Lin Yi fled forward while causing fire everywhere.

Smoke billowed in the passage, and the rooms were all red.

The temperature of the entire underground laboratory has risen by more than ten degrees.

Those staff members have long been in chaos, busy everywhere, trying to put out the fire.

Those security personnel are busy catching the arsonists.

But even though they knew that Lin was the arsonist, they could only watch from a distance with a gun.

The battle between level 5 evolutionists is not something ordinary people like them can get involved.

The Level 5 evolutionary saw that Lin Yi would not be able to take it for a while, and was a little anxious, and shouted at the security personnel: "Shoot! Give me a sieve for this guy!"

But Lin Yi saw the opportunity very fast. When they were about to shoot, they flashed into the room next to them and ignited the room by the way.

Those people blocked the door of the room, and when they wanted to wait for Lin Yi to come out, Lin Yi had already cut the wall of the room with his claws, fled into another room, and started to start a fire again.

Finally, the fire became bigger and bigger, and the security personnel had no time to chase Lin Yi anymore, and they also began to busy fighting the fire.

But it will be impossible to put it out for a while.

So these security personnel and staff wanted to escape from the exit.

However, the export has already been blocked by Lin Yi.

They quickly fled toward the emergency escape route.

Escape to the end of the emergency escape route, where there is an emergency escape elevator.

They kept pressing the button of the emergency escape elevator.

But after pressing it for a long time, there was no response.

Finally, these people really panicked.

The exit was blocked, and the emergency escape elevator did not respond. Wouldn't they be burned to death here?

Everyone yelled in panic and ran around.

The entire underground laboratory is like the end of the world.

The level 5 evolutionary couldn't get out even when he heard the emergency exit, he also started to panic.

However, he is a Level 5 evolutionary after all, and he calmed down after a panic.

He knew that this arsonist could not burn himself to death.

Since this little beast is still here now, it means that he must have an emergency way to escape.

Just follow him and see what he wants to do?

Naturally, Lin Yi also knew the plan of the Level 5 Evolver. He sneered, turned left in front of him, and came to the door of a room that had already burnt.

There was already a sea of ​​fire at the door of that room.

It seems that going in is a death.

Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at the Level 5 Evolution who was chasing him, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "If there is a kind, follow up."

Saying that he jumped and jumped into the fire.

The level 5 evolution saw that the passage behind him was already burning, At the moment, he was at a loss without following the past.

He gritted his teeth and jumped into the fire.

However, as soon as he jumped in, Lin Yi's claws pierced in the face.

The Level 5 evolutionary was in the air again, unable to avoid it at all. In shock, he quickly blocked his face with a shield.

But Lin Yi's sting was nothing but a vain, his right foot had already flew up, and it hit the lower abdomen of the 5th-level evolutionary.

The Level 5 evolutionist snorted and fell directly into the sea of ​​flames.

The hot flames engulfed him immediately.


There was a scream like a pig in the throat of the level 5 evolutionary.

Constantly tumbling in the sea of ​​flames.

At the moment, Lin Yi was in the room.

There is no fire in the center of the room.

He leaped forward, grabbed the edge of the ventilation hole at the top, exerted a little force, and went up the ventilation channel.

At the moment there was already thick smoke billowing in the ventilation tunnel.

Lin Yi only took a sip, and felt hot in his throat, coughing violently as if being burned by fire.

But in heavy smoke, the more you cough, the more smoke you inhale.

He endured the sharp pain in his throat, took a breath, and climbed up as fast as he could.

Every time he climbed to a turning point, he would use his claws to pull down the surrounding cement wall at the fastest speed to block the turning point.

In this way, the smoke below will not come up again, and at the same time, the people below will not be able to come up easily.

When he came to the fifth turn, the smoke was not as thick as below.

He pulled the surrounding soil as much as possible, blocked this section to a thickness of more than two meters, and stepped on it with his feet before crawling out.

The moment he crawled out of the vent, Roar suddenly sucked in fresh air, and suddenly felt that the whole world was so beautiful.

At the moment, he felt weak and collapsed on the grass.

I just fought with that 5th-level evolutionary for more than ten minutes, and my spirit has been in a tight state.

In addition, oxygen is scarce in the dense smoke and flames, and while he is running fast all the way, he has to pull the soil.

Even a Level 4 evolutionary can't stand this.

Ning Zhiyuan and those people are still waiting at the moment.

Seeing Lin Yi rushing up with smoke and dust, he just lay down on the ground. They all asked quickly: "Lin Yi, what's the matter with you? Is it okay?"

After Lin Yi's five kills just now, their views on Lin Yi had long since changed.

Now it is in the middle of the night in the barren mountains, Lin Yi's strength is the guarantee of their safety.

If something happened to Lin Yi, it would be difficult for them to escape.

Lin Yi lay there, so tired that he didn't want to move, he shook his head slightly and said, "Water..."

Those people quickly handed Lin Yi the water they were carrying with them.

Ning Zhiyuan seemed to be unable to catch the water when Lin Yi saw it, so he quickly handed the kettle to Lin Yi's mouth in person.


Lin Yi took a few big salivas, and his hot voice felt much better.

"Lin Yi, what's going on below? It's on fire?"

A hard smile appeared at the corner of Lin Yi's mouth: "I was burned by a fire..."

"Huh? Burned? But there are so many people below..."

There was a sense of horror in the voices of those people.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Yi's mouth: "Use living people to do in vivo experiments, these people deserve to die."

Ning Zhiyuan and the others, you look at me, and I look at you.

Lin Yi really makes sense. These people's hearts really don't know how to grow, and they actually use living people to do experiments in vivo, turning people into such zombies that are neither human nor ghost.

These people are really devoid of conscience and annihilation of humanity.

There is no reason for them not to die.

But to say so, I really want a few of them to burn down the dozens or even hundreds of people below, and none of them can get it.

But now Lin Yi burned the following people silently, and this guy was too cruel! "

Thinking of this, they were afraid for a while.

They wanted to teach Lin Yi before.

This really irritated Lin Yi, maybe turning them into roast pigs in minutes.

Especially Ning Zhiyuan, At the moment, she felt her body trembling.

He still looked down on Lin Yi before, and wanted to be jealous with Lin Yi.

Now it seems that he is simply a death, a big death.

I can still stand here alive now, because Lin Yi doesn't bother to care about him at all.

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