When their fried rice and duck feet rice were served respectively, Gao Yi picked up the wooden chopsticks on the table and listened to Zhao Qian's story opposite.

As expected, Nankang City is not the first city where "dungeons" and "players" appear.

This so-called "game" appeared as early as the beginning of this year and has gradually expanded.

Now, a year later, related incidents have occurred in most cities around the world, and Nankang is even a relatively recent batch.

In the early days, players from one region will not encounter players from other regions. As time goes by, this mechanism similar to the "newbie protection barrier" will gradually disappear.

There are such distinctions and barriers in the dungeon, but in reality no one prevents players from going abroad or across provinces.

The strength of "players" naturally gradually becomes stronger with time and experience.

The time difference between the emergence of "games" also resulted in "equipment" and "features" having different values ​​in different regions.

In today's Nankang City, blue equipment is still quite valuable, but in other places, the price has been marked down.

"Now there are a group of old players from Jiujiang City, bringing a large number of their low-level props and potions to Nankang, planning to hold an auction."

Zhao Qian took another bite of fried rice and made a somewhat vague summary.

"So you plan to rob the auction house in anger and do justice for heaven?"

After taking a bite of duck meat, Gao Wei was talking nonsense.

"Hey, Brother Gao, we are businessmen. We value peace and don't engage in such things."

Zhao Qian hurriedly waved his hand and changed the topic back on track.

If you want to hold an auction, the one with the highest bid will win. Naturally, the more people participating in the auction, the better.

But now that "copies" and "players" cannot be put on the table, it is naturally not easy to hold a grand auction.

The group in Jiujiang City came up with an idea. If illegal activities cannot be organized, wouldn't it be the end of the world if they set up legal activities as a cover?

Under this premise, a [Super Treasure Appraisal Conference] came into being.

To put it simply, the event is to invite a group of experts in jade, treasures, and antiques to come and sit down.

Participants can pay a small fee to have their antiques appraised on-site.

As long as it is authenticated, it can be registered immediately, a certificate issued, and then auctioned.

In this kind of event, there will be many people who want to conduct appraisals, participate in bidding, or even just watch the fun.

Under the cover of the huge flow of people and the wide space, it is not difficult to conduct a "player auction" with huge profits.

"I've seen this scenario before. Are you going to pretend to be a beggar and sneak in, spend a lot of money while everyone looks down on you, and shock everyone?"

After the evolution rate is increased, in addition to the improvement of physical fitness, the appetite is also much better.

After eating a bowl of noodles before and a bowl of duck feet with rice, Gao Yi still felt that he was only seventy percent full and still had time to joke.

"Well, we are all businessmen. There is no need to slap others in the face. Besides, the things they have are not worth spending a lot of money on."

Zhao Qian took two more bites of fried rice, shook his head, and continued:

"I just need your help to investigate the details and background of this group of people, and then go into the auction and confirm something for me."

"That's right...then why don't you go by yourself?"

It sounds simple, but if you think about it, you will know that the job the other party said is not easy, so Gao Yi naturally cannot agree casually.

"Let's put it this way..." Although Zhao Qianqi's eyes could not be seen under his sunglasses, the embarrassment on his expression was obvious:

"I don't have a good deal with some people in Jiujiang. I don't know which side this group of people are from, so it's not convenient for them to show up."

Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, catching the hidden information in the other party's words.

When he met Zhao Qian for the first time, he was thinking about how he obtained his ability improvement and where he got so many tickets.

It seems that there is a high probability that the opponent is not the "player" he became in Nankang.

Seeing Gao Yi's relaxed expression, Zhao Qian quickly pushed the dinner plate in front of him aside.

He leaned forward, pushed his sunglasses to the tip of his nose, and let his eyes appear from the top of the frame, truly looking at Gao Yi for the first time:

"As long as you help me with this, I will help you with all your repairing equipment, buying potions, and finding people. If you are short of tickets in the future, I can also provide them for free..."

Zhao Qian kept talking about the benefits, like a salesman in desperate need of performance, and tried his best to persuade Gao Yi to take the task.

His tone was quite sincere and he seemed to be really sharing a good way to make money.

"Why are you looking for me? Since you have such a rich network of connections, why don't you find someone more powerful?"

Of course, Gao Yi would not take on such a dangerous-sounding task in a hurry, and the necessary inquiries could not be omitted.

"Hey, who doesn't know that Brother Gao, you are a well-known journalist? You are a professional in this kind of investigation and evidence collection."

Zhao Qian showed two rows of big white teeth, and his smile looked quite sincere.

"Is your plan really reliable? You will definitely hire a professional security team for such a large-scale event. Since the dungeon appears in Jiujiang first, the level of players must be very high."

"Don't worry about your player level. Just leave the dungeon and don't go through the strategy. Those who come so far to make this kind of money are just small characters." Zhao Qian shook his fan and continued:

"As for security, you can rest assured. They hired an emerging security group, which is very unreliable. It's called 'Jinhuang Security'."

Jinhuang Security?

Hearing this name, Gao Yi narrowed his eyes instantly, and past events flashed through his mind.

He had been tracking this fraudulent company for some time, looking for evidence of their crimes, but he still lacked decisive evidence.

He was discovered sneaking into their branch venue the night before yesterday, and was thrown out of the door by their thugs, falling into a puddle, looking very embarrassed.

Gao Yi is not a very "vindictive" person, but killing this company is indeed something on his to-do list.

With such a fate, it is naturally impossible to give up.

But... is it really just a coincidence?

Since the charlatan opposite already knows that he is a reporter, it is very likely that he has also learned about the previous investigation of "Nangui Magazine" on "Jinhuang Security".

This kid, he is not fishing for himself, right?

Gao Yi raised his head and looked at Zhao Qian on the other side of the table again.

At this time, the other party had already put on his sunglasses again and wiped the smile from the corner of his mouth with a tissue.

But in any case, this matter did arouse Gao Yi's interest.

After a brief thought, he agreed with Zhao Qian to let him solve the bounty claiming problem first.

Gao Yi nodded slowly, and raised his hand again to interrupt the auntie at the front desk from watching TV series:

"Sister, let's settle the bill." After a moment, the auntie raised her thumb and pointed at Zhao Qian opposite her with a bright smile:

"He's paying."


Top 10 gifts in March

Thanks to Shen Teng of Luojia Villa, Crucible Knight, Getting Up at Ten, Jun Jinnian, Atomic Terminal, Simple A3A, Chatting about Jinzhao, Jiuyin Peak who loves to eat cold-mixed oyster mushrooms, 20-1107, and Mo Zhou for the gifts. Thank you very much!

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