Gao Yi a hard blow...

In the end, the "director" didn't seem to exist when I first wrote the outline, but he appeared as I wrote.

Thinking about it, it should be inspired by the Fujimoto tree and his "Fire Fist". By the way, the strong man Fujimoto's name also comes from him.

I can’t go into too much detail. I’ll talk about the foreshadowing of the subsequent worldview later.

So, Xiaohong corresponds to Dongshan Xiaohong in “Chainsaw Man”.

For some reason, these images just appear in my mind.

Is there anything else to mention… I can’t remember. Anyway, the summary chapter is a casual thing. I’ll add it when I think of it.

Next, our Xiao Gao returns to reality and encounters a series of things.

It seems that there is nothing special worth mentioning, just trading and fighting.

The protagonist of my previous book almost never fights head-on, and the battle scenes will be shortened as much as possible. In fact, this book consciously increases the battle.

On the one hand, I want to write something different, and on the other hand, I feel that I need to exercise myself.

The battle I expect is JOJO-style, intelligence battle, IQ battle, rather than piling up words and erasing the great way.

Because of the characteristics of the copy, the combat power of the whole book will be limited to the middle martial arts level, and there will be no physical sainthood.

Otherwise, if you enter a copy of The Grudge and Xiaozhen sticks her head out of the house, you can just slap her and smash the whole house, and then there won't be much horror.

By the way, the category I chose for the whole book at the beginning was "Urban Imagination", but later it was inexplicably changed to "Suspense Imagination".

That's not wrong, but in the earliest outline, the second copy was a superpower school, the "V Generation" kind, which was actually quite interesting.

Later I changed it all and got the current [West Side Strange Stories].

The name of this copy actually comes from "East Side Nightmare", a very good drama, and the character of Officer Monica also imitates the protagonist of that drama.

By the way, the name Monica actually comes from "Friends", and Gao Yi's complaints in his heart at the time seemed to be not understood by the readers.

It's a bit of a pity.

The whole copy is naturally a copy of "IT", and I chose this movie because I want to explore Gao Yi's heart and write about his childhood.

This movie, with the theme of childhood and childhood, past and future, stands out.

Thanks to Stephen King, his original work "It" is really well written, of course, it is a bit destructive...

His open sexual concept seems a bit ahead of its time in online articles in the 21st century.

If you have noticed, the word "Delhi" in Delhi High School is the name of the town in "IT".

Some elements in the dungeon also correspond to it.

I was quite happy to write the part where Gao Yi entered the clown's illusion. The rapid scene changes and the analysis of his inner heart are really interesting.

Is it a bit sadistic? Why do I feel a strange pleasure when I see Gao Yi get hurt...

In order to learn how to describe female characters, I also found a few female-oriented books to read, and slowly I can get the point of sadistic articles.

It should be an illusion. Every time Gao Yi gets hurt, there are still many compensations and benefits.

Think about it, Gao Yi has only been a player for one day, and he is already quite strong now.

If I want to get hurt later, it will only be more serious...

The next few chapters will list his gains one by one. Can I finish it in two chapters?...

Okay, now it's the reflection stage.

The rhythm of the battle with the nail is a bit problematic. It was written too long, twelve chapters in total, which slowed down the rhythm of the entire dungeon. It should be shortened.

I was not in good shape when I wrote that period. My data has been declining since my debut, and I was in a bad mood.

But now it has stabilized, which is not bad...although it is still very low.

The good news is that there have always been readers who support and encourage me, and give me gifts from time to time. I am very grateful.

I know that there are many students among the readers, especially junior and senior high school students, please don't give me gifts. If you are thoughtful, just order a free gift.

Studying is so tiring, buy yourself more delicious food.

Hey, will there be elementary school students? I don't think so. When I was in elementary school, I read Zheng Yuanjie and Shen Shixi every day.

Nowadays, elementary school students are quite mature, which makes me a little unconfident.

I probably didn't write anything inappropriate for children, and please don't follow Gao Yi's example and commit suicide.

I've gone off topic again, back to the dungeon.

Chris and Matt's pipeline adventure has a prototype story, which should be a ghost story. I adapted it and the final effect seems to be good.

Zhang Tu, as the final villain, didn't have to die in the earliest outline.

I planned to let him escape and become a small boss in the early stage, but later I found that he still had to be killed.

[Seven Killing Curses] [Duel Totem] [Human Slaughterer] [Scarlet Blood Clothes] [Serial Killer]...

His ability setting should be pretty good, and I have already thought of Gao Yi's way of winning in the end.

Of course, it is inevitable that there are still some shortcomings, which is indeed a lack of level.

Especially when I wrote to the end, I was really dissatisfied.

It was actually a happy thing to bury the pit at the beginning of the dungeon. I was a riddler and wrote half of everything.

But to fill it back, that would be two completely different things.

In the end, I should have filled in most of it, without missing too many key contents.

The final ending can be said to be satisfactory.

But in my original expectation, I would have written two separate chapters for Chris and his expedition team, telling the story of him and his teammates.

But unfortunately, it was not realized, and it was also my lack of ability.

When I was writing the ending, I finished reading "The End of Ten Days" which I had not read for a long time. I have to say that the level is really high.

Reading a book from the perspective of a reader and the perspective of an author are completely different things... Forget it, I won't expand it here, otherwise it will be thousands of words again.

