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Chapter 89: Field Service and Lunch Boxes

In the room where the lights were not turned on, Gao Yi gritted his teeth and scraped out the last bit of moist soil from his exhausted spiritual ocean to serve as motivation to get up.

"If I really couldn't help but kill someone, I could still ask Officer Wang to fish me out..."

Venting his slight anger in a low voice, Gao Yi walked into the kitchen, pulled out a kitchen knife and held it in his hand.

It's a pity that the kill reward in "Xicheng Wei" did not get Zhang Tu's "Human Slaughter", otherwise he would have had a main battle weapon.

But on the other hand, fighting someone with a knife is not a high-class fighting style, so it's not a big regret.

In any case, the current visitor must be dealt with first.

If it is normal, the five sense enhancement provided by [Easy Chair Detective] will undoubtedly be able to give enough information.

But more than an hour ago, Gao Yicai activated his active effect and engaged in a fierce battle.

This mental fatigue has continued, and even now I am still unable to use the [Easy Chair Detective] well.

But on the other hand, people who ring doorbells are not necessarily bad people...

Holding the kitchen knife, Gao Yi approached the peephole on the door and looked towards the corridor.

Unexpectedly, the visitor was a complete stranger.

The person outside the house is a young woman, wearing a large black mask, sunglasses at night, and a brown coat that cannot hide her curvy figure.

It is worth noting that he is carrying a huge blue box on one shoulder, like the kind that a fisherman would carry with him.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yi put the kitchen knife aside and turned the door handle.

He is a D-level player after all, and the [Lucky Necklace] is still worn around his neck, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

When the door opened, before Gao Yi could ask anything, the visitor spoke first:

"Gao Yi?"

The female voice is clear and loud, more like a confirmation than a question

The other party has already come to the door, so there is no point in trying to cover up the question like this.

"Who are you.......?"

Gao Yi slowed down his speech and acquiesced in confirming the other party's identity.

Seeing that Gao Yi had no objection, the woman slowly took off her sunglasses, held her chest with one hand, and introduced herself:

"I'm [Field Manager], [Director] asked me to bring you something."

"[Field Service]?" Gao Yi reacted instantly. The other party should be the director he saw in "The Fog of Heart", sent by him.

In this way, the little boy did say such things at that time.

[Your taste... In this way, I will ask my beloved to send you some classic works later. Remember to read them carefully]

Could it be that the woman in front of him is the "favorite" in his mouth?

It has to be said that Gao Yi did not feel the throbbing in his heart when facing the player at this time. In other words, the other party was not a player?

So... who exactly is this [field manager]?

Seeing Gao Yi lost in thought, the woman tilted her head slightly:

"Won't you invite me in?"

"I'm sorry, please come in."

Gao Yi turned sideways and blocked the kitchen knife placed on the shoe cabinet behind him.

In the peripheral vision, Li Zhaozhao, wearing school uniform, was standing at the stairs with a medical kit, with a complicated expression on his face.

Okay, some misunderstandings that are difficult to explain have arisen.


"So, that boy's name is [Director], and you are [Scene Manager]. Do you have any other [Producer], [Photography], [Costume Artist] or something like that in your club..."

Gao Yi closed the door, walked back into the house, and asked.

Under the light of the living room, he had the opportunity to carefully observe the visitor.

I have to say that even if this [field attendant] is wearing a mask, she is worthy of the word "beautiful".

Her skin, makeup, figure, and posture have all been polished over time, and she obviously spent a lot of time on her appearance.

In fact, his appearance is slightly familiar, maybe he is actually an Internet celebrity or a star.

"What is the name of the club...but it's pretty much the same, although I haven't met a few other people in the crew."

[Housekeeper] sat down on the sofa in the living room, raised his head, and looked around Gao Yi with a scrutinizing gaze:

"How did you do it like this? Didn't [Director] say you entered the copy last night?"

The so-called "like this" naturally refers to Gao Yi's not-so-good physical and mental state.

"It's a long story...Would you like something to drink?"

Gao Yi sighed, considering that the other party's boss was someone who could easily take out orange equipment and give it away, he still didn't mention the fact that he was woken up while sleeping.

"No entered another dungeon, what type?"

