It has to be said that although he was exhausted these two days and his body was severely injured several times.

But Gao Yi has indeed made great progress. Now as a "player", he has many abilities that surpass ordinary people.

In the "player" group of the entire Nankang City, it is estimated that he should be able to enter the first echelon.

You know, he has only been in contact with this so-called "game" for the third day and has played two copies.

"I just hope that I can sleep well in the future, get less injured, and not encounter all kinds of strange things inexplicably..."

Gao Yi set one flag after another, walked into the kitchen to boil water, and took out noodles and eggs.

His physical and mental conditions are slowly recovering, but there is still a certain distance from complete recovery. In this case, a strong sense of hunger began to appear.

When investigating the fraud company before, Gao Yi participated in many of their activities, various lectures, suburban day trips and outdoor hot springs.

Of course, waiting for the participants to relax their vigilance during the activities and cheating them of their property is another topic.

Gao Yi also took away a lot of diesel rice noodles used to win over the elderly, and the noodles that are being cooked now are also one of the gains.

Since he started living independently early, Gao Yi has mastered cooking skills.

Unfortunately, a good cook cannot cook without rice.

Since the previous capital chain broke, Gao Yi could not afford expensive ingredients, and his diet standard dropped again and again.

Even the ingredients of noodles could not be added with meat.......

After enjoying the noodles with three fried eggs and the soup, Gao Yi licked his mouth and returned to the desk.

The gains from killing Zhang Tu are not only the equipment and features that burst out from him.

On the other hand, as a well-known wanted criminal, Zhang Tu's head is also very valuable.

On the player forum, there is a reward of 1,000 game coins, and the Investigation Bureau has also promised to give rewards and compensation.

Although the yellow team member finally died, Tan Zhi also said that the reward would be paid.

When leaving the dungeon, Gao Yi handed over the two pieces of equipment provided by the other party to Wang Wuzhou.

At the same time, he also handed over the work of contacting the Investigation Bureau to collect the reward to the other party.

On the one hand, Gao Yi really didn't want to have too deep contact with official agencies, and on the other hand, he trusted the character of Officer Wang.

Of course, after adding contact information with Wang Wuzhou, Gao Yi exaggerated the situation of his equipment damage and physical injuries, and asked the other party to help try to reimburse.

In any case, this process should take several working days.

As for the evidence of killing Zhang Tu, there should be no need to provide additional evidence, after all, Tan Zhi can help prove it.

I don't know what the current condition of the female member of the Investigation Bureau is. Although the physical damage is not too great, the mental and spiritual trauma should be far beyond imagination.

I hope she can get out of the shadow as soon as possible.

On the other hand, how to claim the reward on the forum?

It's better to find an intermediary or use a new vest.

While thinking, Gao Yi turned on the computer and registered another account with the accumulated mobile phone number.


If Zhang Tu knew that he fell into the hands of "Pig", he would die with regret.

Gao Yi also specifically asked Wang Wuzhou about this player forum in the dungeon.

According to the other party, all attempts to search for the target through this [Nankang City Player Forum] ended in failure.

Gao Yi then realized that this seemingly simple player forum seemed to hide a bigger secret.

At least the "Internet police" that he had worried about before did not seem to be a big problem now.

After confirming the entry, the first thing that caught his eye was the [Discussion Area].

The atmosphere was similar to yesterday's browsing, and the communication was full of advertisements and fraudulent information.

The player group in Nankang City is not large overall, and not everyone has joined this forum.

Under this premise, there were not many new posts throughout the day.

There are two main things worth paying attention to.

First, Gao Yi's battle in Hulong Mall last night, although it did not cause a stir in the media and social platforms, has become a hot post on this player forum.

[{Hot} Players fighting in Hulong Mall, the Investigation Bureau intervened and arrested several people (with video)]

Click in to view, there are three videos from different angles.

In the video, a beautifully dressed young woman, holding a steel bar, knocked down a man rushing towards her in a baseball position.

With a muffled "bang", the crowd of onlookers around the camera let out a cry of surprise.

Undoubtedly, the content in the video was the battle that Gao Yi fought after changing his identity through the [Mist Mask].

The number of comments and messages under the post has exceeded three digits, which can be regarded as a rare popular post in the forum.

