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Chapter 90 Abundant dungeon harvest and kill rewards

When Gao Yi woke up from his sleep and opened his eyes again, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

After the [field staff] left and the lunch was eaten, Gao Yi finally had a long-lost sleep.

Fortunately, no one came forward to stop him this time.

After Gao Yi had eaten and drunk enough, he also had a good sleep.

Although it is impossible to completely eliminate the fatigue accumulated in the past few days, it is a happy thing to be able to sleep well.

When he got up the next day, he did not deal with the new information on his mobile phone, but started to clean the whole house first.

Changed clothes, threw the sheets and quilts into the washing machine, took a bath, mopped the floor, wiped the windows, and tied up the garbage bags and put them at the door.

After more than an hour, Gao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, wiped his forehead, and lay back on the sofa.

It must be said that the improvement in physical fitness after becoming a "player" is indeed good. After so much labor, he was not very tired.

There was nothing special on the phone. Wang Wuzhou, who had exchanged contact information, sent a friend request, and the editor-in-chief Pan Tian sent a few documents and content to be investigated.

Although he was very unhappy with the work, the other party also sent the bonus that had been agreed upon before, which also shut Gao Yi up.

After dealing with it a little, Gao Yi sat up straight on the sofa and checked more important things.

Because he was too tired last night, he didn't study the dungeon rewards, system task rewards, and kill rewards carefully.

Today, after recovering his spirit, he naturally had to check them one by one.

First, the kill reward.

[Kill Reward]

[Improved by the "Sword" copy]

[Obtain the characteristics "Serial Killer (Purple)", "Seeker (Blue)"

[Obtain equipment "Scarlet Raven Coat (Purple)", "Duel Totem (Blue)\

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