But the woman sitting on the sofa was obviously a very intuitive type and she made a guess instantly.

"The 7 of Swords is called Xicheng..."

"It's [Doctor]'s territory, no wonder."

The lady in charge interrupted Gao Yi's words and waved her hands with a clear look, as if she was very disdainful of the copy in her mouth.


But Gao Yi caught the key to his words and hurriedly asked.

"The 'Sword' is the [Doctor]'s territory, just like the 'Holy Grail' is the [Director]'s territory." The field lady replied matter-of-factly.

As she spoke, she opened the blue box on the ground and took out a full brown paper bag:

"Here, these are what [Director] asked me to bring to you."

Reaching out to take it, Gao Yi opened the paper bag and looked inside.

The brown paper bag was actually filled with a bunch of loose discs.

And judging from the cover, they were all horror movies.

Gao Yi put the paper bag on the coffee table and picked up a few at random:

"Saw", "The Shining", "Psycho", and even "The Dead".

Next to it, Gao Yi also saw a disc with an orange-haired clown holding a red balloon.

Needless to say, it was the "IT" that corresponded to the previous copy.

Fate sometimes plays such ridiculous jokes.

Seeing Gao Yi start to check, the [Stage Manager] opposite took out a bottle of sugar-free cola from the blue box and added thoughtfully:

"Add me your contact information later. You don't have to write any reviews. Tell me after you finish watching it, and I'll exchange a new batch for you."

Gao Yi put the disc back into the bag, and realized that the other party had completed the task and was about to leave, so he hurriedly asked for information:

"Um, sister, what exactly is this "game" and where does the "copy" come from?"

"Wait a minute!" But at this time, the other party suddenly interrupted Gao Yi's inquiry in a stern voice and said in a very serious tone:

"How old are you?"

"Uh... twenty-two..."

Gao Yi was slightly stunned, but still answered the other party's question.

"Then you are allowed to call me sister... By the way, are you hungry?"

The [Stage Manager] returned to his capable and enthusiastic state, and suddenly raised his head as if he thought of something, and reached into the blue box to grope for a while.

After a while, she took out a steaming green lunch box that is commonly seen on the street.

Let alone how to keep it warm, where did she get such a large pile of CDs, Coke and lunch boxes from?

The blue box next to this [field attendant] is obviously much larger than it looks. Maybe it is also a piece of equipment or something similar.

"Thank you..."

Gao Yi took the lunch box and realized that [field attendant] might not only be a title, but also represent a certain function of the other party.

Then again, his question just now was avoided. Obviously, the other party did not intend to answer the nature of the so-called "game".

After a brief thought, Gao Yi changed the way of asking questions:

"Sister, can you give me some tips? What should I avoid when I enter the dungeon next time?"

Taking out a pen and paper from the blue box, the [Stage Manager] who was writing down the contact information raised his head slightly and tapped his chin with the pen cap:

"Well... Mainly avoid the "Sword" of the [Doctor], and be careful of the "Scepter" of the [Commander]."

Keeping the key words in mind, Gao Yi asked again:

"Should I go to the "Holy Grail" more often?"

The [Stage Manager] lady had already torn off the written note, put it on the table, and put on the sunglasses again:

"There is no need to be too frequent. The same actor will appear too many times, and the audience will get tired of it."

As she said, she carried the box and walked towards the door leisurely.

When she was about to go out, she turned her head again:

"By the way, I saw your previous movie, and you performed well."

Before Gao Yi got up to see him off, the [Stage Manager] had already turned the doorknob and left the small apartment.

Listening to the footsteps gradually moving away, he walked down the stairs.

Gao Yi finally relaxed completely and collapsed on the sofa.

After resting for a few seconds, he struggled to lift his body and opened the lunch box on the coffee table.

The rice grains were bright and full, steaming hot.

The side dishes were even more abundant, with eggplant and braised pork, Kung Pao chicken, and a braised chicken leg.

There was even a bottle of sugar-free cola left on the side.

"Well, at least the crew's lunch box is good..."

Gao Yi shook his head helplessly, took out the chopsticks, and ate this "final meal".

Checking the dungeon rewards and the results of the system tasks can only be left to tomorrow.


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