Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 131 The Fifth Crossing: A Couple of Condor Heroes

Lin also passed the wooden house and entered the forest behind the house.

The mountains and forests at night should have been very quiet, and there were one or two birdsong and beast calls from time to time.

But none of these.

Instead, there was the sound of fighting.

Lin Yi started the creature tracking, followed the sound of fighting, and moved forward cautiously.

Although the mountains and forests at night are rugged and difficult to navigate, forests also have creature tracking skills, which are not affected at all.

After more than two hundred meters, the voice in front gradually became clear.

Lin also stopped after the sound of fighting in front of him entered the range of 100 meters.

Through biological tracking, he can bring the range of 100 meters into his eyes, and there is no need to risk going forward.

I saw two men fighting in the woods.

To be precise, it was an old man and a teenager.

This old man has white hair and beard, about 60 or 70 years old;

The boy looks handsome, sixteen or seventeen years old.

The two of them weren't actually fighting, they were doing movements while discussing something in their mouths.

The old man flew more than two meters high in the air, then landed on all fours, lying on the ground.

The cheeks bulged and made a Toad-like cry.


Then he leaped sharply, jumping forward more than 20 meters, and slapped his palms at a rock that was as tall as a person.


With a bang, the boulder burst open.

The surrounding trees with thick thighs were hit by gravel, and they snapped off with the sound of clicking.

The old man looked very excited, turned around, and shouted to the young man, "Son, have you seen it? This is the essence of Toad's skill!"

Toad Gong? !

Lin Yi's heart suddenly woke up.

This old man is Xidu Ouyangfeng;

This boy is naturally his godson, Yang Guo!

Then this plane is the plane of the Condor Heroes.

In Lin Yi's mind, the casual voice of the system came, and the guy yawned as if he had just woke up: "Ah-welcome to the plane of the Condor Heroine. Sao Nian, go out. Wave it."

Lin Yi was very excited.

Condor Heroes!

In the country, it is definitely well-known to women and children, and it has been reproduced time and time again.

The love between Yang and Long has moved wave after wave of boys and girls.

The various adventures of Yang Guo in it are also enviable.

The most important thing is the little dragon girl, fluttering like an immortal, she is definitely the goddess in the hearts of all men.

Lin Yi thought this way, and continued to probe forward.

I saw Yang Guo tried the Toad skill again, although the power was far less powerful than Ouyang Feng's, but it was still pretty good.

Ouyang Feng gave Yang Guo a few pointers, and Yang Guo's Toad skill became more powerful.

Ouyang Feng said again: "Son, now Daddy will teach you a set of kung fu: the Nine Yin Scriptures!"

While chanting the formula, he was doing movements, running the Jiuyin Scriptures.

Yang Guo looked at it for a moment and said, "Foster father, I have also learned a set of Nine Yin Sutras, but it seems to be different from yours."

Lin Yi knew in his heart that this was because Ouyang Feng forced Huang Rong to say the secret, and Huang Rong made slight changes in many key places, causing Ouyang Feng's meridians to retrograde.

If the meridians were retrograde, there was no doubt that they would die.

However, Ouyang Feng was also a martial arts wizard, and he had practiced the Jiuyin Scriptures against him, and he had actually completed it abruptly.

Before Yang Guo was in the ancient tomb, he had also seen half of the Jiuyin Sutra carved on the stone wall. Although it is a half set, it is genuine, which is naturally different from what Ouyang Feng said.

Lin Yi watched Yang Guo and Ouyang Feng discussing martial arts, and he was also sorting out the plot of The Condor Heroine Couple in his heart.

After all, the Legend of Condor Heroes is a TV series, the plot is too long, he didn't watch it so carefully.

There are many places to think carefully.

After combing for a while, when he recalled that Yang Guo and Ouyang Feng discussed this section of the Jiuyin Zhenjing, he suddenly realized that it was not good.

In this passage, Ouyang Feng was afraid that Xiaolongnv would overhear him to teach Yang Guo martial arts, so he clicked on Xiaolongnv's acupoint.

And the Taoist priest of the Quanzhen School—one version called Yin Zhiping and one version called Zhen Zhibing— actually took the opportunity...

This is the pain in the hearts of all Jin Yong fans.

Now that Lin Yi came to the plane of the Condor Heroes, naturally he couldn't let this happen again.

But I just don’t know if it’s too late.

Lin also ran wildly in the woods.

Although there are many obstacles in the woods, he has the ability to track creatures, but he can walk on the ground.

About five minutes later, he detected a woman lying motionless on the ground under a tree.

And not far from her, a little Taoist priest in his thirties was watching her seriously.

Needless to say, this Taoist priest is naturally Zhen Zhibing.

Zhen Zhibing squirmed in his throat, his heart beating wildly.

He has been peeking at Little Dragon Girl for a while now, and the more he looks at it, the more agitated.

He couldn't help but quietly walked out of the bushes and came to the little dragon girl.

At the moment Little Dragon Girl was asleep, Zhen Zhibing looked at her fairy-like face, only felt that her lips were anxious and her lust was alive.

He took out a veil and put it on the face of Little Dragon Girl.

I must stretch my hand to untie the little dragon girl's belt.

At the moment, in the woods behind him, a dark shadow suddenly jumped out and kicked him in the face.

Zhen Zhibing had a ghost in his heart and was restless.

Now he was taken aback by the black shadow that suddenly jumped out, and he couldn't avoid it.


The kick hit him hard in the face.

Zhen Zhibing flew directly five meters away.

A trace of blood crawled from the corner of his mouth, and he felt that his mouth was crooked.

He looked up at the dark shadow.

Although it was night, he was the strongest martial artist among the third-generation disciples of Quanzhen Sect, and his internal skills were a bit hot. Can barely see things in the dark.

I saw that the clothes on the black shadow were very strange, in short, it was not Da Song's clothes.

Wearing a hood on his head, he couldn't see the man's face.

But you can see the half of the face under that face, showing an extremely cold expression.

Zhen Zhibing was desperate, turned around and was about to flee.

How could Lin Yi let him go.

How many people across China want to kill this guy, even though Lin Yi's plane hasn't had time to do that shameless thing, Lin Yi can't let him go.

He jumped up, and the sharp claws of his right hand condensed in an instant, piercing Zhen Zhibing's heart directly.

In a panic, Zhen Zhibing quickly turned around and shot the long sword in his hand to meet Lin Yi's claws.


With a soft sound, Zhen Zhibing's long sword was directly cut off.

With a wave of Lin Yi's claws, he slashed towards Zhen Zhibing.

Zhen Zhibing quickly dodged to avoid.


Lin Yi shook his eight claws in succession, and Zhen Zhibing could only evade, and could not fight back.

In fact, in terms of Zhen Zhibing's current martial arts, it is stronger than Lin Yi.

But Lin Yi broke through when he wanted to do something shameless. He was uneasy and naturally didn't want to fight and just wanted to escape.

All of a sudden, Lin Yi was pressed on him step by step, and it was dangerous.

The little dragon girl under the tree woke up when she was covered with a veil.

Although I can't move, I can't see it.

But her internal strength is also pretty good, and she can tell by her ears that she is Zhen Zhibing, a Taoist priest of the Quanzhen Sect.

But the other person is very strange.

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