"I know the one who was beaten. They are a group of people who blocked the road and robbed equipment."

"Yes, they should be the people of the bugs."

"Well done! A heroine!"

"Is that iron bar a piece of equipment?"

"Is it blind? It looks like it was picked up casually."

"It seems that they were all caught by the Investigation Bureau. I hope the heroine is okay."

"It's hard to say. A brother of mine said that the female player who was robbed ran away and was not caught."

"Is it true? Who can escape from the Investigation Bureau?"

Many of the players who replied to the post below recognized the robbers who were knocked down by Gao Yi. It seems that they are habitual offenders.

There are also many replies speculating on the identity of the female player, but of course, there is no way to get a result.

In fact, if you let Gao Yi change again, he can't make up the face he had at that time.

However, the name of [Investigator-Snake] has been made known. In the future, Gao Yi can take out the evidence of the transaction in Hulong Mall at that time and claim this incident with a vest.

Now, let other players guess.

Another post that Gao Yi noticed was an unpopular post with almost no replies.

[Missing person!!!]

The OP's ID is [Red Shop Assistant]

The title is very simple, and on the second floor, the OP posted a long string of words.

"Missing person notice, male, 20 to 25 years old, met me in the "Holy Grail" copy on December 20, wearing a dark gray T-shirt and blue trousers [Picture]"

Finally, a hand-painted picture of his appearance was added - even a watercolor painting.

"This... It can't be me..."

Gao Yi instantly realized that the male youth depicted by the OP was himself.

The poster named [Red Shop Assistant] is probably the Xiaohong seen in [Heart-strange Mist].

She did not complete the task in the previous game, and finally stayed in the supermarket in the dungeon, repeating again and again until she met Gao Yi.

At the end of the dungeon, when the main task was completed, Xiaohong disappeared directly, and now it seems that she has successfully returned to reality.

"Isn't it that she changed this ID specifically for me to recognize it..."

Gao Yi couldn't help but grin and shook his head helplessly.

This post really didn't cause much waves. There were only four or five replies, which were just meaningless spam and advertising.

Although the other party should not have any malicious intentions, Gao Yi did not intend to communicate with him immediately.

After all, he is still using the vest of [Investigator-Pig]. If possible, don't let others associate the name of Pig with Gao Yi.

"I'll ask her what she wants after I'm done."

Silently noting this matter, Gao Yi clicked the mouse and entered the [Bounty Task] section in the forum.

As expected, the reward for Zhang Tu is still there, and it seems that the news of his death has not spread.

This is not surprising, after all, there are only a few people who know that this wanted criminal is dead.

Gao Yi has slept until now, and Wang Wuzhou and Tan Zhi are both "official" people, and it is impossible for them to publicize this matter.

However, it is worth mentioning that in the bounty mission, the "Santa Claus" who robbed the bank has increased in value.

From the original 200 game coins, it has become the current 350 game coins.

Although it is still only one-third of Zhang Tu, it is not a small amount.

"I always feel that the bounty hunter soul in my body is burning..."

Joking casually, Gao Yi clicked on Zhang Tu's wanted order and jumped to the page again.

There is a line of words at the bottom.

[If the reward has been completed, please contact the moderator]

But the problem is, who is the moderator?

Rubbing his hair, the curly hair that was stained with a lot of blood and sewage before, after washing several times, is a little sticky, just like Gao Yi's current thoughts.

The 1,000 game coins cannot be given up, but if you want to claim them, you cannot show up in person, so as to avoid the situation in Hulong Mall happening again.

It is best to find a middleman.

A middleman who is familiar with all kinds of ways and has connections in all aspects, pay a little game coin and let the other party claim it on your behalf.

But Gao Yi has only been a player for three days, and the players he met in the dungeon are only so few, where can he get such connections.

Leaning back in the chair, he combed his hair with one hand and fell into deep thought again.

Just at this time, the doorbell rang again appropriately.

[Armchair Detective] can already work normally, and the breathing and footsteps of the person outside the door reveal his identity without a doubt.

Well, it is not that I don’t know such a person.


Thanks to "Shen Teng of Luojia Villa" for the great health care, the boss is generous.

I really didn’t expect to receive such a big gift.......

Tomorrow will be updated twice.

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