"Brother Gao, I really saw the right person. I knew that as a just person like you, you would definitely enter the dungeon and kill that wanted criminal who did all kinds of evil!"

Not far from the "Youth" apartment downstairs, in a Shaxian snack bar, the magician-looking Zhao Qian was smiling authentically.

He was still wearing the bright red tunic suit and round sunglasses. He put away the folding fan in his hand and tapped the table gently.

Gao Yi ignored his flattery, looked around the store, and changed his position to avoid sitting under the fan:

"You said you were treating, is this the only thing you're going to treat?"

"Hey, don't mention it. I am the one who wants to raise a daughter. I am really short of money. You can make do with what you have."

Zhao Qian spread his hands and began to suffer.

When the other party said this, Gao Yi realized that the paper man "Yiyi" who was by his side last time did not appear this time:

"What about your daughter?"

"Go to school."

"You also have to go to school on weekends?"

"It's extracurricular tutoring."

In the afternoon, there were not many customers in the small Shaxian shop. There was only an aunt in her forties or fifties, wiping tears at the front desk over a bloody love drama.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and in silence, they began to read the plastic menu on the table in a tacit understanding and turned to the next topic.

"By the way, how did you know that I entered the dungeon and killed Zhang Tu?"

Gao Yi put down the menu and asked the question first.

"Cause and effect." Zhao Qian noticed the confusion in the eyes of the person in front of him and added, "The cause and effect on you is several times more than yesterday."

"It's a hexagram and it's cause and effect, so you're a Taoist?"

Without worrying about what the other party's "cause and effect" specifically meant, Gao Yi tilted his head and raised a question.

"I'm just an ordinary person who wants to make money to support my daughter."

Zhao Qian smiled, raised his hand, interrupted the aunt at the front desk from watching dramas, and ordered a bowl of egg fried rice for himself.

Although he had just eaten a bowl of noodles not long ago, considering that someone was treating him, Gao Yi was not polite:

"Two portions of duck foot rice, one to eat here and one to take away...plus a fried egg each."

The aunt was obviously unhappy about being interrupted from watching the drama. She pursed her lips impatiently and took their requests to the kitchen.

When the restaurant fell silent again, Gao Yi turned his head and looked at Zhao Qian opposite:

"So, what do you want from me?"

"It's nothing big. Like I said before, the main thing is to make some money."

Zhao Qian's reply was very quick, as if he didn't need to think at all.

"Unfortunately, you have found the wrong person. I am a poor man in the literal sense."

Already aware of the high level of the other party's purpose, he didn't rush and slowly circled around.

"Hey, Brother Gao, don't belittle yourself. [Xicheng Shishi] is a copy of the sword. Killing Zhang Tu can't be without gain. Whether it's game currency or equipment, it's all money."

Zhao Qian's words were not unexpected. Gao Yi had already guessed his purpose when he found the other party standing at his door.

From the conversation after the end of "The Fog of the Heart" to providing myself with tickets to "The Secret in the West".

This Zhao Qian does not object to providing certain information and help to others, but this is not free, but a long-term investment.

If Gao Yi died in the dungeon, he would not suffer any loss.

But if it succeeds, various equipment, potions, and wanted rewards will always need to be taken and obtained.

The game coins obtained need to be consumed, and there must be channels for shopping.

At that time, Zhao Qian, as the "middleman", would appear on stage and get a piece of the pie.

Gao Yi is naturally not the opponent's first target. At least dozens of players have died in the [Misty Heart] copy.

The tickets for many of them were provided by Zhao Qian.

Instead of going to the mines to find gold, why not sell jeans and shovels on the side.

Obviously, Zhao Qian has reached the next stage as a "gold digger".

But objectively speaking, if the other party really has these channels and paths, Gao Yi wouldn't mind giving up some of his interests.

After all, doing many transactions yourself will still increase the risk.

The transaction of only 300 game coins in Hulong Mall attracted a total of four robbers, followed by a whole team of armed personnel from the Investigation Bureau.

And if you want to handle larger transactions, how to ensure safety becomes a huge problem.

Although he has good fighting ability and strong reconnaissance ability, there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

This is also the reason why Gao Yi wants to get some vests.

But, you can’t reveal your trump card too early.

Gao Yi quickly settled the account and shook his head helplessly:

"It's a pity that I wasn't the one who killed Zhang Tu alone. Most of the equipment and game currency were given to others, so I'm still left destitute."

"Then...you haven't claimed Zhang Tu's reward, right? It's worth a thousand game coins."

Sure enough, Zhao Qian changed the topic and came to the main topic.

Gao Yi naturally guessed what the other party was thinking. You must know that in that tea restaurant, it was Zhao Qian who raised his cell phone and showed him the wanted notice.

[I heard that you are short of money, and as far as I know, this ticket is also in the hands of a valuable person...]

Of course, Gao Yi will not simply do what the other party wants.

"That's right!" Gao Yi slapped the table and looked like he had just remembered this matter. "I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me. I will collect the bounty later."

The [Actor] and [Gambler] tags are in effect at the same time, making his performance quite credible.

Zhao Qian was slightly startled and quickly spoke again:

"Brother Gao, do you know how to get it?"

"I don't know." Gao Yi didn't hide it, "But I can ask. Post a post on the forum and ask for help for a fee."

As if being driven into panic by Gao Yi's dull look, Zhao Qian's tone became more urgent:

"Hey, you've just met Brother Gao. Let me handle this kind of thing. There's no need to ask strangers. The forums are all full of liars."

"Is this... going to be too much trouble for you, Brother Zhao?"

Gao Yi leaned forward, his tone was sincere, and his eyes showed worry.

"How could it be? We are all brothers. How could I not help you with this small favor? The forum moderator is an acquaintance of mine. I will help you pick it up and deliver it to your home."

Zhao Qian patted his chest and looked righteous.

"How can that be done? Just help, and even send him off as a special trip." Gao Yi hurriedly objected.

"No, it's settled!" Zhao Qian slapped the table and made the final decision.

"Then you have worked so hard, and you still get some points from this bounty, right?"

Gao Yi tilted his head slightly, trying to see something from the other person's sunglasses.

Zhao Qian, who was opposite him, still had the same pretentious and bold look. He lowered his head and waved his hands, avoiding his sight:

"Hey, it's vulgar to talk about money! Just show off a little bit."

"What does this mean?" Gao Yi understood what the other party meant.

"Twenty percent!"

After thinking about it, Zhao Qian stopped thinking. He raised two fingers and calmed down.

Hearing this number, Gao Yi suddenly broke through and couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"Are you kidding me? We only have so much money in total, and you ask for 20% of it?"

"Hey, Brother Gao, then I have to talk to you carefully. I gave you this ticket, and I also pointed out this butcher to you. Offering a reward to collect money is not only troublesome but also dangerous."

Zhao Qian clapped his hands together, looking extremely aggrieved.

Shaking his head, Gao Yi also showed a helpless expression and stood up to leave.

"Forget it, I'll just find a way on my own."

"Hey, don't, don't, don't, don't." Seeing that Gao Yi was about to leave, Zhao Qian hurriedly stood up to stop him, "It's not that there is no other way."

Seeing this, Gao Yi, who actually had no intention of leaving, borrowed the donkey from the slope and returned to his seat.

In any case, we have to wait until we have eaten duck feet rice before leaving.

Gao Yi made a "you tell me" expression and looked at Zhao Qian, intending to hear what the other person's "or" was.

"Or you can do me a favor."

Zhao Qian's suggestion brought out another quite interesting story.


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