I will write a small summary after I finish reading it completely.

When I was a reader, I often wondered if the author could not see some loopholes.

But after writing a book myself, I found that sometimes, "rationality" has to give way to the development of the plot and the accumulation of emotions.

For example, in [Heart Strange Mist], someone asked why Gao Yi did not use a pseudonym.

The patch I applied is that the real name does not need to be concealed in the dungeon, and everyone knows it.

But the fact is that pseudonyms can be very troublesome.

NPCs are always called by pseudonyms, which not only affects the sense of substitution, but also requires a lot of words to explain.

When writing, if you are not careful, it is easy to be exposed.

After comprehensive consideration, I gave up.

And for example, the player forum, can't the official check the IP directly? I really can't think of a solution, so I have to skip it.

There should be patches later, and some supernatural colors will be added to the forum.

So there are some loopholes, which are indeed difficult to fix, but they can be modified. If readers point them out, I will modify them.

I can only say that I hope there will be no major inconsistencies and setting loopholes, but I can only do my best.

The entire copy of [Western City Strange Things] is a bit long, reaching about 110,000 words, which is actually not well controlled.

In comparison, [Heart Strange Fog] is only 40,000 to 50,000 words, which is also short.

In my plan, there will be a real adventure later, followed by a copy.

There will be a total of seven times, and then the book will be finished. In general, it should be hundreds of thousands or one million words, and it will not be extended very long.

Of course, if the data explodes later, that's another story...

Okay, okay, let's not talk about things that are too far away, let's talk about the next copy first.

The next copy will no longer be a movie, but an adaptation of a TV series in the past two years, which I like very much.

There will be fewer battle scenes, and some elements of rule weirdness will be added, which should be very interesting.

Then find time to finish the current copy of the previous book.

By the way, I want to recommend "God's Puzzle" to you. My last book has six copies so far. In fact, there are some contents that I am very satisfied with, but unfortunately the data is not good.

Of course, my level and writing skills were not good enough at that time, especially the beginning was not well written, which is a pity.

Finally, let me tell you an interesting thing. When I wrote this book, I tried to use AI assistance. I used Microsoft's new bing.

But different from what I imagined, the text it gave could not be used directly. Although it was basically smooth, it was limited to "smoothness".

I would send some paragraphs to him and ask him to help me think about the plot, which was not bad.

I once asked AI to play Zhang Tu and asked him to think about what Zhang Tu would do.

The effect was also good, including some environmental descriptions, which can be used after some changes.

The next copy should also be related to AI, which should be quite interesting. Of course, whether I can write what I think in my mind is another matter.

In general, this book is the product of my learning a lot of skills and writing methods.

But in the end, it was still a bit twisted, and I retained a lot of my persistence.

Most notably, everyone knows that adding "brain storage" in the first line of a book can trick a lot of comments.

But I really don't like to do it this way. Of course, there is nothing wrong with it, but I don't want to interrupt the sense of continuity from the introduction to the story.

For example, the character setting of the protagonist is indeed not so traditional, or popular.

I hope Gao Yi is a complex, flesh-and-blood character, not a ruthless pretentious face-slapping machine.

In fact, I am not so good at portraying "cool points".

But for me, entering different worlds and experiencing different adventures is a very "cool" thing.

I believe that readers who can read this are not the audience of brainless and white-collar articles.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with basic pretentious face-slapping. The author who can write it well is very powerful. I can't write it well anyway.

But I will stick to my own writing style and try my best to write a better story.

Wow, I have written more than 4,000 words in one breath. Let's leave it at this for now.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you all, let's witness Gao Yi's next journey together.

......Oh, I forgot something.

Regarding updates, I hope I can try my best to update twice a day next month, just to be fully present.

I haven't been fully present for so long, even though I update every day.......

Thank you all, and by the way, I'd like to ask for a five-star review, a follow, and a free gift at the end... What else can I ask for? Forget it, let's leave it at that for now.



Thanks to Crucible Knight, Getting Up at Ten, Jun Jinnian, Chatting with Jinzhao, Mozhou, I Like Xianghuazi's Yijigong, 20-1107, Atomic Terminal, I Don't Understand Thomas Boxing, All the Names I Wanted Are Taken., Dianyun Who Loves Pickled Vegetables and Meat Pie, Will You Pass, Ken Luxemburg of Lingyin Temple, Quiet and Authentic Luo Bing, Huan Muzi, Shining the Snow and the Moon, Arrogant Jiang Shou, Qi Qianfan, Peaceful Sea, Username 4660976, Gray Bird, Rarely Seen, Yuandan Realm Who Likes Flower Knife Fish, I'm a Holiday Dog, User 28877714, 氵氵氵-, Lu Xiaomei Who Loves Lemon Water, Fool in Yellow, Curator Gu Cheng 、.平天下.、Zhaotian Gang—— Zhou Wuxian, Winter in the Refining Pavilion, Wang He who likes Longlongmu, Stars Fall All the Time, Thank You Thank You, Li Mengyao who likes big meat dogs, Ze Yi O_o, Zhong Yi who dotes on little Lingling's corset, and loves grilled Wuchang fish!

Thank you very much!

This should be the top 40 gifts. Tomato only supports batch thanking the top 30. I copied ten more manually.

There are more people who have not been thanked. Thank you very much for your support.

Let's see you next time for the summary!


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