Lin Yi only rested for two minutes, feeling that his physical strength had recovered a little, and said to the people around him: "Let's get out of here as soon as possible."

Those few people had actually been waiting for Lin Yi's words long ago, and they quickly helped him up after hearing Lin Yi's words.

A Taekwondo learner was carrying a comatose Xi Mengnan on his back. Several others rushed to help Lin Yi and walked down the mountain in the dark.

The woods here are denser, but at night, it looks very dark.

These people didn't dare to turn on the flashlights here, so they could only stumble forward.

However, under Lin Yi's guidance, they walked smoothly in this dense forest.

Lin Yi said clearly where there are pits, ditches, rivers and holes.

This made them admire each and every one of them.

They can't even see a Mao here, but Lin Yi can see so clearly.

When they walked out of the dense forest, Lin Yi used his mobile phone to contact Zuo Yiran, and asked Zuo Yiran to tell everyone that Xi Mengnan had found it.

Then Lin Yi said to those people: "You have not seen what happened today, do you understand?"

As he spoke, his voice became extremely cold.

This caused the six people to fight a cold war violently.

They have no doubt that if they tell what happened today, the six of them will be poisoned by Lin Yi.

And not only them, but even their family members are hardly immune.

The six people nodded hurriedly.

"Don't worry, we will never say anything."

"Even if we borrow ten guts, we dare not talk nonsense."

Ning Zhiyuan reacted quickly and said, "Nothing happened today."

About half an hour later, the three of them had already arrived at the foot of the mountain.

At the moment Xi Mengnan also woke up, she didn't seem to know what had happened before.

She just remembered that when she was urinating in the forest, she was suddenly dizzy by something, and she was here when she woke up.

"You saved me? Thank you so much."

Xi Mengnan said to Ning Zhiyuan and the others.

Ning Zhiyuan reacted quickly, and quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, it's not us. We don't have that ability. It's Lin Yi, it's Lin Yi who saved you."

Others also said: "Lin Yi saved you."

"Everyone went to find you separately. Lin Yi found you first, and she saved you."

They don't dare to take this credit, isn't it just looking for death?

Seeing the words, Xi Mengnan naturally had no doubts and said to Lin Yi gratefully: "Lin Yi, thank you."

Lin Yi smiled faintly and said, "It's nothing, everyone is a classmate, so we should help each other."

Before long, other students also arrived.

Everyone was relieved to see that Xi Mengnan was okay.

Although it was already twelve o'clock at night, they were lucky. A classmate contacted a bus and drove them back to the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

The next day was Monday, and Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran went to class with Mr. Wang Molin as usual.

On the road, I met Ning Zhiyuan and one of his friends.

All of them had seen Lin Yi's strength before.

Seeing Lin Yi, Ning Zhiyuan hurried forward to greet Roar: "Lin Yi, go to class?"

Lin Yi nodded: "Yeah."

"If you study with Mr. Wang Molin, you will surely be able to achieve something in the future."


Lin Yi still simply responded.

Ning Zhiyuan saw that Lin Yi was reluctant to talk to him, and said wittily, "Lin Yi, we will talk again when we have the opportunity."

After Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran walked a few steps forward, Zuo Yiran asked Lin Yi in a low voice, "Ning Zhiyuan used to either mock you or sarcasm you, and was very hostile to you. Why is he so passionate today?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Who knows, maybe he suddenly found out with his conscience."

In fact, Lin Yi definitely knew that when Ning Zhiyuan saw his strength that day, and saw his cruelty and cruelty burning so many people, he naturally didn't dare to run wild in front of him.

And one more thing, Lin Yi told Ning Zhiyuan that the world has changed.

The zombies have already appeared, and maybe the end is coming soon.

Ning Zhiyuan naturally wanted to find a backer.

And Lin also possesses such strength, he is the only person he currently knows who can be a backer.

He is definitely going to be polite to Lin Yi.

For the next week, Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran continued to learn drawing and calligraphy from Mr. Wang Molin every day.

With Lin Yi's observation power, his sketch geometry has almost become a master in these twenty days, and now he has begun to paint portraits.

Such learning speed makes Mr. Wang Molin very happy.

He has seen good drawing ability and fast learning speed, but he has never seen such a good drawing ability and fast learning speed.

Definitely, all these are attributed to Lin Yi's promotion to Level 4 Evolution.

His observation ability and ability to control things are more than ten times or even dozens of times stronger than ordinary people, and the learning speed is naturally much faster.

After two weeks of practice, he drew a portrait. Although he couldn't achieve the similarity, he could already achieve the appearance.

Mr. Wang Molin often said: "According to your learning speed, in less than five years, you can learn all of what I have learned in the past fifty years."

Zuo Yiran was envious of Lin Yi's learning ability.

Her drawing ability is also very good, but compared with Lin Yi, it is much worse.

This day is September 30.

Tonight, we will enter the film and television plane again.

Lin Yi can't wait.

At nine o'clock in the evening, he took some time to go to the nearby small supermarket and bought a lot of food and drink and put it in the refrigerator.

At 11:55 in the evening, he quietly went out and came to the small garden downstairs.

I first detected it with biological pulses, and there were no people within 100 meters.

After waiting for another two minutes, seeing that the time on the phone had reached 11:59, he let the system reveal the rental house and opened the door to enter the house.

After entering the house, when he saw that the time on his mobile phone had changed to 00:00, he immediately opened the door of the house expectantly.

Outside, there is a barren hill.

Lin Yi immediately turned on the biological tracking Ability and probed around.

Soon, he discovered that this was not a barren mountain. Around him, there was a large field of wild flowers blooming very luxuriantly.

It's a pity that At the moment is night, and you can't see these wild flowers.

More than eighty meters away, there is a very simple wooden house.

The furnishings in the wooden house are also very simple, even without tables and chairs, but they are very clean.

But there was no one in the wooden house At the moment.

Lin Yi approached the wooden house with curiosity.

But at this time, I heard the sound of fighting in the woods behind the wooden house.

He immediately changed direction and cautiously touched behind the wooden house.

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